00428+5224 TDS 1580

00h 42m 49.05s +52° 24' 20.7" P.A. 235.00 sep 1.7 mag 11.62,13.21
Coord 2000 00428+5224 Discov num TDS1580 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 42 49.05 +52 24 20.7
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 235 Pa last 234.5 P.A. Now (θ) 234.5°
Sep first 1.7 Sep last 1.73 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.73"
Mag pri 11.62 Mag sec 13.21 delta mag (ΔM) 1.59 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -027 Sec motion ra -027
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3261-00425-1 Gaia DR2 415421851191987328
WDS 00428+5224 TDS 1580 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00428+5224 TDS1580 1991 1 235 1.7 11.62 13.21 004249.05+522420.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00428+5224 TDS 1580 : MEASURES
No records found.


00428+5224 TDS1580A mag 11.62 00428+5224 TDS1580B sep 1.3 P.A. 220.50 mag 13.21 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00428+5224 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 42m 49.05s +52° 24' 20.7"
WDS 00428+5224 TDS 1580 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00428+5224  TDS1580 distance=0' 00429+5226  HDS  94 distance=2' 00442+5238  HJ 1996 distance=20' 00413+5240  AG  299 distance=21' 00460+5228  NSN 509 distance=29' 00407+5202  COU2352 distance=31' 00430+5149  ES  751 distance=36' 00484+5243  TDS1620 distance=55' 00358+5241  GIC  11AB distance=66' 00358+5241  RAO 682BC distance=66' 00391+5128  HU  513 distance=67' 00367+5149  COU2351 distance=67' 00403+5121  HEI 613 distance=68' 00484+5135  TDS1621 distance=72' 00452+5333  HLD   3 distance=72' 00375+5131  HEI 612 distance=73' 00480+5127  STF  59AB distance=75' 00480+5127  STF  59AC distance=75' 00480+5127  ES 2737CD distance=76' 00505+5148  TDS1636AB distance=80' 00505+5148  DAM 625AB,C distance=80' 00458+5108  BU  493A,CD distance=83' 00458+5108  BU  493 distance=83' 00458+5108  GCB   1CD distance=84' 00351+5316  ES  935 distance=87' 00474+5106  H 5  82AB distance=90' 00474+5106  H 5  82AC distance=90' 00346+5316  TDS1527 distance=91' 00332+5248  TDS1517 distance=91' 00363+5115  TDS1544 distance=92' 00331+5258  TDS1516 distance=95' 00343+5132  TDS1525 distance=95' 00339+5316  TDS1523 distance=96' 00365+5341  TDS1546 distance=96' 00508+5123  OSO  11 distance=96' 00330+5151  HU  510 distance=97' 00534+5220  HU 1017AB distance=98' 00534+5220  FOX9041AC distance=98' 00448+5046  HJ 1049 distance=100' 00538+5242  STF  70AB distance=102' 00538+5242  STF  70AC distance=102' 00538+5242  STF  70CD distance=102' 00352+5343  TDS1531 distance=105' 00422+5033  TDS1573 distance=112' 00482+5405  ES  753 distance=112' 00459+5416  ES  752 distance=114' 00319+5131  ES  934 distance=115' 00546+5145  HJL  11 distance=116' 00524+5344  ES  614 distance=117' 00311+5315  TDS1503 distance=118' 00366+5042  COU2153 distance=118' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00428+5224 TDS1580 235 1.7 0
Show 00429+5226 HDS 94 50 0.5 2
Show 00442+5238 HJ 1996 87 9.1 20
Show 00413+5240 AG 299 69 30.4 21
Show 00460+5228 NSN 509 50 1.5 29
Show 00407+5202 COU2352 42 0.8 31
Show 00430+5149 ES 751 347 6.7 36
Show 00484+5243 TDS1620 43 2.0 55
Show 00358+5241 GIC 11 AB 7 24.6 66
Show 00358+5241 RAO 682 BC 56 1.3 66
Show 00391+5128 HU 513 211 1.0 67
Show 00367+5149 COU2351 255 0.2 67
Show 00403+5121 HEI 613 183 2.0 68
Show 00484+5135 TDS1621 316 0.5 72
Show 00452+5333 HLD 3 51 2.9 72
Show 00375+5131 HEI 612 297 3.1 73
Show 00480+5127 STF 59 AB 149 2.3 75
Show 00480+5127 STF 59 AC 124 31.5 75
Show 00480+5127 ES 2737 CD 152 10.6 76
Show 00505+5148 TDS1636 AB 137 0.6 80
Show 00505+5148 DAM 625 AB,C 41 63.6 80
Show 00458+5108 BU 493 A,CD 217 90.1 83
Show 00458+5108 BU 493 53 0.9 83
Show 00458+5108 GCB 1 CD 160 3.7 84
Show 00351+5316 ES 935 288 5.3 87
Show 00474+5106 H 5 82 AB 75 56.8 90
Show 00474+5106 H 5 82 AC 282 101.8 90
Show 00346+5316 TDS1527 12 1.9 91
Show 00332+5248 TDS1517 13 2.5 91
Show 00363+5115 TDS1544 71 0.6 92
Show 00331+5258 TDS1516 130 2.0 95
Show 00343+5132 TDS1525 154 0.9 95
Show 00339+5316 TDS1523 90 0.7 96
Show 00365+5341 TDS1546 159 0.7 96
Show 00508+5123 OSO 11 220 19.0 96
Show 00330+5151 HU 510 128 1.5 97
Show 00534+5220 HU 1017 AB 331 2.0 98
Show 00534+5220 FOX9041 AC 28 16.4 98
Show 00448+5046 HJ 1049 305 14.2 100
Show 00538+5242 STF 70 AB 247 8.3 102
Show 00538+5242 STF 70 AC 154 73.2 102
Show 00538+5242 STF 70 CD 86 1.5 102
Show 00352+5343 TDS1531 119 0.5 105
Show 00422+5033 TDS1573 133 0.6 112
Show 00482+5405 ES 753 117 8.0 112
Show 00459+5416 ES 752 281 5.6 114
Show 00319+5131 ES 934 191 5.8 115
Show 00546+5145 HJL 11 98 62.8 116
Show 00524+5344 ES 614 87 1.8 117
Show 00311+5315 TDS1503 130 0.6 118
Show 00366+5042 COU2153 4 0.5 118

WDS 00428+5224 : COMPONENTS
B pa=220.5°
00428+5224 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004249.05+522420.7 Mag 11.62 PmRA -27.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 3261-00425-1
Tycho2 3261-00425-1 Pflag RAmdeg 10.70438766 DEmdeg 52.40574147
PmRA -26.5 PmDE -4.4 E RAmdeg 59 E DEmdeg 65
E pmRA 2.7 E pmDE 2.5 EpRAm 1985.70 EpDEm 1983.21
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 12.166 E BTmag 0.125 VTmag 11.782
E VTmag 0.136 Prox 991 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 10.70448778 DEdeg 52.40575167 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 61.4 E DEdeg 67.7 Posflg
Corr 0.1
00428+5224 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004248.96+522419.7 Mag 13.21 PmRA -27.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 1.59 Calc coord yes