00428+5631 STI 1417

00h 42m 49.82s +56° 30' 24.7" P.A. 277.00 sep 7.1 mag 10.61,12.70
Coord 2000 00428+5631 Discov num STI1417 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 42 49.82 +56 30 24.7
Date first 1917 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 270 Pa last 276.6 P.A. Now (θ) 276.6°
Sep first 6.0 Sep last 7.104 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.104"
Mag pri 10.61 Mag sec 12.70 delta mag (ΔM) 2.09 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra -019
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec +003
This double is not physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3663-02392-1 Gaia DR2 424541819113465344
WDS 00428+5631 STI 1417 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 STI Stein, J. (see Vat1926)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00428+5631 STI1417 2003 4 277 7.2 10.61 12.70 D 004249.82+563024.7
00428+5631 STI1417 2008 5 277 7.0 10.61 12.70 D 004249.82+563024.7
00428+5631 STI1417 2010 7 277 6.9 10.61 12.70 004249.82+563024.7
00428+5631 STI1417 2015 8 277 7.1 10.61 12.70 004249.82+563024.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00428+5631 STI 1417 : MEASURES
No records found.


00428+5631 STI1417A mag 10.61 00428+5631 STI1417B sep 4.0 P.A. 281.80 mag 12.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00428+5631 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 42m 49.82s +56° 30' 24.7"
WDS 00428+5631 STI 1417 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00428+5631  STI1417 distance=0' 00405+5632  BU 1349AB (Schedar) distance=20' 00405+5632  BU 1349AC (Schedar) distance=20' 00405+5632  H 5  18AD (Schedar) distance=20' 00404+5624  STI1408 distance=22' 00428+5607  STI1416 distance=25' 00440+5608  STI1421 distance=25' 00441+5655  MLR 625 distance=27' 00393+5635  STI1405 distance=31' 00430+5707  TDS1583 distance=37' 00422+5554  TDS1572 distance=37' 00473+5651  STI1427 distance=43' 00415+5550  GIC  13AB distance=43' 00415+5550  CRC   2AC distance=43' 00378+5618  STI1401AC distance=44' 00378+5618  STI1401BC distance=44' 00378+5645  STI1400 distance=45' 00376+5649  SZM   2BC distance=47' 00376+5649  SZM   2BD distance=47' 00376+5649  STI1398AB distance=47' 00376+5649  SZM   2AC distance=47' 00376+5649  SZM   2AD distance=47' 00376+5649  SZM   2CD distance=48' 00400+5549  ES  936 distance=49' 00473+5559  HDS 104 distance=49' 00366+5628  STI1392 distance=52' 00412+5539  STI1412 distance=54' 00364+5621  A   913 distance=54' 00460+5543  STI1426 distance=54' 00493+5623  STI1434 distance=55' 00489+5612  STI1433 distance=55' 00479+5555  MLR 652 distance=56' 00486+5701  STI1432 distance=57' 00366+5609  A   914 distance=57' 00472+5716  TDS  29 distance=58' 00410+5728  STI1411AB distance=60' 00410+5728  BKO 134BC distance=60' 00374+5711  STI1396 distance=61' 00357+5613  TDS1536 distance=62' 00363+5703  STI1389 distance=63' 00425+5735  TDS1575 distance=65' 00435+5526  MLR 650 distance=65' 00350+5636  ES    3 distance=66' 00426+5736  ES 1806 distance=66' 00507+5637  TDS1637 distance=66' 00368+5716  STI1394 distance=67' 00505+5610  STI1443 distance=67' 00431+5523  STI1418 distance=68' 00350+5610  MLR 648 distance=68' 00429+5738  ES  404 distance=68' 00465+5731  MLR 651 distance=69' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00428+5631 STI1417 277 7.1 0
Show Schedar 00405+5632 BU 1349 AB 280 24.8 20
Show Schedar 00405+5632 BU 1349 AC 104 30.6 20
Show Schedar 00405+5632 H 5 18 AD 283 71.2 20
Show 00404+5624 STI1408 188 12.7 22
Show 00428+5607 STI1416 29 11.9 25
Show 00440+5608 STI1421 251 12.9 25
Show 00441+5655 MLR 625 319 0.8 27
Show 00393+5635 STI1405 216 10.9 31
Show 00430+5707 TDS1583 226 2.1 37
Show 00422+5554 TDS1572 158 0.5 37
Show 00473+5651 STI1427 253 15.6 43
Show 00415+5550 GIC 13 AB 68 10.9 43
Show 00415+5550 CRC 2 AC 129 13.1 43
Show 00378+5618 STI1401 AC 155 12.8 44
Show 00378+5618 STI1401 BC 33 9.2 44
Show 00378+5645 STI1400 144 7.9 45
Show 00376+5649 SZM 2 BC 250 23.0 47
Show 00376+5649 SZM 2 BD 307 8.8 47
Show 00376+5649 STI1398 AB 90 14.2 47
Show 00376+5649 SZM 2 AC 223 10.8 47
Show 00376+5649 SZM 2 AD 54 9.2 47
Show 00376+5649 SZM 2 CD 48 19.6 48
Show 00400+5549 ES 936 268 8.1 49
Show 00473+5559 HDS 104 349 0.1 49
Show 00366+5628 STI1392 345 13.0 52
Show 00412+5539 STI1412 252 11.8 54
Show 00364+5621 A 913 90 0.7 54
Show 00460+5543 STI1426 331 12.0 54
Show 00493+5623 STI1434 162 3.5 55
Show 00489+5612 STI1433 88 11.3 55
Show 00479+5555 MLR 652 354 0.3 56
Show 00486+5701 STI1432 19 7.2 57
Show 00366+5609 A 914 19 0.4 57
Show 00472+5716 TDS 29 245 2.6 58
Show 00410+5728 STI1411 AB 277 8.5 60
Show 00410+5728 BKO 134 BC 191 6.5 60
Show 00374+5711 STI1396 157 9.3 61
Show 00357+5613 TDS1536 354 1.8 62
Show 00363+5703 STI1389 142 11.9 63
Show 00425+5735 TDS1575 142 2.1 65
Show 00435+5526 MLR 650 76 0.4 65
Show 00350+5636 ES 3 158 8.2 66
Show 00426+5736 ES 1806 237 5.7 66
Show 00507+5637 TDS1637 231 2.2 66
Show 00368+5716 STI1394 179 8.6 67
Show 00505+5610 STI1443 285 11.4 67
Show 00431+5523 STI1418 268 12.5 68
Show 00350+5610 MLR 648 246 1.1 68
Show 00429+5738 ES 404 38 1.5 68
Show 00465+5731 MLR 651 46 1.0 69

WDS 00428+5631 : COMPONENTS
B pa=281.8°
00428+5631 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004249.82+563024.7 Mag 10.61 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -2.0
Tycho2 3663-02392-1
Tycho2 3663-02392-1 Pflag RAmdeg 10.70759821 DEmdeg 56.50687333
PmRA 4.4 PmDE -2.3 E RAmdeg 20 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 2.8 E pmDE 2.7 EpRAm 1990.25 EpDEm 1990.31
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 3.6 Q DEmdeg 1.5 Q pmRA 3.6
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 10.877 E BTmag 0.033 VTmag 10.609
E VTmag 0.035 Prox 760 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 10.70759667 DEdeg 56.50687500 EpRA 1990 1.51
EpDE 1990 1.57 E RAdeg 20.7 E DEdeg 20.8 Posflg
Corr 0.2
00428+5631 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004249.35+563025.5 Mag 12.7 PmRA -19.00 PmDE 3.0
Calc delta mag 2.09 Calc coord yes