00425+4611 TDS 1576

00h 42m 32.35s +46° 10' 41.2" P.A. 192.00 sep 1.8 mag 11.38,11.67
Coord 2000 00425+4611 Discov num TDS1576 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 42 32.35 +46 10 41.2
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 182 Pa last 192.4 P.A. Now (θ) 192.4°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.755 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.755"
Mag pri 11.38 Mag sec 11.67 delta mag (ΔM) 0.29 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra +007
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec -003
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 3249-02019-1 Gaia DR2 389855147829046144
WDS 00425+4611 TDS 1576 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00425+4611 TDS1576 2003 2 192 1.7 11.38 11.67 004232.35+461041.2
00425+4611 TDS1576 2015 3 192 1.8 11.38 11.67 004232.35+461041.2
00425+4611 TDS1576 2016 4 192 1.8 11.38 11.67 004232.35+461041.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00425+4611 TDS 1576 : MEASURES
No records found.


00425+4611 TDS1576A mag 11.38 00425+4611 TDS1576B sep 1.7 P.A. 188.70 mag 11.67 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00425+4611 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 42m 32.35s +46° 10' 41.2"
WDS 00425+4611 TDS 1576 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00425+4611  TDS1576 distance=0' 00441+4615  WIS  15 distance=18' 00442+4614  STF  52 distance=18' 00399+4633  HJL1005 distance=36' 00461+4608  SMA   8 distance=39' 00455+4639  UC  433 distance=42' 00414+4652  BVD 176 distance=43' 00419+4527  KPP 996 distance=45' 00440+4658  A   652 distance=50' 00411+4659  A   650 distance=51' 00428+4518  SMA   6 distance=52' 00377+4625  MTR   3 distance=52' 00465+4539  SMA   9 distance=53' 00421+4704  TDS1571 distance=54' 00447+4518  ES 1359BC distance=58' 00447+4518  ES 1359AB distance=58' 00373+4551  TDS1550 distance=58' 00387+4657  STF  45AB distance=62' 00387+4657  BU 1347AC distance=62' 00430+4508  TDS  26 distance=63' 00407+4711  TDS1563 distance=63' 00381+4527  ES  445 distance=64' 00364+4603  TDS1545 distance=64' 00402+4715  BU  257 distance=69' 00456+4519  SMA   7 distance=70' 00429+4722  ES 2581 distance=72' 00447+4503  HJ 1050 distance=72' 00369+4530  ES  444 distance=72' 00368+4529  ES 1296 distance=73' 00473+4518  A   653 distance=73' 00463+4715  COU2002 distance=74' 00434+4726  A   651 distance=77' 00417+4727  ES 1203 distance=77' 00359+4646  TDS1538 distance=77' 00361+4531  RAO 633 distance=78' 00484+4701  COU2003 distance=79' 00347+4609  TDS1529 distance=82' 00487+4619  SMA  10 distance=83' 00483+4710  UC  441 distance=84' 00378+4459  ES 1358 distance=88' 00486+4458  A   654 distance=97' 00386+4738  OSO   7 distance=97' 00518+4627  UC  448 distance=98' 00352+4506  BRT  70 distance=101' 00372+4446  BVD 174 distance=102' 00331+4643  LDS3177 distance=103' 00358+4455  UC  398AB distance=105' 00474+4440  A  1508 distance=105' 00326+4643  ROE  61 distance=108' 00395+4426  COU1652 distance=110' 00352+4450  ROE  62 distance=112' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00425+4611 TDS1576 192 1.8 0
Show 00441+4615 WIS 15 112 999.9 18
Show 00442+4614 STF 52 2 1.4 18
Show 00399+4633 HJL1005 272 122.7 36
Show 00461+4608 SMA 8 303 9.9 39
Show 00455+4639 UC 433 307 24.5 42
Show 00414+4652 BVD 176 193 15.6 43
Show 00419+4527 KPP 996 171 8.0 45
Show 00440+4658 A 652 163 0.3 50
Show 00411+4659 A 650 350 4.2 51
Show 00428+4518 SMA 6 178 8.7 52
Show 00377+4625 MTR 3 185 38.6 52
Show 00465+4539 SMA 9 102 12.6 53
Show 00421+4704 TDS1571 102 1.9 54
Show 00447+4518 ES 1359 BC 331 2.9 58
Show 00447+4518 ES 1359 AB 269 39.5 58
Show 00373+4551 TDS1550 319 0.4 58
Show 00387+4657 STF 45 AB 91 19.1 62
Show 00387+4657 BU 1347 AC 260 104.7 62
Show 00430+4508 TDS 26 199 0.9 63
Show 00407+4711 TDS1563 288 0.4 63
Show 00381+4527 ES 445 350 3.6 64
Show 00364+4603 TDS1545 218 0.7 64
Show 00402+4715 BU 257 253 0.6 69
Show 00456+4519 SMA 7 273 9.1 70
Show 00429+4722 ES 2581 71 10.6 72
Show 00447+4503 HJ 1050 189 13.9 72
Show 00369+4530 ES 444 197 3.2 72
Show 00368+4529 ES 1296 340 2.7 73
Show 00473+4518 A 653 115 5.6 73
Show 00463+4715 COU2002 272 0.2 74
Show 00434+4726 A 651 148 0.9 77
Show 00417+4727 ES 1203 167 8.1 77
Show 00359+4646 TDS1538 171 0.7 77
Show 00361+4531 RAO 633 121 0.5 78
Show 00484+4701 COU2003 207 0.7 79
Show 00347+4609 TDS1529 251 0.5 82
Show 00487+4619 SMA 10 326 3.8 83
Show 00483+4710 UC 441 176 34.1 84
Show 00378+4459 ES 1358 12 5.9 88
Show 00486+4458 A 654 83 5.7 97
Show 00386+4738 OSO 7 154 8.4 97
Show 00518+4627 UC 448 263 19.3 98
Show 00352+4506 BRT 70 8 3.3 101
Show 00372+4446 BVD 174 104 14.2 102
Show 00331+4643 LDS3177 2 122.4 103
Show 00358+4455 UC 398 AB 291 45.2 105
Show 00474+4440 A 1508 204 2.6 105
Show 00326+4643 ROE 61 102 13.8 108
Show 00395+4426 COU1652 105 0.7 110
Show 00352+4450 ROE 62 296 10.0 112

WDS 00425+4611 : COMPONENTS
B pa=188.7°
00425+4611 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004232.35+461041.2 Mag 11.38 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 3249-02019-1
Tycho2 3249-02019-1 Pflag RAmdeg 10.63478379 DEmdeg 46.17802793
PmRA 7.0 PmDE -3.4 E RAmdeg 35 E DEmdeg 35
E pmRA 2.5 E pmDE 2.3 EpRAm 1983.87 EpDEm 1983.59
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 2.2 Q DEmdeg 7.3 Q pmRA 2.2
Q pmDE 7.3 BTmag 12.087 E BTmag 0.133 VTmag 11.155
E VTmag 0.084 Prox 970 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 10.63479861 DEdeg 46.17812194 EpRA 1990 1.88
EpDE 1990 1.89 E RAdeg 58.8 E DEdeg 59.3 Posflg
Corr -0.1
00425+4611 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004232.32+461039.5 Mag 11.67 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -3.0
Calc delta mag 0.29 Calc coord yes