00408+1308 HEI 302

00h 40m 48.77s +13° 07' 48.3" P.A. 269.00 sep 0.6 mag 11.04,11.30
Coord 2000 00408+1308 Discov num HEI 302 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 40 48.77 +13 07 48.3
Date first 1984 Date last 2012 Obs 5
Pa first 268 Pa last 269.3 P.A. Now (θ) 269.3°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.618 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.618"
Mag pri 11.04 Mag sec 11.30 delta mag (ΔM) 0.26 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +030 Sec motion ra +030
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -004
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 0609-01644-1 Gaia DR2 2776264871565316608
WDS 00408+1308 HEI 302 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HEI Heintz, W.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00408+1308 HEI 302 1994 4 275 0.2 11.04 11.30 004048.77+130748.3
00408+1308 HEI 302 2012 5 269 0.6 11.04 11.30 004048.77+130748.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00408+1308 HEI 302 : MEASURES
No records found.


00408+1308 HEI 302A mag 11.04 00408+1308 HEI 302B sep 0.6 P.A. 269.30 mag 11.3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00408+1308 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 40m 48.77s +13° 07' 48.3"
WDS 00408+1308 HEI 302 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00408+1308  HEI 302 distance=0' 00419+1308  TVB  24 distance=17' 00404+1326  ROE 117 distance=19' 00400+1336  BPM  16 distance=31' 00412+1238  BRT1167 distance=31' 00392+1329  GWP  73 distance=32' 00428+1249  HDS  93 distance=35' 00419+1341  JMS   1 distance=38' 00376+1257  GWP  69 distance=49' 00441+1328  GRV  39 distance=54' 00444+1235  HJ    6 distance=62' 00371+1231  CVR 340 distance=66' 00379+1404  GWP  71 distance=71' 00455+1232  HJ    7 distance=79' 00386+1420  GWP  72 distance=80' 00364+1213  A   807 distance=85' 00467+1335  BPM  18 distance=91' 00414+1439  KU    6 distance=92' 00469+1232  A   920 distance=97' 00379+1138  GRV  33 distance=100' 00454+1422  LDS1079 distance=100' 00434+1136  A   810 distance=100' 00477+1253  STTA  8AB distance=102' 00477+1253  LDS1080AC distance=102' 00475+1237  HEI 303Aa,Ab distance=103' 00475+1237  TDS1613AB distance=103' 00416+1452  HEI  92 distance=106' 00338+1336  BRT1166 distance=107' 00395+1454  GIC  12AB distance=109' 00384+1450  UC  408 distance=109' 00395+1454  JNN 249Ba,Bb distance=109' 00481+1252  HJ    8 distance=109' 00355+1150  A   806CD distance=109' 00355+1150  A   806AB distance=110' 00355+1150  AG    6AC distance=110' 00487+1226  CVR  19 distance=123' 00489+1225  LDS2797AB distance=127' 00489+1225  LDS2797Aa,Ab distance=127' 00334+1418  LDS9094 distance=130' 00421+1100  A   809 distance=130' 00495+1241  LDS3202 distance=131' 00352+1452  HLD  61 distance=133' 00325+1408  CVR 330 distance=136' 00470+1449  GRV 978 distance=138' 00331+1430  DVG  11 distance=139' 00498+1352  LDS1081 distance=140' 00320+1426  GRV 975 distance=146' 00316+1344  LDS9091 distance=146' 00316+1209  CVR  12 distance=147' 00425+1044  HJ    5 distance=147' 00307+1339  HDS  66 distance=151' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00408+1308 HEI 302 269 0.6 0
Show 00419+1308 TVB 24 89 6.6 17
Show 00404+1326 ROE 117 127 3.6 19
Show 00400+1336 BPM 16 166 67.1 31
Show 00412+1238 BRT1167 89 4.8 31
Show 00392+1329 GWP 73 310 148.3 32
Show 00428+1249 HDS 93 11 0.3 35
Show 00419+1341 JMS 1 325 23.1 38
Show 00376+1257 GWP 69 72 46.7 49
Show 00441+1328 GRV 39 112 25.7 54
Show 00444+1235 HJ 6 318 21.2 62
Show 00371+1231 CVR 340 333 8.3 66
Show 00379+1404 GWP 71 246 22.1 71
Show 00455+1232 HJ 7 304 26.0 79
Show 00386+1420 GWP 72 314 13.2 80
Show 00364+1213 A 807 233 0.8 85
Show 00467+1335 BPM 18 68 115.6 91
Show 00414+1439 KU 6 226 1.9 92
Show 00469+1232 A 920 231 1.8 97
Show 00379+1138 GRV 33 171 20.8 100
Show 00454+1422 LDS1079 168 62.5 100
Show 00434+1136 A 810 314 3.0 100
Show 00477+1253 STTA 8 AB 125 44.5 102
Show 00477+1253 LDS1080 AC 264 39.1 102
Show 00475+1237 HEI 303 Aa,Ab 157 0.4 103
Show 00475+1237 TDS1613 AB 36 1.2 103
Show 00416+1452 HEI 92 110 1.2 106
Show 00338+1336 BRT1166 309 5.2 107
Show 00395+1454 GIC 12 AB 13 16.2 109
Show 00384+1450 UC 408 134 9.6 109
Show 00395+1454 JNN 249 Ba,Bb 224 0.2 109
Show 00481+1252 HJ 8 313 5.0 109
Show 00355+1150 A 806 CD 254 1.3 109
Show 00355+1150 A 806 AB 237 1.3 110
Show 00355+1150 AG 6 AC 16 73.1 110
Show 00487+1226 CVR 19 80 104.7 123
Show 00489+1225 LDS2797 AB 3 5.1 127
Show 00489+1225 LDS2797 Aa,Ab 316 0.7 127
Show 00334+1418 LDS9094 0 11.0 130
Show 00421+1100 A 809 316 0.9 130
Show 00495+1241 LDS3202 283 3.0 131
Show 00352+1452 HLD 61 241 1.6 133
Show 00325+1408 CVR 330 276 29.3 136
Show 00470+1449 GRV 978 285 14.9 138
Show 00331+1430 DVG 11 88 15.6 139
Show 00498+1352 LDS1081 276 21.0 140
Show 00320+1426 GRV 975 153 39.5 146
Show 00316+1344 LDS9091 180 3.0 146
Show 00316+1209 CVR 12 97 83.9 147
Show 00425+1044 HJ 5 296 23.9 147
Show 00307+1339 HDS 66 268 1.0 151

WDS 00408+1308 : COMPONENTS
B pa=269.3°
00408+1308 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004048.77+130748.3 Mag 11.04 PmRA 30.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 0609-01644-1
Tycho2 0609-01644-1 Pflag RAmdeg 10.20310283 DEmdeg 13.13007128
PmRA 29.7 PmDE -4.4 E RAmdeg 31 E DEmdeg 35
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1980.70 EpDEm 1979.32
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 1.5 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 11.213 E BTmag 0.073 VTmag 10.556
E VTmag 0.058 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 10.20303417 DEdeg 13.13007611 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 41.7 E DEdeg 42.8 Posflg
Corr -0.2
00408+1308 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004048.73+130748.3 Mag 11.3 PmRA 30.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 0.26 Calc coord yes