06397+6812 TDS 4009

06h 39m 44.36s +68° 12' 04.6" P.A. 82.00 sep 0.6 mag 11.92,12.16
Coord 2000 06397+6812 Discov num TDS4009 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 06 39 44.36 +68 12 04.6
Date first 1991 Date last 1991 Obs 1
Pa first 82 Pa last 82.2 P.A. Now (θ) 82.2°
Sep first 0.6 Sep last 0.63 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.63"
Mag pri 11.92 Mag sec 12.16 delta mag (ΔM) 0.24 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec +008 Sec motion dec +008
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Camelopardalis Tycho2 4358-00189-1 Gaia DR2 1105887974880974208
WDS 06397+6812 TDS 4009 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06397+6812 TDS4009 1991 1 82 0.6 11.92 12.16 063944.36+681204.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 06397+6812 TDS 4009 : MEASURES
No records found.


06397+6812 TDS4009A mag 11.92 06397+6812 TDS4009B sep 0.2 P.A. 69.80 mag 12.16 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 06397+6812 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 06h 39m 44.36s +68° 12' 04.6"
WDS 06397+6812 TDS 4009 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

06397+6812  TDS4009 distance=0' 06383+6752  KPP3686 distance=22' 06418+6847  NSN 567 distance=37' 06472+6757  TDS4132 distance=45' 06314+6822  TDS3892 distance=48' 06402+6719  STF 925 distance=53' 06424+6721  TDS4049 distance=53' 06296+6740  AZC 149 distance=66' 06335+6712  MLB 457 distance=70' 06531+6833  NSN 569 distance=77' 06482+6710  TDS4151 distance=79' 06297+6713  TDS3873 distance=83' 06519+6727  MLB 399 distance=83' 06518+6902  KPP3194 distance=83' 06292+6915  TDS3866 distance=86' 06460+6653  TDS4116 distance=87' 06445+6643  UC 1473 distance=93' 06551+6855  TDS4286 distance=95' 06288+6656  TDS3862 distance=99' 06537+6927  MLR 543 distance=107' 06311+6638  MLB 398 distance=107' 06590+6757  TDS4348 distance=109' 06585+6741  TOI1717 distance=111' 06411+7007  TDS4027 distance=115' 06542+6650  MLB1068AB distance=117' 06542+6650  DAM 739AC distance=117' 06539+6945  MLR 406 distance=121' 06425+6612  MLR 318 distance=122' 06395+6610  MLB 343 distance=123' 06278+7000  TDS3847 distance=125' 06510+6625  TDS4207 distance=126' 06488+6617  LDS2523 distance=127' 06573+6651  TDS4321 distance=130' 06315+7015  TDS3893 distance=131' 06379+6557  CVR 463 distance=136' 06375+7029  TDS3976 distance=138' 06425+7035  MLR 405 distance=144' 06203+6952  TDS3747 distance=145' 06323+6553  KPP2337 distance=146' 06509+7026  TDS 292 distance=147' 06359+7037  TDS3954 distance=147' 06565+6621  TDS4309 distance=148' 06505+6557  MLB1067 distance=149' 06220+6622  TDS3777 distance=151' 06282+7032  STT 136 distance=153' 06265+6557  MLB1066 distance=156' 06457+7052  UC 1477 distance=163' 06258+7040  TDS3818 distance=166' 06574+7029  TDS4322 distance=166' 06303+6534  AZC 150 distance=168' 06203+7036  TDS3746 distance=177' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 06397+6812 TDS4009 82 0.6 0
Show 06383+6752 KPP3686 131 1.7 22
Show 06418+6847 NSN 567 129 1.9 37
Show 06472+6757 TDS4132 33 0.5 45
Show 06314+6822 TDS3892 146 1.0 48
Show 06402+6719 STF 925 92 3.6 53
Show 06424+6721 TDS4049 196 2.5 53
Show 06296+6740 AZC 149 69 11.0 66
Show 06335+6712 MLB 457 307 4.5 70
Show 06531+6833 NSN 569 94 0.8 77
Show 06482+6710 TDS4151 224 0.9 79
Show 06297+6713 TDS3873 91 2.3 83
Show 06519+6727 MLB 399 257 7.0 83
Show 06518+6902 KPP3194 162 4.8 83
Show 06292+6915 TDS3866 347 1.6 86
Show 06460+6653 TDS4116 90 0.4 87
Show 06445+6643 UC 1473 303 12.9 93
Show 06551+6855 TDS4286 86 0.8 95
Show 06288+6656 TDS3862 114 1.1 99
Show 06537+6927 MLR 543 108 3.2 107
Show 06311+6638 MLB 398 153 5.3 107
Show 06590+6757 TDS4348 23 0.6 109
Show 06585+6741 TOI1717 183 2.9 111
Show 06411+7007 TDS4027 357 0.5 115
Show 06542+6650 MLB1068 AB 166 9.1 117
Show 06542+6650 DAM 739 AC 137 5.2 117
Show 06539+6945 MLR 406 118 0.9 121
Show 06425+6612 MLR 318 309 1.7 122
Show 06395+6610 MLB 343 158 2.6 123
Show 06278+7000 TDS3847 12 0.6 125
Show 06510+6625 TDS4207 329 0.8 126
Show 06488+6617 LDS2523 293 28.9 127
Show 06573+6651 TDS4321 203 2.2 130
Show 06315+7015 TDS3893 29 0.6 131
Show 06379+6557 CVR 463 237 7.2 136
Show 06375+7029 TDS3976 116 1.2 138
Show 06425+7035 MLR 405 289 0.1 144
Show 06203+6952 TDS3747 91 0.8 145
Show 06323+6553 KPP2337 69 19.9 146
Show 06509+7026 TDS 292 149 1.2 147
Show 06359+7037 TDS3954 169 0.7 147
Show 06565+6621 TDS4309 116 1.7 148
Show 06505+6557 MLB1067 210 12.7 149
Show 06220+6622 TDS3777 0 1.3 151
Show 06282+7032 STT 136 83 5.5 153
Show 06265+6557 MLB1066 13 9.9 156
Show 06457+7052 UC 1477 349 49.1 163
Show 06258+7040 TDS3818 75 0.7 166
Show 06574+7029 TDS4322 174 0.5 166
Show 06303+6534 AZC 150 119 9.8 168
Show 06203+7036 TDS3746 239 0.6 177

WDS 06397+6812 : COMPONENTS
B pa=69.8°
06397+6812 A
Coord arcsec 2000 063944.36+681204.6 Mag 11.92 PmRA -1.00 PmDE 8.0
Tycho2 4358-00189-1
Tycho2 4358-00189-1 Pflag RAmdeg 99.93500890 DEmdeg 68.20129732
PmRA -1.4 PmDE 8.1 E RAmdeg 39 E DEmdeg 33
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 2.0 EpRAm 1987.34 EpDEm 1988.95
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.9 Q DEmdeg 2.8 Q pmRA 1.9
Q pmDE 2.8 BTmag 11.955 E BTmag 0.068 VTmag 11.302
E VTmag 0.058 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 99.93501750 DEdeg 68.20127889 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.83 E RAdeg 39.6 E DEdeg 33.9 Posflg
Corr -0.1
06397+6812 B
Coord arcsec 2000 063944.40+681204.7 Mag 12.16 PmRA -1.00 PmDE 8.0
Calc delta mag 0.24 Calc coord yes