00407+3532 ES 2081

00h 40m 38.38s +35° 29' 04.1" P.A. 44.00 sep 2.7 mag 10.10,11.90 Sp F2
Coord 2000 00407+3532 Discov num ES 2081 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 40 38.38 +35 29 04.1
Date first 1924 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 49 Pa last 43.6 P.A. Now (θ) 43.6°
Sep first 2.7 Sep last 2.662 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.662"
Mag pri 10.10 Mag sec 11.90 delta mag (ΔM) 1.8 Spectral class F2 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -023 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -013 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 2283-00380-1 Gaia DR2 365570612460897280
WDS 00407+3532 ES 2081 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00407+3532 ES 2081 2002 3 43 2.8 10.10 11.90 004038.38+352904.1
00407+3532 ES 2081 2009 4 45 2.6 10.10 11.90 004038.38+352904.1
00407+3532 ES 2081 2016 5 44 2.7 10.10 11.90 F2 004038.38+352904.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00407+3532 ES 2081 : MEASURES
No records found.


00407+3532 ES 2081A mag 10.1 Sp F2 00407+3532 ES 2081B sep 2.4 P.A. 37.80 mag 11.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00407+3532 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 40m 38.38s +35° 29' 04.1"
WDS 00407+3532 ES 2081 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00407+3532  ES 2081 distance=1' 00401+3536  ALI  19 distance=11' 00401+3541  ES 2080 distance=14' 00410+3550  ALI  20 distance=22' 00428+3533  TOK  10 distance=27' 00401+3503  UC  418BC distance=28' 00386+3516  ES 2139 distance=29' 00394+3446  COU 657 distance=46' 00405+3627  COU1051 distance=58' 00371+3609  TDS1549 distance=59' 00437+3618  LDS3192AB distance=62' 00437+3618  LDS3192AC distance=62' 00379+3430  CRB  31 distance=62' 00413+3425  MET  12 distance=65' 00459+3535  LDS3198 distance=65' 00367+3439  LDS3184 distance=69' 00453+3448  COU1204 distance=71' 00433+3636  ALI 252 distance=75' 00467+3514  CRB  34 distance=77' 00374+3635  COU 851 distance=77' 00359+3436  SKF 975 distance=80' 00396+3647  STT  17 distance=80' 00454+3434  ES 2140 distance=81' 00341+3545  POP  52BC distance=82' 00341+3545  POP  52AB distance=82' 00341+3545  POP  52AD distance=82' 00341+3545  TOB  17AE distance=82' 00456+3628  ALI  21 distance=85' 00357+3429  HU 1011 distance=86' 00460+3626  HJ  627 distance=87' 00393+3359  COU 656 distance=91' 00354+3636  AG    5AB distance=93' 00336+3605  CBL 578 distance=94' 00382+3357  COU 655 distance=97' 00462+3421  UC  437 distance=97' 00329+3551  HO  211 distance=98' 00407+3707  COU 852 distance=99' 00341+3632  ALI  18 distance=101' 00325+3553  ALI  17 distance=103' 00487+3604  COU1207 distance=105' 00321+3538  HO    2AB distance=105' 00321+3538  HO    2AC distance=105' 00352+3650  STF  40AB distance=105' 00352+3650  STF  40AC distance=105' 00435+3351  BUP 241AB distance=105' 00435+3351  WEI  46AC distance=105' 00372+3350  HLM   1 distance=108' 00493+3508  COU1208 distance=109' 00360+3708  COU 850 distance=114' 00369+3343  MKT   1Aa,Ab distance=116' 00369+3343  RBR   3Aa,Ac distance=116' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00407+3532 ES 2081 44 2.7 1
Show 00401+3536 ALI 19 6 9.7 11
Show 00401+3541 ES 2080 44 4.8 14
Show 00410+3550 ALI 20 301 10.2 22
Show 00428+3533 TOK 10 271 15.8 27
Show 00401+3503 UC 418 BC 153 44.2 28
Show 00386+3516 ES 2139 37 3.9 29
Show 00394+3446 COU 657 39 1.2 46
Show 00405+3627 COU1051 89 0.5 58
Show 00371+3609 TDS1549 253 0.4 59
Show 00437+3618 LDS3192 AB 141 19.1 62
Show 00437+3618 LDS3192 AC 120 209.3 62
Show 00379+3430 CRB 31 111 14.5 62
Show 00413+3425 MET 12 240 7.7 65
Show 00459+3535 LDS3198 238 26.6 65
Show 00367+3439 LDS3184 237 101.3 69
Show 00453+3448 COU1204 69 0.8 71
Show 00433+3636 ALI 252 270 11.1 75
Show 00467+3514 CRB 34 146 29.7 77
Show 00374+3635 COU 851 213 0.4 77
Show 00359+3436 SKF 975 309 36.7 80
Show 00396+3647 STT 17 162 8.5 80
Show 00454+3434 ES 2140 233 2.2 81
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 BC 321 8.2 82
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AB 80 50.5 82
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AD 127 65.7 82
Show 00341+3545 TOB 17 AE 312 44.2 82
Show 00456+3628 ALI 21 103 6.5 85
Show 00357+3429 HU 1011 82 0.3 86
Show 00460+3626 HJ 627 167 6.7 87
Show 00393+3359 COU 656 152 0.8 91
Show 00354+3636 AG 5 AB 87 9.6 93
Show 00336+3605 CBL 578 345 42.7 94
Show 00382+3357 COU 655 214 0.5 97
Show 00462+3421 UC 437 241 20.3 97
Show 00329+3551 HO 211 17 1.7 98
Show 00407+3707 COU 852 250 0.9 99
Show 00341+3632 ALI 18 188 10.7 101
Show 00325+3553 ALI 17 115 14.5 103
Show 00487+3604 COU1207 324 1.8 105
Show 00321+3538 HO 2 AB 101 2.3 105
Show 00321+3538 HO 2 AC 276 33.0 105
Show 00352+3650 STF 40 AB 312 11.8 105
Show 00352+3650 STF 40 AC 121 25.4 105
Show 00435+3351 BUP 241 AB 178 258.0 105
Show 00435+3351 WEI 46 AC 273 999.9 105
Show 00372+3350 HLM 1 144 14.3 108
Show 00493+3508 COU1208 252 1.1 109
Show 00360+3708 COU 850 317 0.4 114
Show 00369+3343 MKT 1 Aa,Ab 102 0.0 116
Show 00369+3343 RBR 3 Aa,Ac 265 0.2 116

WDS 00407+3532 : COMPONENTS
B pa=37.8°
00407+3532 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004038.38+352904.1 Mag 10.1 Spectral class F2 (yellow-white) PmRA -23.00
PmDE -13.0 Tycho2 2283-00380-1
Tycho2 2283-00380-1 Pflag RAmdeg 10.15991228 DEmdeg 35.48446937
PmRA -23.9 PmDE -12.4 E RAmdeg 18 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1988.70 EpDEm 1987.86
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 1.8 Q DEmdeg 2.0 Q pmRA 1.8
Q pmDE 2.0 BTmag 10.374 E BTmag 0.035 VTmag 9.976
E VTmag 0.035 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 10.15997333 DEdeg 35.48449000 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 1.63 E RAdeg 20.0 E DEdeg 22.6 Posflg
Corr -0.1
00407+3532 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004038.50+352906.0 Mag 11.9 Calc delta mag 1.8 Calc coord yes