00389+0415 BAL 2080

00h 38m 54.06s +04° 14' 57.9" P.A. 345.00 sep 19.3 mag 10.62,11.90
Coord 2000 00389+0415 Discov num BAL2080 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 38 54.06 +04 14 57.9
Date first 1909 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 357 Pa last 344.5 P.A. Now (θ) 344.5°
Sep first 16.0 Sep last 19.29 Sep. Now (ρ) 19.29"
Mag pri 10.62 Mag sec 11.90 delta mag (ΔM) 1.28 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +048 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -042 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 0013-00908-1 Gaia DR2 2554190460788738944
WDS 00389+0415 BAL 2080 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BAL Baillaud, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00389+0415 BAL2080 2000 4 346 18.8 10.62 11.90 D 003854.06+041457.9
00389+0415 BAL2080 2012 6 345 19.3 10.62 11.90 D 003854.06+041457.9
00389+0415 BAL2080 2015 8 345 19.3 10.62 11.90 003854.06+041457.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00389+0415 BAL 2080 : MEASURES
No records found.


00389+0415 BAL2080A mag 10.62 00389+0415 BAL2080B sep 19.3 P.A. 344.50 mag 11.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00389+0415 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 38m 54.06s +04° 14' 57.9"
WDS 00389+0415 BAL 2080 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00389+0415  BAL2080 distance=0' 00382+0359  OCC 127 distance=20' 00377+0355  CVR 342 distance=27' 00389+0342  HDS  90 distance=33' 00422+0431  GOM   2 distance=53' 00424+0410  STT  18AB distance=53' 00424+0410  A  3107AC distance=53' 00382+0322  J  1042 distance=55' 00395+0319  A  2203 distance=57' 00423+0445  SKF1513 distance=60' 00359+0333  HEI 424 distance=62' 00423+0449  HDS  92 distance=62' 00387+0519  GOM   1 distance=65' 00403+0517  A  1806 distance=66' 00358+0326  HEI 423 distance=68' 00347+0350  HDO  23 distance=68' 00428+0453  BAL2584 distance=69' 00382+0305  BU 9031 distance=71' 00436+0433  CVR 345 distance=72' 00382+0304  HDO  32 distance=73' 00360+0514  GWP  66 distance=74' 00356+0319  HDO  25 distance=75' 00379+0300  HDO  30 distance=77' 00396+0538  SKF2186 distance=84' 00432+0314  BAL1610 distance=88' 00351+0306  HDO  26 distance=89' 00380+0246  OCC 979 distance=91' 00349+0259  CVR 336 distance=97' 00423+0542  OCC 471AB distance=101' 00322+0409  BAL2078 distance=101' 00380+0234  A  2302 distance=102' 00438+0529  A  1807 distance=104' 00433+0251  BAL1611 distance=107' 00334+0259  SKF1511 distance=112' 00357+0233  LAW   7 distance=113' 00378+0224  HDS  88 distance=113' 00319+0510  TDS1510 distance=118' 00451+0533  PLQ   8 distance=121' 00309+0354  OCC 547 distance=122' 00443+0241  KPP1615 distance=124' 00427+0224  TDS1579 distance=125' 00305+0420  RAO 525 distance=126' 00443+0554  HDS  97 distance=128' 00374+0205  HDO  29 distance=133' 00442+0229  A  2305 distance=133' 00310+0315  CVR 325 distance=133' 00324+0551  GRV  27 distance=137' 00351+0209  RST5182 distance=139' 00299+0445  J   633 distance=139' 00297+0342  GRV  25 distance=141' 00469+0533  GWP  86 distance=143' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00389+0415 BAL2080 345 19.3 0
Show 00382+0359 OCC 127 -1 0.1 20
Show 00377+0355 CVR 342 294 14.4 27
Show 00389+0342 HDS 90 321 0.8 33
Show 00422+0431 GOM 2 80 9.1 53
Show 00424+0410 STT 18 AB 211 2.1 53
Show 00424+0410 A 3107 AC 275 46.9 53
Show 00382+0322 J 1042 291 3.3 55
Show 00395+0319 A 2203 118 2.5 57
Show 00423+0445 SKF1513 30 83.0 60
Show 00359+0333 HEI 424 274 1.6 62
Show 00423+0449 HDS 92 167 0.2 62
Show 00387+0519 GOM 1 44 549.5 65
Show 00403+0517 A 1806 18 3.1 66
Show 00358+0326 HEI 423 336 1.4 68
Show 00347+0350 HDO 23 128 29.6 68
Show 00428+0453 BAL2584 21 8.6 69
Show 00382+0305 BU 9031 155 24.0 71
Show 00436+0433 CVR 345 54 12.5 72
Show 00382+0304 HDO 32 61 9.9 73
Show 00360+0514 GWP 66 51 41.0 74
Show 00356+0319 HDO 25 340 22.8 75
Show 00379+0300 HDO 30 42 6.5 77
Show 00396+0538 SKF2186 27 63.1 84
Show 00432+0314 BAL1610 46 6.1 88
Show 00351+0306 HDO 26 112 20.7 89
Show 00380+0246 OCC 979 -1 0.2 91
Show 00349+0259 CVR 336 150 24.2 97
Show 00423+0542 OCC 471 AB -1 0.1 101
Show 00322+0409 BAL2078 299 9.2 101
Show 00380+0234 A 2302 154 0.7 102
Show 00438+0529 A 1807 153 2.6 104
Show 00433+0251 BAL1611 176 19.9 107
Show 00334+0259 SKF1511 296 3.7 112
Show 00357+0233 LAW 7 104 0.4 113
Show 00378+0224 HDS 88 294 0.6 113
Show 00319+0510 TDS1510 140 2.0 118
Show 00451+0533 PLQ 8 336 8.6 121
Show 00309+0354 OCC 547 -1 0.0 122
Show 00443+0241 KPP1615 7 12.3 124
Show 00427+0224 TDS1579 218 0.6 125
Show 00305+0420 RAO 525 66 1.6 126
Show 00443+0554 HDS 97 321 1.5 128
Show 00374+0205 HDO 29 31 29.6 133
Show 00442+0229 A 2305 2 1.3 133
Show 00310+0315 CVR 325 273 18.7 133
Show 00324+0551 GRV 27 91 15.6 137
Show 00351+0209 RST5182 167 1.4 139
Show 00299+0445 J 633 315 3.4 139
Show 00297+0342 GRV 25 42 42.2 141
Show 00469+0533 GWP 86 352 7.9 143

WDS 00389+0415 : COMPONENTS
B pa=344.5°
00389+0415 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003854.06+041457.9 Mag 10.62 PmRA 48.00 PmDE -42.0
Tycho2 0013-00908-1
Tycho2 0013-00908-1 Pflag RAmdeg 9.72528834 DEmdeg 4.24942650
PmRA 44.3 PmDE -40.5 E RAmdeg 36 E DEmdeg 39
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1985.68 EpDEm 1984.01
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 11.847 E BTmag 0.085 VTmag 10.624
E VTmag 0.048 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 9.72518472 DEdeg 4.24952139 EpRA 1990 1.57
EpDE 1990 1.57 E RAdeg 36.5 E DEdeg 40.9 Posflg
Corr -0.3
Ccdm 00389+0415 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.00 DDEs -0.9
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.9 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number +03 81 Cat1 BD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
00389+0415 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003853.72+041516.5 Mag 11.9 Calc delta mag 1.28 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00389+0415 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num BAL2080 DRAs -0.26 DDEs 17.1
R dRAs 65 Year 1909 Theta 356 Rho 16.0
Obs 2 Vmag 11.2 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD