00388-2710 JOH 1 (HD 3606)

00h 38m 45.18s -27° 10' 17.5" P.A. 120.00 sep 0.2 mag 9.68,10.99 Sp G3V dist. 128.04 pc (417.67 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00388-2710 Discov num JOH   1 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 38 45.18 -27 10 17.5
Date first 1925 Date last 2018 Obs 7
Pa first 309 Pa last 120.3 P.A. Now (θ) 120.3°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.242 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.242"
Mag pri 9.68 Mag sec 10.99 delta mag (ΔM) 1.31 Spectral class G3V (yellow)
Pri motion ra +105 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -045 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 3606 Constellation Sculptor SAO 166442 HIP 3049
Tycho2 6423-01402-1 Gaia DR2 2343331549653313024 HD 3606 CD CD-27 187
CP CP-27 44 Distance 128.04 Distance ly 417.67
WDS 00388-2710 JOH 1 (HD 3606) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 JOH Johnson, E.L.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00388-2710 JOH 1 1991 6 130 0.2 9.68 10.99 G3V 003845.18-271017.5
00388-2710 JOH 1 2018 7 120 0.2 9.68 10.99 G3V 003845.18-271017.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00388-2710 JOH 1 (HD 3606) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 00388-2710 (HD 3606) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

00388-2710 JOH   1A mag 9.68 Sp G3V 00388-2710 JOH   1B sep 0.2 P.A. 123.30 mag 10.99 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00388-2710 (HD 3606) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 38m 45.18s -27° 10' 17.5"
WDS 00388-2710 JOH 1 (HD 3606) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00388-2710  JOH   1 distance=1' 00378-2701  RST1193AB distance=16' 00376-2709  YMG   1 distance=16' 00367-2725  HJ 3379 distance=31' 00379-2740  BRT2845 distance=33' 00412-2650  RST1194 distance=39' 00363-2650  LDS2137 distance=41' 00417-2624  RST1196 distance=61' 00430-2638  JOH   2 distance=65' 00443-2627  SKF1788 distance=87' 00426-2825  BRT2846 distance=91' 00455-2714  RST1197 distance=91' 00414-2545  RST1195 distance=93' 00389-2536  HJ 1992 distance=95' 00336-2606  HJ 3377 distance=95' 00391-2533  SKF 759 distance=98' 00319-2750  LDS2134 distance=100' 00457-2758  LDS2151 distance=104' 00365-2851  SKF1263 distance=106' 00315-2614  TDS1509 distance=113' 00367-2521  UC  399 distance=113' 00340-2534  UC  393 distance=117' 00393-2906  LDS2141 distance=117' 00303-2741  NSN  44 distance=117' 00300-2715  COO   2AB distance=118' 00300-2715  SKF1261AB,C distance=118' 00316-2602  SKF1262 distance=119' 00342-2857  RST1192 distance=123' 00388-2506  HJ 1991 distance=124' 00449-2535  SKF1355 distance=126' 00483-2654  RST1198 distance=129' 00291-2701  RST1189 distance=129' 00465-2833  SKF1264 distance=133' 00427-2507  NSC   3 distance=134' 00452-2856  NSC   4 distance=136' 00303-2827  UC  380 distance=136' 00327-2522  HJ 3442 distance=137' 00291-2619  RST1190 distance=139' 00420-2457  RST2250BC distance=141' 00420-2457  RST2250AB distance=141' 00280-2654  LDS2123 distance=144' 00373-2446  BU  395 distance=146' 00492-2626  LDS2156 distance=148' 00417-2446  B    10 distance=151' 00296-2845  LDS2130 distance=153' 00410-2942  NSC   2 distance=155' 00486-2834  NSN  45 distance=155' 00295-2858  LDS2129 distance=163' 00455-2927  LDS2150 distance=164' 00295-2516  LDS2128 distance=169' 00505-2820  SKF1791 distance=171' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00388-2710 JOH 1 120 0.2 1
Show 00378-2701 RST1193 AB 200 2.3 16
Show 00376-2709 YMG 1 209 0.2 16
Show 00367-2725 HJ 3379 232 14.5 31
Show 00379-2740 BRT2845 335 5.7 33
Show 00412-2650 RST1194 227 4.9 39
Show 00363-2650 LDS2137 103 25.1 41
Show 00417-2624 RST1196 302 1.0 61
Show 00430-2638 JOH 2 287 2.9 65
Show 00443-2627 SKF1788 179 4.3 87
Show 00426-2825 BRT2846 219 5.2 91
Show 00455-2714 RST1197 128 1.1 91
Show 00414-2545 RST1195 137 2.2 93
Show 00389-2536 HJ 1992 248 45.8 95
Show 00336-2606 HJ 3377 61 21.4 95
Show 00391-2533 SKF 759 108 7.7 98
Show 00319-2750 LDS2134 81 35.5 100
Show 00457-2758 LDS2151 21 5.9 104
Show 00365-2851 SKF1263 315 27.4 106
Show 00315-2614 TDS1509 92 0.9 113
Show 00367-2521 UC 399 28 26.0 113
Show 00340-2534 UC 393 110 31.5 117
Show 00393-2906 LDS2141 55 7.5 117
Show 00303-2741 NSN 44 48 4.1 117
Show 00300-2715 COO 2 AB 250 1.6 118
Show 00300-2715 SKF1261 AB,C 103 29.8 118
Show 00316-2602 SKF1262 339 4.6 119
Show 00342-2857 RST1192 31 0.2 123
Show 00388-2506 HJ 1991 95 47.2 124
Show 00449-2535 SKF1355 208 99.1 126
Show 00483-2654 RST1198 261 0.7 129
Show 00291-2701 RST1189 49 0.4 129
Show 00465-2833 SKF1264 250 6.6 133
Show 00427-2507 NSC 3 237 3.0 134
Show 00452-2856 NSC 4 286 5.4 136
Show 00303-2827 UC 380 247 39.7 136
Show 00327-2522 HJ 3442 182 17.3 137
Show 00291-2619 RST1190 57 1.1 139
Show 00420-2457 RST2250 BC 313 0.8 141
Show 00420-2457 RST2250 AB 282 27.1 141
Show 00280-2654 LDS2123 26 67.9 144
Show 00373-2446 BU 395 198 0.1 146
Show 00492-2626 LDS2156 299 3.6 148
Show 00417-2446 B 10 135 0.0 151
Show 00296-2845 LDS2130 355 54.0 153
Show 00410-2942 NSC 2 181 19.9 155
Show 00486-2834 NSN 45 95 2.3 155
Show 00295-2858 LDS2129 208 29.7 163
Show 00455-2927 LDS2150 63 6.0 164
Show 00295-2516 LDS2128 56 15.1 169
Show 00505-2820 SKF1791 326 11.4 171

WDS 00388-2710 : COMPONENTS
B pa=123.3°
00388-2710 A
Name HD 3606 Coord arcsec 2000 003845.18-271017.5 Mag 9.68 Spectral class G3V (yellow)
PmRA 105.00 PmDE -45.0 SAO 166442 HIP 3049
Tycho2 6423-01402-1 HD 3606 CD CD-27 187 CP CP-27 44
Tycho2 6423-01402-1 Pflag RAmdeg 9.68853844 DEmdeg -27.17162816
PmRA 100.8 PmDE -38.5 E RAmdeg 12 E DEmdeg 14
E pmRA 1.6 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1990.23 EpDEm 1988.64
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 1.0
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 10.014 E BTmag 0.027 VTmag 9.338
E VTmag 0.020 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 3049
CCDM AB RAdeg 9.68827778 DEdeg -27.17153639 EpRA 1990 1.70
EpDE 1990 1.46 E RAdeg 12.0 E DEdeg 15.4 Posflg P
Corr 0.0
SAO 166442 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0073
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.045 Vmag 8.8 SpType G0
Double code Source 24 CatNum 220 DM CD-27 187
DMcomp BDsup HD 3606 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 0.15829411 DE1950rad -0.47902076 PmRA2000 0.0074
PmDE2000 -0.05
Catalog H HIP 3049 Proxy H RAhms 00 38 45.18
DEdms -27 10 17.5 Vmag 9.26 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 9.68826 DEdeg -27.1715 AstroRef * Plx 7.5
CCDM 00388-2710 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source S Qual B M HIP AB
Theta 130 Rho 0.156 HD 3606 BD
CD CD-27 187 CP CP-27 44 Dm number -27 187 VIred 0.68
SpType G3V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 003845.18-271017.5
Hipparcos 2
HIP 3049 Sn 55 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.1690920474 DErad -0.4742328326 Plx 7.81 PmRA 101.64
PmDE -37.31 E RArad 1.15 E DErad 0.9 E Plx 1.43
E pmRA 1.86 E pmDE 1.27 Hpmag 9.3932 E Hpmag 0.0022
SHp 0.022 VA 0 BV 0.61 E BV 0.015
VI 0.68
Ccdm 00388-2710 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.80 DDEs -18.5
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.1 Sp G0 PmNote *
PmRA 97 PmDE -45 Dm number -27 187 Cat1 CD
Name2 166442 Cat2 SAO HD 3606 M HD
HIC 3049
00388-2710 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003845.19-271017.6 Mag 10.99 Calc delta mag 1.31 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00388-2710 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num JOH 1 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1934 Theta 091 Rho 0.2
Obs 2 Vmag 10.4 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 3049