06178+6855 TDS 235

06h 17m 49.02s +68° 54' 42.0" P.A. 265.00 sep 0.5 mag 11.73,12.43
Coord 2000 06178+6855 Discov num TDS 235 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 06 17 49.02 +68 54 42.0
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 271 Pa last 265.2 P.A. Now (θ) 265.2°
Sep first 0.8 Sep last 0.543 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.543"
Mag pri 11.73 Mag sec 12.43 delta mag (ΔM) 0.7 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +015
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec -009
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Camelopardalis Tycho2 4345-00764-1 Gaia DR2 1106869215992088832
WDS 06178+6855 TDS 235 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TDS Tycho Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06178+6855 TDS 235 1991 1 271 0.8 11.73 12.43 061749.02+685442.0
06178+6855 TDS 235 2015 2 267 0.5 11.73 12.43 061749.02+685442.0
06178+6855 TDS 235 2016 3 265 0.5 11.73 12.43 061749.02+685442.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 06178+6855 TDS 235 : MEASURES
No records found.


06178+6855 TDS 235A mag 11.73 06178+6855 TDS 235B sep 0.2 P.A. 256.90 mag 12.43 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 06178+6855 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 06h 17m 49.02s +68° 54' 42.0"
WDS 06178+6855 TDS 235 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

06178+6855  TDS 235 distance=0' 06161+6853  LDS1203 distance=9' 06168+6844  NSN 564 distance=13' 06188+6919  DRS   6 distance=26' 06126+6855  A  1049 distance=28' 06182+6819  MLR 317 distance=36' 06111+6901  KPP3663 distance=37' 06104+6833  TDS3603 distance=46' 06203+6952  TDS3747 distance=60' 06292+6915  TDS3866 distance=64' 06111+6759  STF 831AB distance=68' 06186+6744  HU 1119 distance=72' 06129+7006  LDS1624 distance=76' 06314+6822  TDS3892 distance=82' 06278+7000  TDS3847 distance=84' 06049+6938  LDS1621 distance=87' 06011+6852  TDS3493 distance=91' 06296+6740  AZC 149 distance=100' 06203+7036  TDS3746 distance=102' 06040+6748  LDS2517 distance=103' 06007+6809  LDS1201 distance=104' 06165+7040  CRB 177 distance=106' 06315+7015  TDS3893 distance=108' 06182+6704  FMR  74 distance=111' 06282+7032  STT 136 distance=112' 06258+7040  TDS3818 distance=113' 06297+6713  TDS3873 distance=122' 06017+6726  TDS3499 distance=127' 06026+6719  STF 814 distance=129' 06268+7058  TDS3828 distance=132' 06239+7102  LDS1627 distance=133' 06288+6656  TDS3862 distance=134' 06335+6712  MLB 457 distance=136' 06102+6643  TDS3602 distance=139' 06208+7113  TDS3758 distance=139' 06375+7029  TDS3976 distance=140' 06359+7037  TDS3954 distance=140' 06066+6643  TDS3559 distance=147' 06049+7107  TDS3539 distance=148' 06044+6641  TDS3534 distance=154' 06220+6622  TDS3777 distance=155' 06311+6638  MLB 398 distance=157' 06174+7132  TDS3699 distance=158' 06176+6615  KPP1518 distance=160' 06347+7110  LDS1631 distance=162' 05596+6649  MLR 315 distance=163' 06156+6609  STU   3AD distance=167' 06156+6609  STTA 69A,BC distance=167' 06156+6609  MLR 316BC distance=167' 06156+6609  STTA 69BC,D distance=167' 06265+6557  MLB1066 distance=185' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 06178+6855 TDS 235 265 0.5 0
Show 06161+6853 LDS1203 291 19.4 9
Show 06168+6844 NSN 564 300 2.8 13
Show 06188+6919 DRS 6 219 8.5 26
Show 06126+6855 A 1049 38 2.6 28
Show 06182+6819 MLR 317 207 0.2 36
Show 06111+6901 KPP3663 270 1.7 37
Show 06104+6833 TDS3603 351 0.4 46
Show 06203+6952 TDS3747 91 0.8 60
Show 06292+6915 TDS3866 347 1.6 64
Show 06111+6759 STF 831 AB 77 11.9 68
Show 06186+6744 HU 1119 243 0.3 72
Show 06129+7006 LDS1624 37 5.2 76
Show 06314+6822 TDS3892 146 1.0 82
Show 06278+7000 TDS3847 12 0.6 84
Show 06049+6938 LDS1621 66 37.6 87
Show 06011+6852 TDS3493 116 2.4 91
Show 06296+6740 AZC 149 69 11.0 100
Show 06203+7036 TDS3746 239 0.6 102
Show 06040+6748 LDS2517 72 48.5 103
Show 06007+6809 LDS1201 197 56.1 104
Show 06165+7040 CRB 177 84 18.8 106
Show 06315+7015 TDS3893 29 0.6 108
Show 06182+6704 FMR 74 26 7.7 111
Show 06282+7032 STT 136 83 5.5 112
Show 06258+7040 TDS3818 75 0.7 113
Show 06297+6713 TDS3873 91 2.3 122
Show 06017+6726 TDS3499 183 0.5 127
Show 06026+6719 STF 814 163 5.8 129
Show 06268+7058 TDS3828 126 0.4 132
Show 06239+7102 LDS1627 275 22.5 133
Show 06288+6656 TDS3862 114 1.1 134
Show 06335+6712 MLB 457 307 4.5 136
Show 06102+6643 TDS3602 287 0.6 139
Show 06208+7113 TDS3758 256 0.8 139
Show 06375+7029 TDS3976 116 1.2 140
Show 06359+7037 TDS3954 169 0.7 140
Show 06066+6643 TDS3559 219 0.7 147
Show 06049+7107 TDS3539 158 1.4 148
Show 06044+6641 TDS3534 85 0.6 154
Show 06220+6622 TDS3777 0 1.3 155
Show 06311+6638 MLB 398 153 5.3 157
Show 06174+7132 TDS3699 203 1.1 158
Show 06176+6615 KPP1518 278 11.4 160
Show 06347+7110 LDS1631 14 7.9 162
Show 05596+6649 MLR 315 228 0.2 163
Show 06156+6609 STU 3 AD 126 134.1 167
Show 06156+6609 STTA 69 A,BC 132 71.5 167
Show 06156+6609 MLR 316 BC 315 0.3 167
Show 06156+6609 STTA 69 BC,D 119 63.5 167
Show 06265+6557 MLB1066 13 9.9 185

WDS 06178+6855 : COMPONENTS
B pa=256.9°
06178+6855 A
Coord arcsec 2000 061749.02+685442.0 Mag 11.73 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -9.0
Tycho2 4345-00764-1
Tycho2 4345-00764-1 Pflag P RAmdeg 94.45424864 DEmdeg 68.91167921
PmRA 15.2 PmDE -8.9 E RAmdeg 51 E DEmdeg 37
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1986.57 EpDEm 1989.39
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.1 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 12.559 E BTmag 0.120 VTmag 11.729
E VTmag 0.079 Prox 8 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 94.45430028 DEdeg 68.91169861 EpRA 1990 1.41
EpDE 1990 1.81 E RAdeg 51.7 E DEdeg 37.2 Posflg D
Corr 0.1
06178+6855 B
Coord arcsec 2000 061748.98+685442.0 Mag 12.43 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -9.0
Tycho2 4345-00764-2 Calc delta mag 0.7 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 4345-00764-2 Pflag P RAmdeg 94.45424864 DEmdeg 68.91167921
PmRA 15.2 PmDE -8.9 E RAmdeg 51 E DEmdeg 37
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1986.57 EpDEm 1989.39
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.1 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 13.326 E BTmag 0.196 VTmag 12.429
E VTmag 0.122 Prox 8 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 94.45368111 DEdeg 68.91170250 EpRA 1990 1.41
EpDE 1990 1.81 E RAdeg 99.9 E DEdeg 71.8 Posflg D
Corr 0.1