00360+3708 COU 850

00h 35m 59.69s +37° 08' 16.7" P.A. 317.00 sep 0.4 mag 11.00,11.10
Coord 2000 00360+3708 Discov num COU 850 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 35 59.69 +37 08 16.7
Date first 1972 Date last 2011 Obs 11
Pa first 353 Pa last 317.3 P.A. Now (θ) 317.3°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.367 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.367"
Mag pri 11.00 Mag sec 11.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -048 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -065 Sec motion dec
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 2274-00368-1
Period (P)48y± 0.07 Periastron (T)1944.75y± 0.07 Semi-major axis (a)0.2774a± 0.0005
Eccentricity (e)0.495± 0.004 Inclination (i)45.3°± 0.1 Longitude of periastron (ω)60.3°± 0.6
Node (Ω)101.6°± 0.5 Notes ReferenceKsr2021
Equinox Last observation2016 Grade5(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 276.8 0.259
2001 281.7 0.278
2002 286.0 0.294
2003 289.9 0.308
2004 293.5 0.319
2005 296.8 0.329
2006 300.0 0.336
2007 303.1 0.341
2008 306.1 0.345
2009 309.1 0.347
2010 312.0 0.348
2011 314.9 0.347
2012 317.8 0.346
2013 320.8 0.343
2014 323.8 0.340
2015 326.9 0.335
2016 330.1 0.330
2017 333.4 0.325
2018 336.8 0.319
2019 340.4 0.312
2020 344.1 0.305
2021 348.0 0.297
2022 352.1 0.290
2023 356.4 0.282
2024 0.9 0.274
2025 5.7 0.267
2026 10.8 0.259
2027 16.2 0.252
2028 21.9 0.246
2029 27.9 0.239
2030 34.2 0.233
2031 40.9 0.228
2032 47.8 0.222
2033 55.2 0.217
2034 62.9 0.211
2035 71.0 0.204
2036 79.8 0.196
2037 89.5 0.185
2038 100.8 0.169
2039 114.6 0.149
2040 133.4 0.126
2041 160.1 0.106
2042 193.3 0.103
2043 222.2 0.121
2044 241.7 0.150
2045 254.7 0.181
2046 264.0 0.210
2047 271.1 0.236
2048 276.8 0.259
2049 281.7 0.278
2050 286.0 0.294

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds00360%2B3708a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
WDS 00360+3708 COU 850 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
KSR2021 orb - Kisser, A.E. & Krechet, V.G. 2021AstL...47..754K
KSR2021 Ast. Lett. 47, 754, 2021
idgroup discov author
1 COU Couteau, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00360+3708 COU 850 1992 7 328 0.1 11.00 11.10 003559.69+370816.7
00360+3708 COU 850 2008 8 308 0.3 11.00 11.10 003559.69+370816.7
00360+3708 COU 850 2009 10 307 0.4 11.00 11.10 003559.69+370816.7
00360+3708 COU 850 2011 11 317 0.4 11.00 11.10 003559.69+370816.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00360+3708 COU 850 : MEASURES
No records found.


00360+3708 COU 850A mag 11 00360+3708 COU 850B sep 0.3 P.A. 323.70 mag 11.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00360+3708 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 35m 59.69s +37° 08' 16.7"
WDS 00360+3708 COU 850 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00360+3708  COU 850 distance=0' 00365+3724  A  1505AB distance=18' 00365+3724  A  1505AB,C distance=18' 00352+3650  STF  40AB distance=21' 00352+3650  STF  40AC distance=21' 00337+3710  UC  391 distance=28' 00354+3636  AG    5AB distance=34' 00374+3635  COU 851 distance=39' 00333+3731  ALI 249 distance=39' 00341+3632  ALI  18 distance=43' 00352+3750  BU 1291 distance=44' 00396+3647  STT  17 distance=48' 00319+3705  BRT2584 distance=50' 00387+3745  TDS1557 distance=50' 00318+3658  STT  13BD distance=51' 00336+3749  ES 1940 distance=51' 00318+3658  STT  13CD distance=51' 00318+3658  STT  13AB distance=51' 00318+3658  STT  13AC distance=51' 00318+3658  STT  13AD distance=51' 00350+3802  ES 2546 distance=55' 00407+3707  COU 852 distance=57' 00324+3745  BU  780 distance=57' 00371+3609  TDS1549 distance=61' 00341+3807  COU 849 distance=64' 00367+3814  A  1506 distance=67' 00405+3627  COU1051 distance=68' 00315+3751  ALI 481 distance=69' 00336+3605  CBL 578 distance=70' 00348+3817  ES 1941 distance=71' 00304+3743  ES 2545 distance=76' 00298+3650  COU1049AB distance=77' 00298+3650  COU1049AC distance=77' 00385+3824  LDS3185 distance=83' 00298+3630  LDS3171 distance=84' 00329+3551  HO  211 distance=86' 00341+3545  POP  52BC distance=86' 00325+3553  ALI  17 distance=86' 00341+3545  POP  52AB distance=87' 00341+3545  POP  52AD distance=87' 00341+3545  TOB  17AE distance=87' 00287+3718  A  1504AB distance=88' 00287+3718  A  1504AB,C distance=88' 00310+3817  ALI 480 distance=91' 00416+3814  ALI 483 distance=94' 00433+3636  ALI 252 distance=94' 00439+3734  STT  19 distance=98' 00295+3810  ALI 479 distance=99' 00410+3550  ALI  20 distance=100' 00297+3604  KU   68 distance=100' 00401+3541  ES 2080 distance=101' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00360+3708 COU 850 317 0.4 0
Show 00365+3724 A 1505 AB 34 0.2 18
Show 00365+3724 A 1505 AB,C 85 7.7 18
Show 00352+3650 STF 40 AB 312 11.8 21
Show 00352+3650 STF 40 AC 121 25.4 21
Show 00337+3710 UC 391 63 57.5 28
Show 00354+3636 AG 5 AB 87 9.6 34
Show 00374+3635 COU 851 213 0.4 39
Show 00333+3731 ALI 249 287 13.2 39
Show 00341+3632 ALI 18 188 10.7 43
Show 00352+3750 BU 1291 167 3.1 44
Show 00396+3647 STT 17 162 8.5 48
Show 00319+3705 BRT2584 299 3.9 50
Show 00387+3745 TDS1557 198 0.6 50
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 BD 181 37.7 51
Show 00336+3749 ES 1940 340 4.8 51
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 CD 196 13.1 51
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AB 132 6.8 51
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AC 165 30.7 51
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AD 174 42.5 51
Show 00350+3802 ES 2546 167 6.2 55
Show 00407+3707 COU 852 250 0.9 57
Show 00324+3745 BU 780 130 2.4 57
Show 00371+3609 TDS1549 253 0.4 61
Show 00341+3807 COU 849 113 2.1 64
Show 00367+3814 A 1506 20 1.2 67
Show 00405+3627 COU1051 89 0.5 68
Show 00315+3751 ALI 481 58 7.0 69
Show 00336+3605 CBL 578 345 42.7 70
Show 00348+3817 ES 1941 348 2.9 71
Show 00304+3743 ES 2545 87 9.8 76
Show 00298+3650 COU1049 AB 38 0.7 77
Show 00298+3650 COU1049 AC 332 2.9 77
Show 00385+3824 LDS3185 332 7.0 83
Show 00298+3630 LDS3171 182 3.0 84
Show 00329+3551 HO 211 17 1.7 86
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 BC 321 8.2 86
Show 00325+3553 ALI 17 115 14.5 86
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AB 80 50.5 87
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AD 127 65.7 87
Show 00341+3545 TOB 17 AE 312 44.2 87
Show 00287+3718 A 1504 AB 46 0.6 88
Show 00287+3718 A 1504 AB,C 102 7.6 88
Show 00310+3817 ALI 480 248 12.1 91
Show 00416+3814 ALI 483 95 11.0 94
Show 00433+3636 ALI 252 270 11.1 94
Show 00439+3734 STT 19 115 9.8 98
Show 00295+3810 ALI 479 84 11.9 99
Show 00410+3550 ALI 20 301 10.2 100
Show 00297+3604 KU 68 353 44.6 100
Show 00401+3541 ES 2080 44 4.8 101

WDS 00360+3708 : COMPONENTS
B pa=323.7°
00360+3708 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003559.69+370816.7 Mag 11 PmRA -48.00 PmDE -65.0
Tycho2 2274-00368-1
Tycho2 2274-00368-1 Pflag RAmdeg 8.99872586 DEmdeg 37.13798916
PmRA -48.2 PmDE -65.0 E RAmdeg 26 E DEmdeg 29
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1988.76 EpDEm 1986.50
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.3 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.3
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 11.544 E BTmag 0.075 VTmag 10.328
E VTmag 0.042 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 8.99886500 DEdeg 37.13814139 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 30.3 E DEdeg 37.5 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 00360+3708 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -0.20 DDEs 17.9
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.9 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number +36 88 Cat1 BD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
00360+3708 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003559.67+370817.0 Mag 11.1 Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00360+3708 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num COU 850 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1972 Theta 353 Rho 0.3
Obs 1 Vmag 10.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD