00037+1851 GWP 7 AB
00h 03m 44.41s +18° 51' 22.2" P.A. 176.00 sep 6.0 mag 13.20,14.50
Coord 2000 |
00037+1851 |
Discov num |
GWP 7 |
Comp |
AB |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
00 03 44.41 +18 51 22.2 |
Date first |
1954 |
Date last |
2015 |
Obs |
9 |
Pa first |
174 |
Pa last |
175.6 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
175.6° |
Sep first |
5.7 |
Sep last |
6.045 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
6.045" |
Mag pri |
13.20 |
Mag sec |
14.50 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
1.3 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
+138 |
Sec motion ra |
Pri motion dec |
-022 |
Sec motion dec |
Notes |
(See Notes, Red magnitudes) |
Nature of this double is uncertain.
WDS 00037+1851 GWP 7 AB : NOTES
discov_num |
notes |
refcode |
GWP 7 |
XMI 104. |
Tob2012b |
refcode |
metd |
author |
reference |
Tob2012b |
not - |
Tobal, T. |
................... |
Tob2012b |
private communication, 2012 |
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
00037+1851 |
GWP 7 |
AB |
2015 |
9 |
176 |
6.0 |
13.20 |
14.50 |
N R |
000344.41+185122.2 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 00037+1851 GWP 7 AB : MEASURES
No records found.
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 00037+1851 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 03m 44.41s +18° 51' 22.2"
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
00037+1851 |
GWP 7 |
AB |
176 |
6.0 |
1 |
Show |
00045+1851 |
GWP 9 |
346 |
7.4 |
11 |
Show |
00034+1839 |
GWP 6 |
140 |
7.3 |
14 |
Show |
00026+1841 |
HDS 2 |
Aa,Ab |
217 |
0.1 |
20 |
Show |
00026+1841 |
SHY 378 |
AC |
3 |
549.9 |
20 |
Show |
00026+1841 |
HDS 2 |
AB |
151 |
2.1 |
20 |
Show |
00062+1900 |
DAM 275 |
322 |
9.4 |
37 |
Show |
00063+1847 |
TDS1291 |
82 |
2.9 |
38 |
Show |
00036+1934 |
KPP 549 |
331 |
5.2 |
44 |
Show |
00059+1805 |
STF3060 |
AB |
136 |
3.4 |
57 |
Show |
00059+1805 |
STF3060 |
AC |
273 |
65.1 |
57 |
Show |
00059+1805 |
LEP 1 |
AD |
359 |
572.9 |
57 |
Show |
00059+1805 |
LEP 1 |
AE |
267 |
999.9 |
57 |
Show |
00057+1802 |
GMC 14 |
138 |
4.1 |
57 |
Show |
00084+1843 |
COU 246 |
AB |
252 |
1.6 |
67 |
Show |
00084+1843 |
COU 246 |
Aa,Ab |
195 |
0.2 |
67 |
Show |
00057+1750 |
STF3061 |
149 |
8.0 |
68 |
Show |
00085+1849 |
LDS3126 |
AB |
109 |
11.5 |
69 |
Show |
00085+1849 |
LDS3126 |
Aa,Ab |
346 |
0.9 |
69 |
Show |
00011+1952 |
CBL 556 |
158 |
8.5 |
72 |
Show |
00031+2004 |
TDS1273 |
71 |
0.8 |
74 |
Show |
00063+2002 |
J 1320 |
AB |
329 |
4.4 |
80 |
Show |
00063+2002 |
DAM1267 |
AC |
99 |
26.0 |
80 |
Show |
00007+1745 |
SLW9016 |
31 |
1.6 |
81 |
Show |
00095+1907 |
COU 247 |
213 |
0.3 |
83 |
Show |
00020+1720 |
TDS1256 |
242 |
0.4 |
95 |
Show |
00005+2031 |
COU 444 |
AB |
40 |
4.3 |
110 |
Show |
00074+2029 |
KU 3 |
75 |
0.9 |
112 |
Show |
00081+2029 |
AZC 2 |
147 |
25.8 |
116 |
Show |
00016+1658 |
J 215 |
37 |
3.1 |
117 |
Show |
00083+2029 |
BOW 3 |
48 |
3.3 |
118 |
Show |
00008+1659 |
BAG 18 |
334 |
0.7 |
120 |
Show |
00115+1940 |
COU 248 |
AB |
319 |
2.0 |
121 |
Show |
00028+1647 |
BPM 2 |
336 |
77.9 |
125 |
Show |
00118+1952 |
HJ 1943 |
AB |
237 |
12.2 |
129 |
Show |
00118+1952 |
HJ 1943 |
AC |
48 |
15.3 |
129 |
Show |
00118+1952 |
HJ 1943 |
AD |
248 |
55.6 |
129 |
Show |
00073+2058 |
HDS 12 |
5 |
2.3 |
137 |
Show |
00105+1716 |
ALP 1 |
314 |
17.8 |
137 |
Show |
00006+2101 |
AZC 1 |
342 |
14.3 |
137 |
Show |
00089+2050 |
BEU 1 |
43 |
0.1 |
140 |
Show |
00003+1642 |
HJ 318 |
61 |
25.9 |
140 |
Show |
00137+1838 |
A 2201 |
AB |
199 |
1.2 |
143 |
Show |
00137+1838 |
STE 3 |
AB,C |
144 |
21.5 |
143 |
Show |
00020+1628 |
KPP4403 |
144 |
1.6 |
146 |
Show |
00109+1705 |
GWP 24 |
98 |
13.7 |
148 |
Show |
00139+1938 |
J 216 |
165 |
3.7 |
150 |
Show |
00132+2002 |
UC 336 |
106 |
19.8 |
151 |
Show |
00122+1720 |
J 182 |
37 |
4.4 |
151 |
Show |
00054+1620 |
STTA255 |
337 |
88.2 |
154 |
Show |
00050+2125 |
J 629 |
300 |
1.6 |
155 |
WDS 00037+1851 : COMPONENTS
00037+1851 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
000344.41+185122.2 |
Mag |
13.2 |
PmRA |
138.00 |
PmDE |
-22.0 |
00037+1851 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
000344.44+185116.2 |
Mag |
14.5 |
Calc delta mag |
1.3 |
Calc coord |
yes |