00037+1851 GWP 7 AB

00h 03m 44.41s +18° 51' 22.2" P.A. 176.00 sep 6.0 mag 13.20,14.50
Coord 2000 00037+1851 Discov num GWP   7 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 00 03 44.41 +18 51 22.2
Date first 1954 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 174 Pa last 175.6 P.A. Now (θ) 175.6°
Sep first 5.7 Sep last 6.045 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.045"
Mag pri 13.20 Mag sec 14.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +138 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -022 Sec motion dec
Notes N R (See Notes, Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus
WDS 00037+1851 GWP 7 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GWP 7 XMI 104. Tob2012b
refcode metd author reference
Tob2012b not - Tobal, T. ...................
Tob2012b private communication, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00037+1851 GWP 7 AB 2015 9 176 6.0 13.20 14.50 N R 000344.41+185122.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00037+1851 GWP 7 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


00037+1851 GWP   7A mag 13.2 00037+1851 GWP   7B sep 6.0 P.A. 175.80 mag 14.5 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00037+1851 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 03m 44.41s +18° 51' 22.2"
Primaries only

00037+1851  GWP   7AB distance=1' 00045+1851  GWP   9 distance=11' 00034+1839  GWP   6 distance=14' 00026+1841  HDS   2Aa,Ab distance=20' 00026+1841  SHY 378AC distance=20' 00026+1841  HDS   2AB distance=20' 00062+1900  DAM 275 distance=37' 00063+1847  TDS1291 distance=38' 00036+1934  KPP 549 distance=44' 00059+1805  STF3060AB distance=57' 00059+1805  STF3060AC distance=57' 00059+1805  LEP   1AD distance=57' 00059+1805  LEP   1AE distance=57' 00057+1802  GMC  14 distance=57' 00084+1843  COU 246AB distance=67' 00084+1843  COU 246Aa,Ab distance=67' 00057+1750  STF3061 distance=68' 00085+1849  LDS3126AB distance=69' 00085+1849  LDS3126Aa,Ab distance=69' 00011+1952  CBL 556 distance=72' 00031+2004  TDS1273 distance=74' 00063+2002  J  1320AB distance=80' 00063+2002  DAM1267AC distance=80' 00007+1745  SLW9016 distance=81' 00095+1907  COU 247 distance=83' 00020+1720  TDS1256 distance=95' 00005+2031  COU 444AB distance=110' 00074+2029  KU    3 distance=112' 00081+2029  AZC   2 distance=116' 00016+1658  J   215 distance=117' 00083+2029  BOW   3 distance=118' 00008+1659  BAG  18 distance=120' 00115+1940  COU 248AB distance=121' 00028+1647  BPM   2 distance=125' 00118+1952  HJ 1943AB distance=129' 00118+1952  HJ 1943AC distance=129' 00118+1952  HJ 1943AD distance=129' 00073+2058  HDS  12 distance=137' 00105+1716  ALP   1 distance=137' 00006+2101  AZC   1 distance=137' 00089+2050  BEU   1 distance=140' 00003+1642  HJ  318 distance=140' 00137+1838  A  2201AB distance=143' 00137+1838  STE   3AB,C distance=143' 00020+1628  KPP4403 distance=146' 00109+1705  GWP  24 distance=148' 00139+1938  J   216 distance=150' 00132+2002  UC  336 distance=151' 00122+1720  J   182 distance=151' 00054+1620  STTA255 distance=154' 00050+2125  J   629 distance=155' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00037+1851 GWP 7 AB 176 6.0 1
Show 00045+1851 GWP 9 346 7.4 11
Show 00034+1839 GWP 6 140 7.3 14
Show 00026+1841 HDS 2 Aa,Ab 217 0.1 20
Show 00026+1841 SHY 378 AC 3 549.9 20
Show 00026+1841 HDS 2 AB 151 2.1 20
Show 00062+1900 DAM 275 322 9.4 37
Show 00063+1847 TDS1291 82 2.9 38
Show 00036+1934 KPP 549 331 5.2 44
Show 00059+1805 STF3060 AB 136 3.4 57
Show 00059+1805 STF3060 AC 273 65.1 57
Show 00059+1805 LEP 1 AD 359 572.9 57
Show 00059+1805 LEP 1 AE 267 999.9 57
Show 00057+1802 GMC 14 138 4.1 57
Show 00084+1843 COU 246 AB 252 1.6 67
Show 00084+1843 COU 246 Aa,Ab 195 0.2 67
Show 00057+1750 STF3061 149 8.0 68
Show 00085+1849 LDS3126 AB 109 11.5 69
Show 00085+1849 LDS3126 Aa,Ab 346 0.9 69
Show 00011+1952 CBL 556 158 8.5 72
Show 00031+2004 TDS1273 71 0.8 74
Show 00063+2002 J 1320 AB 329 4.4 80
Show 00063+2002 DAM1267 AC 99 26.0 80
Show 00007+1745 SLW9016 31 1.6 81
Show 00095+1907 COU 247 213 0.3 83
Show 00020+1720 TDS1256 242 0.4 95
Show 00005+2031 COU 444 AB 40 4.3 110
Show 00074+2029 KU 3 75 0.9 112
Show 00081+2029 AZC 2 147 25.8 116
Show 00016+1658 J 215 37 3.1 117
Show 00083+2029 BOW 3 48 3.3 118
Show 00008+1659 BAG 18 334 0.7 120
Show 00115+1940 COU 248 AB 319 2.0 121
Show 00028+1647 BPM 2 336 77.9 125
Show 00118+1952 HJ 1943 AB 237 12.2 129
Show 00118+1952 HJ 1943 AC 48 15.3 129
Show 00118+1952 HJ 1943 AD 248 55.6 129
Show 00073+2058 HDS 12 5 2.3 137
Show 00105+1716 ALP 1 314 17.8 137
Show 00006+2101 AZC 1 342 14.3 137
Show 00089+2050 BEU 1 43 0.1 140
Show 00003+1642 HJ 318 61 25.9 140
Show 00137+1838 A 2201 AB 199 1.2 143
Show 00137+1838 STE 3 AB,C 144 21.5 143
Show 00020+1628 KPP4403 144 1.6 146
Show 00109+1705 GWP 24 98 13.7 148
Show 00139+1938 J 216 165 3.7 150
Show 00132+2002 UC 336 106 19.8 151
Show 00122+1720 J 182 37 4.4 151
Show 00054+1620 STTA255 337 88.2 154
Show 00050+2125 J 629 300 1.6 155

WDS 00037+1851 : COMPONENTS
B pa=175.8°
00037+1851 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000344.41+185122.2 Mag 13.2 PmRA 138.00 PmDE -22.0
00037+1851 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000344.44+185116.2 Mag 14.5 Calc delta mag 1.3 Calc coord yes