00332+5528 STI 1377

00h 33m 17.91s +55° 33' 29.8" P.A. 91.00 sep 14.5 mag 11.03,14.10
Coord 2000 00332+5528 Discov num STI1377 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 33 17.91 +55 33 29.8
Date first 1911 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 95 Pa last 90.8 P.A. Now (θ) 90.8°
Sep first 12.3 Sep last 14.466 Sep. Now (ρ) 14.466"
Mag pri 11.03 Mag sec 14.10 delta mag (ΔM) 3.07 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +027
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec +004
This double is not physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 3658-02066-1 Gaia DR2 418253196720113024
WDS 00332+5528 STI 1377 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 STI Stein, J. (see Vat1926)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00332+5528 STI1377 1999 2 91 14.1 11.03 14.10 D 003317.91+553329.8
00332+5528 STI1377 2003 3 91 14.1 11.03 14.10 D 003317.91+553329.8
00332+5528 STI1377 2011 4 92 14.6 11.03 14.10 003317.91+553329.8
00332+5528 STI1377 2014 5 91 14.3 11.03 14.10 003317.91+553329.8
00332+5528 STI1377 2015 7 91 14.5 11.03 14.10 003317.91+553329.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00332+5528 STI 1377 : MEASURES
No records found.


00332+5528 STI1377A mag 11.03 00332+5528 STI1377B sep 8.2 P.A. 91.40 mag 14.1 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00332+5528 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 33m 17.91s +55° 33' 29.8"
WDS 00332+5528 STI 1377 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00332+5528  STI1377 distance=0' 00343+5543  ES  117 distance=13' 00312+5535  TDS1504 distance=18' 00352+5524  TDS  21 distance=19' 00310+5539  ES  116 distance=21' 00326+5513  RAS  17 distance=22' 00323+5513  TDS1512 distance=23' 00310+5546  PKO   2 distance=23' 00311+5515  PKO   3 distance=25' 00342+5557  TDS1524 distance=25' 00363+5537  TDS1543 distance=27' 00321+5600  GRF  23 distance=29' 00303+5550  STI1365 distance=29' 00308+5513  TDS1501 distance=30' 00315+5601  PKO   4 distance=32' 00292+5528  STI1360 distance=36' 00329+5609  STI1374 distance=36' 00370+5513  HDS  85 distance=38' 00288+5541  MLR 624 distance=39' 00297+5548  MLB 150 distance=39' 00350+5610  MLR 648 distance=40' 00348+5611  STI1383 distance=40' 00302+5604  TDS1495 distance=41' 00343+5614  STI1381 distance=42' 00306+5609  PKO   1 distance=43' 00311+5454  ES  933 distance=44' 00366+5609  A   914 distance=45' 00344+5617  STI1382 distance=45' 00357+5613  TDS1536 distance=45' 00321+5449  STI1371AB distance=46' 00301+5613  STI1362 distance=48' 00339+5621  STI1379 distance=49' 00304+5449  TDS1496 distance=51' 00364+5621  A   913 distance=55' 00327+5439  TOI1557 distance=55' 00327+5439  TOI1557Aa,Ab distance=55' 00272+5513  STI1351 distance=56' 00327+5629  TDS1514 distance=56' 00353+5440  TDS1532 distance=56' 00303+5624  STI1364AB distance=57' 00303+5624  CVE   5AC distance=57' 00378+5618  STI1401BC distance=59' 00265+5540  STI1346 distance=59' 00378+5618  STI1401AC distance=59' 00400+5549  ES  936 distance=59' 00366+5628  STI1392 distance=62' 00318+5431  STT  12 distance=64' 00350+5636  ES    3 distance=65' 00412+5539  STI1412 distance=67' 00267+5612  STI1348 distance=68' 00332+5642  STI1376 distance=70' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00332+5528 STI1377 91 14.5 0
Show 00343+5543 ES 117 56 2.9 13
Show 00312+5535 TDS1504 300 1.0 18
Show 00352+5524 TDS 21 187 0.9 19
Show 00310+5539 ES 116 258 7.4 21
Show 00326+5513 RAS 17 76 0.7 22
Show 00323+5513 TDS1512 15 0.6 23
Show 00310+5546 PKO 2 62 9.4 23
Show 00311+5515 PKO 3 165 9.6 25
Show 00342+5557 TDS1524 317 0.5 25
Show 00363+5537 TDS1543 35 1.4 27
Show 00321+5600 GRF 23 146 77.1 29
Show 00303+5550 STI1365 72 12.4 29
Show 00308+5513 TDS1501 232 0.4 30
Show 00315+5601 PKO 4 358 15.4 32
Show 00292+5528 STI1360 137 11.6 36
Show 00329+5609 STI1374 168 12.4 36
Show 00370+5513 HDS 85 34 0.2 38
Show 00288+5541 MLR 624 337 0.2 39
Show 00297+5548 MLB 150 125 4.9 39
Show 00350+5610 MLR 648 246 1.1 40
Show 00348+5611 STI1383 227 7.4 40
Show 00302+5604 TDS1495 346 0.7 41
Show 00343+5614 STI1381 181 7.7 42
Show 00306+5609 PKO 1 294 5.8 43
Show 00311+5454 ES 933 268 8.6 44
Show 00366+5609 A 914 19 0.4 45
Show 00344+5617 STI1382 183 3.5 45
Show 00357+5613 TDS1536 354 1.8 45
Show 00321+5449 STI1371 AB 20 6.2 46
Show 00301+5613 STI1362 343 17.0 48
Show 00339+5621 STI1379 118 10.1 49
Show 00304+5449 TDS1496 228 0.7 51
Show 00364+5621 A 913 90 0.7 55
Show 00327+5439 TOI1557 23 10.1 55
Show 00327+5439 TOI1557 Aa,Ab 136 1.4 55
Show 00272+5513 STI1351 349 13.0 56
Show 00327+5629 TDS1514 291 0.9 56
Show 00353+5440 TDS1532 195 1.8 56
Show 00303+5624 STI1364 AB 8 14.7 57
Show 00303+5624 CVE 5 AC 153 16.9 57
Show 00378+5618 STI1401 BC 33 9.2 59
Show 00265+5540 STI1346 105 15.3 59
Show 00378+5618 STI1401 AC 155 12.8 59
Show 00400+5549 ES 936 268 8.1 59
Show 00366+5628 STI1392 345 13.0 62
Show 00318+5431 STT 12 220 0.1 64
Show 00350+5636 ES 3 158 8.2 65
Show 00412+5539 STI1412 252 11.8 67
Show 00267+5612 STI1348 144 5.3 68
Show 00332+5642 STI1376 65 7.6 70

WDS 00332+5528 : COMPONENTS
B pa=91.4°
00332+5528 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003317.91+553329.8 Mag 11.03 PmRA 3.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 3658-02066-1
Tycho2 3658-02066-1 Pflag RAmdeg 8.32463530 DEmdeg 55.55828946
PmRA 2.4 PmDE -0.6 E RAmdeg 37 E DEmdeg 34
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.3 EpRAm 1988.67 EpDEm 1988.95
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 1.7 Q pmRA 1.6
Q pmDE 1.7 BTmag 11.473 E BTmag 0.056 VTmag 11.035
E VTmag 0.061 Prox 445 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 8.32462583 DEdeg 55.55829111 EpRA 1990 1.57
EpDE 1990 1.59 E RAdeg 38.3 E DEdeg 34.7 Posflg
Corr 0.1
00332+5528 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003318.87+553329.6 Mag 14.1 PmRA 27.00 PmDE 4.0
Calc delta mag 3.07 Calc coord yes