00033-2337 B 633 (HD 225089)

00h 03m 16.93s -23° 36' 55.5" P.A. 157.00 sep 3.6 mag 9.21,12.36 Sp F3V dist. 200.8 pc (655.01 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00033-2337 Discov num B   633 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 03 16.93 -23 36 55.5
Date first 1925 Date last 2015 Obs 5
Pa first 156 Pa last 156.9 P.A. Now (θ) 156.9°
Sep first 3.6 Sep last 3.638 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.638"
Mag pri 9.21 Mag sec 12.36 delta mag (ΔM) 3.15 Spectral class F3V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +009 Sec motion ra +013
Pri motion dec -035 Sec motion dec -037
rPM=0.114 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name HD 225089 Constellation Cetus SAO 166019 HIP 261
Tycho2 6412-00139-1 Gaia DR2 2339775729048430080 HD 225089 CD CD-2417962
CP CP-24 7510 Distance 200.8 Distance ly 655.01
WDS 00033-2337 B 633 (HD 225089) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 B van den Bos, W.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00033-2337 B 633 1991 4 156 3.6 9.21 12.36 F3V 000316.93-233655.5
00033-2337 B 633 2015 5 157 3.6 9.21 12.36 F3V 000316.93-233655.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 00033-2337 B 633 (HD 225089) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 00033-2337 B 633 (HD 225089) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 00033-2337 (HD 225089) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

00033-2337 B   633A mag 9.21 Sp F3V 00033-2337 B   633B sep 3.6 P.A. 158.70 mag 12.36 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00033-2337 (HD 225089) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 03m 16.93s -23° 36' 55.5"
WDS 00033-2337 B 633 (HD 225089) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00033-2337  B   633 distance=1' 00039-2347  LDS2078 distance=12' 00028-2353  B   632 distance=17' 00017-2348  TDS1253 distance=25' 00049-2355  LDS5258 distance=30' 00011-2326  LDS2070 distance=33' 00054-2306  LDS2083 distance=43' 00022-2255  TDS1262 distance=45' 00066-2324  B     3 distance=48' 00024-2428  LDS2073 distance=51' 00034-2430  LDS2076 distance=53' 00001-2432  UC  301 distance=71' 00077-2256  LDS2091 distance=73' 00039-2458  LDS2079 distance=81' 00078-2231  SEE   2 distance=91' 00093-2421  LDS2094 distance=92' 00098-2314  LDS2096 distance=92' 00077-2509  HJ 3239 distance=110' 00002-2519  COO 273 distance=112' 00056-2532  LDS 833 distance=119' 00111-2239  HJ 3351 distance=123' 00123-2416  VOU  22 distance=130' 00034-2550  LDS2077 distance=133' 00018-2548  B   630 distance=133' 00054-2559  LDS3119 distance=145' 00014-2602  UC  305 distance=148' 00123-2502  LDS2100 distance=149' 00084-2125  SKF2136 distance=151' 00068-2106  RSS  41 distance=159' 00096-2123  RST2234 distance=160' 00012-2618  LDS2071 distance=162' 00090-2112  B  1903 distance=165' 00022-2052  YSC 168 distance=166' 00153-2259  HDO   6BC distance=169' 00153-2259  HDO   6AB distance=170' 00153-2259  HDO   6AC distance=170' 00077-2058  BRT 294 distance=171' 00136-2202  ARA1599 distance=172' 00115-2126  KPP2629 distance=174' 00156-2421  B     4 distance=175' 00089-2613  HDS  19 distance=175' 00118-2547  KPP  51 distance=175' 00052-2632  LDS2082 distance=176' 00141-2157  ARA1600 distance=180' 00060-2039  HJ 3236 distance=182' 00064-2039  UC  321 distance=183' 00132-2134  LDS2103 distance=184' 00109-2615  LDS2098 distance=188' 00164-2235  HDS  36Aa,Ab distance=192' 00164-2235  DAM 631AB distance=192' 00164-2235  HDS  36Aa,C distance=192' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00033-2337 B 633 157 3.6 1
Show 00039-2347 LDS2078 81 12.4 12
Show 00028-2353 B 632 162 0.2 17
Show 00017-2348 TDS1253 204 0.5 25
Show 00049-2355 LDS5258 42 56.7 30
Show 00011-2326 LDS2070 263 66.2 33
Show 00054-2306 LDS2083 317 22.9 43
Show 00022-2255 TDS1262 254 0.5 45
Show 00066-2324 B 3 51 6.5 48
Show 00024-2428 LDS2073 40 14.0 51
Show 00034-2430 LDS2076 128 5.2 53
Show 00001-2432 UC 301 283 47.0 71
Show 00077-2256 LDS2091 311 3.6 73
Show 00039-2458 LDS2079 347 4.8 81
Show 00078-2231 SEE 2 145 1.8 91
Show 00093-2421 LDS2094 259 7.7 92
Show 00098-2314 LDS2096 110 10.6 92
Show 00077-2509 HJ 3239 325 25.4 110
Show 00002-2519 COO 273 11 8.4 112
Show 00056-2532 LDS 833 327 6.7 119
Show 00111-2239 HJ 3351 135 11.6 123
Show 00123-2416 VOU 22 215 0.7 130
Show 00034-2550 LDS2077 129 11.8 133
Show 00018-2548 B 630 348 0.2 133
Show 00054-2559 LDS3119 139 3.0 145
Show 00014-2602 UC 305 198 39.6 148
Show 00123-2502 LDS2100 103 56.9 149
Show 00084-2125 SKF2136 222 8.9 151
Show 00068-2106 RSS 41 344 9.7 159
Show 00096-2123 RST2234 353 0.6 160
Show 00012-2618 LDS2071 63 10.2 162
Show 00090-2112 B 1903 125 1.9 165
Show 00022-2052 YSC 168 47 0.1 166
Show 00153-2259 HDO 6 BC 200 20.5 169
Show 00153-2259 HDO 6 AB 263 7.1 170
Show 00153-2259 HDO 6 AC 215 24.5 170
Show 00077-2058 BRT 294 221 4.3 171
Show 00136-2202 ARA1599 118 6.3 172
Show 00115-2126 KPP2629 102 24.3 174
Show 00156-2421 B 4 219 0.7 175
Show 00089-2613 HDS 19 290 0.3 175
Show 00118-2547 KPP 51 278 3.8 175
Show 00052-2632 LDS2082 196 3.7 176
Show 00141-2157 ARA1600 273 11.2 180
Show 00060-2039 HJ 3236 219 24.1 182
Show 00064-2039 UC 321 289 10.5 183
Show 00132-2134 LDS2103 96 14.5 184
Show 00109-2615 LDS2098 29 45.7 188
Show 00164-2235 HDS 36 Aa,Ab 188 0.2 192
Show 00164-2235 DAM 631 AB 291 102.4 192
Show 00164-2235 HDS 36 Aa,C 252 1.1 192

WDS 00033-2337 : COMPONENTS
B pa=158.7°
00033-2337 A
Name HD 225089 Coord arcsec 2000 000316.93-233655.5 Mag 9.21 Spectral class F3V (yellow-white)
PmRA 9.00 PmDE -35.0 SAO 166019 HIP 261
Tycho2 6412-00139-1 HD 225089 CD CD-2417962 CP CP-24 7510
Tycho2 6412-00139-1 Pflag RAmdeg 0.82052359 DEmdeg -23.61542982
PmRA 8.5 PmDE -35.1 E RAmdeg 9 E DEmdeg 10
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1990.38 EpDEm 1989.70
Num 9 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 1.8 Q pmRA 1.6
Q pmDE 1.7 BTmag 9.706 E BTmag 0.021 VTmag 9.209
E VTmag 0.016 Prox 36 TYC T HIP 261
CCDM A RAdeg 0.82050167 DEdeg -23.61534667 EpRA 1990 1.81
EpDE 1990 1.59 E RAdeg 8.6 E DEdeg 11.0 Posflg
Corr 0.0
SAO 166019 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0009
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.013 Vmag 8.7 SpType F5
Double code Source 25 CatNum 15966 DM CD-2417962
DMcomp BDsup HD 225089 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 0.00315389 DE1950rad -0.41701624 PmRA2000 0.001
PmDE2000 -0.017
Catalog H HIP 261 Proxy H RAhms 00 03 16.92
DEdms -23 36 55.2 Vmag 9.15 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 0.820501 DEdeg -23.6153 AstroRef A Plx 8.21
CCDM 00033-2337 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual B M HIP AB
Theta 156 Rho 3.62 HD 225089 BD
CD CD-2417962 CP CP-24 7510 Dm number -2417962 VIred 0.57
SpType F3V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 000316.92-233655.2
Hipparcos 2
HIP 261 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.0143204609 DErad -0.4121655325 Plx 4.98 PmRA 10.41
PmDE -36.24 E RArad 1.29 E DErad 0.65 E Plx 1.61
E pmRA 1.89 E pmDE 0.92 Hpmag 9.2118 E Hpmag 0.0013
SHp 0.016 VA 0 BV 0.424 E BV 0.1
VI 0.57
Ccdm 00033-2337 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.08 DDEs 5.9
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.0 Sp F5 PmNote *
PmRA 12 PmDE -13 Dm number -2417962 Cat1 CD
Name2 166019 Cat2 SAO HD 225089 M HD
HIC 261
00033-2337 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000317.03-233658.8 Mag 12.36 PmRA 13.00 PmDE -37.0
Calc delta mag 3.15 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00033-2337 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num B 633 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1925 Theta 156 Rho 3.6
Obs 2 Vmag 12.5 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 261