00324+7335 LDS 1509

00h 32m 03.48s +73° 36' 24.0" P.A. 256.00 sep 1.5 mag 18.10,19.50
Coord 2000 00324+7335 Discov num LDS1509 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 32 03.48 +73 36 24.0
Date first 1965 Date last 1965 Obs 1
Pa first 256 Pa last 256 P.A. Now (θ) 256°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 1.5 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.5"
Mag pri 18.10 Mag sec 19.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +253 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -075 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Gaia DR2 537795330701006592
WDS 00324+7335 LDS 1509 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LDS1509 NLTT 1681/1680.
idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00324+7335 LDS1509 1965 1 256 1.5 18.80 20.40 X

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00324+7335 LDS 1509 : MEASURES
No records found.


00324+7335 LDS1509A mag 18.1 00324+7335 LDS1509B sep 0.6 P.A. 228.50 mag 19.5 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00324+7335 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 32m 03.48s +73° 36' 24.0"
WDS 00324+7335 LDS 1509 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00324+7335  LDS1509 distance=0' 00292+7646  HJ 1967 distance=17' 00278+7359  HJ 1971 distance=29' 00411+7334  TDS1565 distance=39' 00235+7319  DAM 763 distance=41' 00378+7254  HJ 1989BC distance=50' 00378+7254  HJ 1989AB distance=50' 00444+7343  HJ 1994 distance=53' 00304+7232  HJ 1973 distance=65' 00360+7230  HJ 1983 distance=69' 00414+7435  TDS1568 distance=70' 00182+7257  A   803 distance=72' 00478+7429  A   811 distance=84' 00298+7503  LDS1508 distance=89' 00474+7239  STF  57 distance=90' 00138+7243  KPP4411 distance=96' 00313+7514  MLR 286 distance=99' 00457+7459  H N 122 distance=100' 00437+7211  OSO  10AB distance=100' 00437+7211  OSO  10AC distance=100' 00138+7233  MLR 282AB distance=102' 00138+7233  MLR 282AB,C distance=102' 00138+7233  BUP   2AB,D distance=102' 00138+7233  SKF2748AB,G distance=102' 00138+7233  BUP   2DE distance=106' 00138+7233  BUP   2DF distance=106' 00372+7149  HDS  86 distance=110' 00198+7518  HJ 1950 distance=113' 00415+7148  TDS  24 distance=116' 00355+7532  TDS1534 distance=117' 00437+7151  TDS1588 distance=118' 00373+7536  SKF2459 distance=122' 00362+7546  TDS1542 distance=131' 00194+7136  MLR 284 distance=134' 00359+7549  HDS  83 distance=134' 00505+7538  HJ 1997 distance=140' 00426+7122  BAZ   1BC distance=143' 00426+7122  STF  48AB distance=143' 00503+7134  LDS1515 distance=147' 00345+7607  LOC 104 distance=151' 00333+7059  LDS5278 distance=158' 00518+7125  CRB 157 distance=159' 00257+7100  TDS1459 distance=160' 00406+7102  LDS1512 distance=160' 00141+7601  STTA  1 distance=162' 00144+7608  LOC 121 distance=167' 00328+7624  LOC 103 distance=168' 00487+7106  TDS1625 distance=169' 00201+7054  HDS  43 distance=172' 00363+7034  MLR 287 distance=183' 00369+7034  KPP4423DE distance=185' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00324+7335 LDS1509 256 1.5 0
Show 00292+7646 HJ 1967 239 9.3 17
Show 00278+7359 HJ 1971 180 10.7 29
Show 00411+7334 TDS1565 252 2.3 39
Show 00235+7319 DAM 763 17 6.6 41
Show 00378+7254 HJ 1989 BC 342 11.5 50
Show 00378+7254 HJ 1989 AB 52 31.8 50
Show 00444+7343 HJ 1994 274 16.6 53
Show 00304+7232 HJ 1973 38 18.0 65
Show 00360+7230 HJ 1983 305 40.9 69
Show 00414+7435 TDS1568 181 3.4 70
Show 00182+7257 A 803 308 0.3 72
Show 00478+7429 A 811 56 0.4 84
Show 00298+7503 LDS1508 243 2.7 89
Show 00474+7239 STF 57 198 6.3 90
Show 00138+7243 KPP4411 223 17.8 96
Show 00313+7514 MLR 286 301 0.8 99
Show 00457+7459 H N 122 161 35.9 100
Show 00437+7211 OSO 10 AB 2 12.3 100
Show 00437+7211 OSO 10 AC 329 21.4 100
Show 00138+7233 MLR 282 AB 167 0.4 102
Show 00138+7233 MLR 282 AB,C 330 33.5 102
Show 00138+7233 BUP 2 AB,D 241 229.8 102
Show 00138+7233 SKF2748 AB,G 194 8.7 102
Show 00138+7233 BUP 2 DE 238 57.5 106
Show 00138+7233 BUP 2 DF 195 212.6 106
Show 00372+7149 HDS 86 351 0.4 110
Show 00198+7518 HJ 1950 66 22.8 113
Show 00415+7148 TDS 24 354 0.8 116
Show 00355+7532 TDS1534 192 0.5 117
Show 00437+7151 TDS1588 70 0.4 118
Show 00373+7536 SKF2459 148 34.1 122
Show 00362+7546 TDS1542 339 0.7 131
Show 00194+7136 MLR 284 121 2.5 134
Show 00359+7549 HDS 83 199 0.3 134
Show 00505+7538 HJ 1997 47 17.6 140
Show 00426+7122 BAZ 1 BC 319 65.8 143
Show 00426+7122 STF 48 AB 333 5.4 143
Show 00503+7134 LDS1515 352 24.3 147
Show 00345+7607 LOC 104 234 3.5 151
Show 00333+7059 LDS5278 224 54.7 158
Show 00518+7125 CRB 157 29 33.2 159
Show 00257+7100 TDS1459 232 0.9 160
Show 00406+7102 LDS1512 19 28.0 160
Show 00141+7601 STTA 1 103 73.2 162
Show 00144+7608 LOC 121 34 2.1 167
Show 00328+7624 LOC 103 328 1.2 168
Show 00487+7106 TDS1625 16 3.3 169
Show 00201+7054 HDS 43 53 0.2 172
Show 00363+7034 MLR 287 95 2.9 183
Show 00369+7034 KPP4423 DE 4 3.1 185

WDS 00324+7335 : COMPONENTS
B pa=228.5°
00324+7335 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003203.48+733624.0 Mag 18.1 PmRA 253.00 PmDE -75.0
00324+7335 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003203.38+733623.6 Mag 19.5 Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes