00310-3138 HDS 69 (HD 2762)

00h 31m 01.17s -31° 38' 19.3" P.A. 96.00 sep 0.1 mag 10.45,10.45 Sp F8/G0V dist. 124.22 pc (405.21 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00310-3138 Discov num HDS  69 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 31 01.17 -31 38 19.3
Date first 1991 Date last 2020 Obs 7
Pa first 106 Pa last 96.2 P.A. Now (θ) 96.2°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.127 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.127"
Mag pri 10.45 Mag sec 10.45 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class F8/G0V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +034 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -189 Sec motion dec
Notes O (Orbital solution)
This double is physical.
Name HD 2762 Constellation Sculptor SAO 192582 HIP 2433
Tycho2 6991-00695-1 Gaia DR2 2317410803546673792 HD 2762 CD CD-32 163
CP CP-32 52 Distance 124.22 Distance ly 405.21
Period (P)61.2y Periastron (T)2010.9y Semi-major axis (a)0.135a
Eccentricity (e)0.65 Inclination (i)84° Longitude of periastron (ω)198.2°
Node (Ω)100.1° Notes ReferenceTok2021c
Equinox2000 Last observation2021 Grade4(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000 110.4 0.077
2001 112.1 0.065
2002 114.6 0.052
2003 118.8 0.039
2004 127.2 0.026
2005 151.6 0.014
2006 221.2 0.011
2007 257.8 0.022
2008 269.3 0.034
2009 274.8 0.044
2010 278.7 0.049
2011 282.5 0.044
2012 288.9 0.029
2013 318.0 0.010
2014 71.8 0.016
2015 87.2 0.036
2016 91.5 0.055
2017 93.6 0.073
2018 94.9 0.089
2019 95.9 0.104
2020 96.6 0.117
2021 97.1 0.130
2022 97.6 0.141
2023 98.0 0.151
2024 98.3 0.161
2025 98.6 0.169
2026 98.9 0.177
2027 99.2 0.183
2028 99.4 0.190
2029 99.7 0.195
2030 99.9 0.200
2031 100.1 0.204
2032 100.3 0.207
2033 100.5 0.210
2034 100.7 0.212
2035 100.9 0.214
2036 101.1 0.215
2037 101.2 0.216
2038 101.4 0.216
2039 101.6 0.215
2040 101.8 0.214
2041 102.0 0.213
2042 102.2 0.211
2043 102.4 0.208
2044 102.6 0.205
2045 102.8 0.202
2046 103.0 0.198
2047 103.2 0.194
2048 103.4 0.189
2049 103.7 0.183
2050 103.9 0.177

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds00310-3138a.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
WDS 00310-3138 HDS 69 (HD 2762) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Tok2021c orb - Tokovinin, A. 2021IAUDS.203....1S
Tok2021c Inf. Circ. 203, 1, 2021
idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
67 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
67 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
132 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
132 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00310-3138 HDS 69 1991 1 106 0.2 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3
00310-3138 HDS 69 2015 2 91 0.1 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3
00310-3138 HDS 69 2017 4 95 0.1 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3
00310-3138 HDS 69 2018 5 96 0.1 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3
00310-3138 HDS 69 2019 6 96 0.1 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3
00310-3138 HDS 69 2020 7 96 0.1 10.45 10.45 F8/G0V 003101.17-313819.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00310-3138 HDS 69 (HD 2762) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 00310-3138 (HD 2762) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

00310-3138 HDS  69A mag 10.45 Sp F8/G0V 00310-3138 HDS  69B sep 0.1 P.A. 97.30 mag 10.45 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00310-3138 (HD 2762) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 31m 01.17s -31° 38' 19.3"
WDS 00310-3138 HDS 69 (HD 2762) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00310-3138  HDS  69 distance=0' 00317-3103  BRT2843 distance=37' 00299-3216  B   639 distance=41' 00288-3213  TDS1483 distance=45' 00276-3157  HJ 3367AB distance=48' 00276-3157  I   438BC distance=48' 00323-3048  I   704 distance=53' 00331-3224  LDS2135 distance=54' 00292-3228  LDS  19 distance=54' 00341-3217  RST2247 distance=56' 00312-3041  LDS2132 distance=58' 00311-3238  B  2553 distance=60' 00280-3051  UC  375 distance=62' 00259-3141  UC  364 distance=66' 00264-3108  B   638 distance=67' 00268-3220  LDS2121 distance=68' 00279-3235  LDS  18 distance=69' 00259-3112  HDS  58 distance=71' 00287-3246  SEE   7 distance=74' 00359-3059  BRT2844 distance=74' 00341-3247  RST2248 distance=80' 00312-3016  RST2245 distance=83' 00340-3019  UC  394 distance=88' 00383-3128  UC  406 distance=94' 00383-3202  UC  407 distance=97' 00226-3111  LDS  14AB distance=111' 00226-3111  NSN  43Ba,Bb distance=112' 00217-3141  TDS1418AB distance=120' 00395-3232  LDS2142 distance=121' 00257-3320  RST2244 distance=122' 00250-3318  KPP1784 distance=126' 00405-3102  UC  421 distance=128' 00247-3320  COO   1 distance=130' 00210-3219  BRT1578 distance=134' 00289-3350  JSP   5 distance=135' 00358-3342  TDS1537 distance=138' 00271-3349  UC  369 distance=140' 00408-3246  HJ 3384AB distance=142' 00264-3347  KPP 999 distance=142' 00209-3040  SKF1259 distance=143' 00244-2940  SKF 204AB distance=147' 00244-2940  DAM1268Aa,Ab distance=147' 00244-2940  UC  360BC distance=147' 00216-3303  B  1026A,BC distance=147' 00216-3303  B  1026BC distance=147' 00293-3406  SKF1260 distance=150' 00203-3246  B  1025 distance=152' 00193-3219  LDS2114 distance=154' 00295-2858  LDS2129 distance=162' 00342-2857  RST1192 distance=167' 00194-3022  BRT2842 distance=168' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00310-3138 HDS 69 96 0.1 0
Show 00317-3103 BRT2843 132 5.3 37
Show 00299-3216 B 639 331 2.9 41
Show 00288-3213 TDS1483 179 2.7 45
Show 00276-3157 HJ 3367 AB 179 5.3 48
Show 00276-3157 I 438 BC 242 8.8 48
Show 00323-3048 I 704 0 2.7 53
Show 00331-3224 LDS2135 204 19.8 54
Show 00292-3228 LDS 19 149 19.3 54
Show 00341-3217 RST2247 341 1.1 56
Show 00312-3041 LDS2132 354 7.1 58
Show 00311-3238 B 2553 359 11.2 60
Show 00280-3051 UC 375 336 39.8 62
Show 00259-3141 UC 364 63 21.4 66
Show 00264-3108 B 638 110 3.5 67
Show 00268-3220 LDS2121 292 51.5 68
Show 00279-3235 LDS 18 175 17.9 69
Show 00259-3112 HDS 58 357 0.2 71
Show 00287-3246 SEE 7 199 9.4 74
Show 00359-3059 BRT2844 250 4.1 74
Show 00341-3247 RST2248 204 0.5 80
Show 00312-3016 RST2245 334 0.6 83
Show 00340-3019 UC 394 189 27.7 88
Show 00383-3128 UC 406 87 50.8 94
Show 00383-3202 UC 407 305 11.4 97
Show 00226-3111 LDS 14 AB 270 54.1 111
Show 00226-3111 NSN 43 Ba,Bb 41 1.4 112
Show 00217-3141 TDS1418 AB 246 0.8 120
Show 00395-3232 LDS2142 304 6.6 121
Show 00257-3320 RST2244 257 4.5 122
Show 00250-3318 KPP1784 82 13.8 126
Show 00405-3102 UC 421 19 42.7 128
Show 00247-3320 COO 1 120 3.3 130
Show 00210-3219 BRT1578 286 2.2 134
Show 00289-3350 JSP 5 303 1.9 135
Show 00358-3342 TDS1537 249 0.6 138
Show 00271-3349 UC 369 106 39.8 140
Show 00408-3246 HJ 3384 AB 266 5.9 142
Show 00264-3347 KPP 999 300 8.1 142
Show 00209-3040 SKF1259 127 17.8 143
Show 00244-2940 SKF 204 AB 27 8.0 147
Show 00244-2940 DAM1268 Aa,Ab 25 2.7 147
Show 00244-2940 UC 360 BC 222 120.2 147
Show 00216-3303 B 1026 A,BC 185 3.2 147
Show 00216-3303 B 1026 BC 303 0.3 147
Show 00293-3406 SKF1260 118 5.6 150
Show 00203-3246 B 1025 178 0.6 152
Show 00193-3219 LDS2114 102 12.4 154
Show 00295-2858 LDS2129 208 29.7 162
Show 00342-2857 RST1192 31 0.2 167
Show 00194-3022 BRT2842 152 3.9 168

WDS 00310-3138 : COMPONENTS
B pa=97.3°
00310-3138 A
Name HD 2762 Coord arcsec 2000 003101.17-313819.3 Mag 10.45 Spectral class F8/G0V (yellow-white)
PmRA 34.00 PmDE -189.0 SAO 192582 HIP 2433
Tycho2 6991-00695-1 HD 2762 CD CD-32 163 CP CP-32 52
Tycho2 6991-00695-1 Pflag RAmdeg 7.75496647 DEmdeg -31.63914325
PmRA 35.2 PmDE -188.3 E RAmdeg 16 E DEmdeg 17
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1987.44 EpDEm 1989.40
Num 9 Q RAmdeg 1.5 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 10.284 E BTmag 0.032 VTmag 9.630
E VTmag 0.026 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 2433
CCDM AB RAdeg 7.75487528 DEdeg -31.63870833 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 16.6 E DEdeg 17.6 Posflg P
Corr -0.1
SAO 192582 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0005
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.209 Vmag 9.6 SpType G0
Double code Source 40 CatNum 189 DM CD-32 163
DMcomp BDsup HD 2762 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 0.12454586 DE1950rad -0.55698307 PmRA2000 0.0006
PmDE2000 -0.214
Catalog H HIP 2433 Proxy H RAhms 00 31 01.17
DEdms -31 38 19.3 Vmag 9.58 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 7.75486 DEdeg -31.6387 AstroRef * Plx 8.28
CCDM 00310-3138 N CCDM H Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source S Qual A M HIP AB
Theta 106 Rho 0.162 HD 2762 BD
CD CD-32 163 CP CP-32 52 Dm number -32 163 VIred 0.62
SpType F8/G0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 003101.17-313819.3
Hipparcos 2
HIP 2433 Sn 55 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.1353478335 DErad -0.5521991796 Plx 8.05 PmRA 33.65
PmDE -189.54 E RArad 1.23 E DErad 0.94 E Plx 1.39
E pmRA 1.38 E pmDE 0.95 Hpmag 9.6997 E Hpmag 0.0022
SHp 0.022 VA 0 BV 0.547 E BV 0.017
VI 0.62
Ccdm 00310-3138 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 1.18 DDEs -20.9
R dRAs 82 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.5 Sp F8 PmNote *
PmRA 34 PmDE -189 Dm number -32 163 Cat1 CD
Name2 192582 Cat2 SAO HD 2762 M HD
HIC 2433
00310-3138 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003101.18-313819.3 Mag 10.45 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00310-3138 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HDS DRAs 1.20 DDEs -20.9
R dRAs 82 Year 1991 Theta 106 Rho 0.2
Obs 1 Vmag 10.5 Sp PmNote *
PmRA 34 PmDE -189 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 2433