00307+1339 HDS 66

00h 30m 42.97s +13° 39' 10.8" P.A. 268.00 sep 1.0 mag 9.73,12.76 Sp G5 dist. 129.7 pc (423.08 l.y.)
Coord 2000 00307+1339 Discov num HDS  66 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 30 42.97 +13 39 10.8
Date first 1991 Date last 2012 Obs 10
Pa first 263 Pa last 267.6 P.A. Now (θ) 267.6°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 0.952 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.952"
Mag pri 9.73 Mag sec 12.76 delta mag (ΔM) 3.03 Spectral class G5 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +050 Sec motion ra +051
Pri motion dec -076 Sec motion dec -077
rPM=0.015 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces HIP 2411 Tycho2 0609-01105-1 Gaia DR2 2779135971302725504
BD BD+12 45 Distance 129.7 Distance ly 423.08
WDS 00307+1339 HDS 66 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 HDS Hipparcos Double Star (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00307+1339 HDS 66 1991 2 262 1.0 9.73 12.76 G5 003042.97+133910.8
00307+1339 HDS 66 2010 4 267 0.9 9.73 12.76 G5 003042.97+133910.8
00307+1339 HDS 66 2011 8 267 1.0 9.73 12.76 G5 003042.97+133910.8
00307+1339 HDS 66 2012 10 268 1.0 9.73 12.76 G5 003042.97+133910.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00307+1339 HDS 66 : MEASURES
No records found.


00307+1339 HDS  66A mag 9.73 Sp G5 00307+1339 HDS  66B sep 0.9 P.A. 267.50 mag 12.76 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00307+1339 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 30m 42.97s +13° 39' 10.8"
Primaries only

00307+1339  HDS  66 distance=1' 00316+1344  LDS9091 distance=9' 00295+1413  BPM  15 distance=38' 00325+1408  CVR 330 distance=40' 00338+1336  BRT1166 distance=46' 00307+1429  OSW  39 distance=50' 00320+1426  GRV 975 distance=55' 00334+1418  LDS9094 distance=55' 00331+1430  DVG  11 distance=62' 00306+1442  OSO   6 distance=64' 00295+1501  HEI 200 distance=84' 00249+1355  GWP  45 distance=87' 00287+1502  ALP   3AB distance=88' 00287+1502  WIS  10AC distance=88' 00248+1358  HEI 199 distance=89' 00316+1209  CVR  12 distance=91' 00244+1322  BPM  11 distance=94' 00274+1502  YSC 169 distance=96' 00352+1452  HLD  61 distance=98' 00379+1404  GWP  71 distance=107' 00376+1257  GWP  69 distance=109' 00290+1152  CVR 324 distance=111' 00371+1231  CVR 340 distance=116' 00298+1142  KPP  56 distance=119' 00364+1213  A   807 distance=120' 00224+1329  STF  27 distance=122' 00386+1420  GWP  72 distance=122' 00324+1539  STF  37 distance=123' 00392+1329  GWP  73 distance=124' 00236+1229  J   583 distance=126' 00242+1505  GWP  44 distance=128' 00232+1233  NSN 505 distance=129' 00355+1150  A   806CD distance=129' 00355+1150  A   806AB distance=130' 00355+1150  AG    6AC distance=130' 00218+1329  ROE  83 distance=131' 00246+1205  CVR 318 distance=131' 00283+1131  BPM  13AB distance=133' 00384+1450  UC  408 distance=134' 00400+1336  BPM  16 distance=136' 00217+1301  BPM   9 distance=137' 00256+1536  LDS9089 distance=141' 00291+1119  A   805AB distance=142' 00404+1326  ROE 117 distance=143' 00308+1602  STF  32 distance=144' 00331+1558  HEI  17 distance=144' 00264+1549  ITF 196 distance=145' 00324+1113  CVR 329 distance=149' 00395+1454  GIC  12AB distance=149' 00395+1454  JNN 249Ba,Bb distance=150' 00275+1602  STT  10BD distance=150' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00307+1339 HDS 66 268 1.0 1
Show 00316+1344 LDS9091 180 3.0 9
Show 00295+1413 BPM 15 283 91.8 38
Show 00325+1408 CVR 330 276 29.3 40
Show 00338+1336 BRT1166 309 5.2 46
Show 00307+1429 OSW 39 286 53.2 50
Show 00320+1426 GRV 975 153 39.5 55
Show 00334+1418 LDS9094 0 11.0 55
Show 00331+1430 DVG 11 88 15.6 62
Show 00306+1442 OSO 6 22 19.6 64
Show 00295+1501 HEI 200 62 0.8 84
Show 00249+1355 GWP 45 222 51.4 87
Show 00287+1502 ALP 3 AB 147 16.9 88
Show 00287+1502 WIS 10 AC 298 917.3 88
Show 00248+1358 HEI 199 122 3.0 89
Show 00316+1209 CVR 12 97 83.9 91
Show 00244+1322 BPM 11 41 117.7 94
Show 00274+1502 YSC 169 87 0.6 96
Show 00352+1452 HLD 61 241 1.6 98
Show 00379+1404 GWP 71 246 22.1 107
Show 00376+1257 GWP 69 72 46.7 109
Show 00290+1152 CVR 324 153 23.0 111
Show 00371+1231 CVR 340 333 8.3 116
Show 00298+1142 KPP 56 213 5.0 119
Show 00364+1213 A 807 233 0.8 120
Show 00224+1329 STF 27 315 28.9 122
Show 00386+1420 GWP 72 314 13.2 122
Show 00324+1539 STF 37 246 6.9 123
Show 00392+1329 GWP 73 310 148.3 124
Show 00236+1229 J 583 251 3.6 126
Show 00242+1505 GWP 44 341 30.5 128
Show 00232+1233 NSN 505 2 1.2 129
Show 00355+1150 A 806 CD 254 1.3 129
Show 00355+1150 A 806 AB 237 1.3 130
Show 00355+1150 AG 6 AC 16 73.1 130
Show 00218+1329 ROE 83 218 8.5 131
Show 00246+1205 CVR 318 101 7.5 131
Show 00283+1131 BPM 13 AB 75 48.7 133
Show 00384+1450 UC 408 134 9.6 134
Show 00400+1336 BPM 16 166 67.1 136
Show 00217+1301 BPM 9 266 103.5 137
Show 00256+1536 LDS9089 141 3.4 141
Show 00291+1119 A 805 AB 308 4.4 142
Show 00404+1326 ROE 117 127 3.6 143
Show 00308+1602 STF 32 100 28.0 144
Show 00331+1558 HEI 17 221 1.9 144
Show 00264+1549 ITF 196 234 7.8 145
Show 00324+1113 CVR 329 187 17.1 149
Show 00395+1454 GIC 12 AB 13 16.2 149
Show 00395+1454 JNN 249 Ba,Bb 224 0.2 150
Show 00275+1602 STT 10 BD 156 152.8 150

WDS 00307+1339 : COMPONENTS
B pa=267.5°
00307+1339 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003042.97+133910.8 Mag 9.73 Spectral class G5 (yellow) PmRA 50.00
PmDE -76.0 HIP 2411 Tycho2 0609-01105-1 BD BD+12 45
Tycho2 0609-01105-1 Pflag RAmdeg 7.67903223 DEmdeg 13.65298864
PmRA 49.6 PmDE -75.6 E RAmdeg 16 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1987.58 EpDEm 1985.27
Num 9 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 10.401 E BTmag 0.037 VTmag 9.731
E VTmag 0.030 Prox 10 TYC T HIP 2411
CCDM A RAdeg 7.67891639 DEdeg 13.65316222 EpRA 1990 1.71
EpDE 1990 1.67 E RAdeg 18.1 E DEdeg 22.9 Posflg
Corr -0.1
Catalog H HIP 2411 Proxy H RAhms 00 30 42.94
DEdms +13 39 11.4 Vmag 9.6 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 7.6789 DEdeg 13.6532 AstroRef A Plx 5.87
CCDM 00307+1339 N CCDM H Nsys 1 Ncomp 2
MultFlag C Source Qual D M HIP AB
Theta 263 Rho 0.964 HD BD BD+12 45
CD CP Dm number +12 45 VIred 0.64
SpType G5 R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 003042.94+133911.4
Hipparcos 2
HIP 2411 Sn 15 So 3 Nc 2
RArad 0.1340220883 DErad 0.2382926926 Plx 7.71 PmRA 49.66
PmDE -77.81 E RArad 1.39 E DErad 1.14 E Plx 1.63
E pmRA 1.72 E pmDE 1.08 Hpmag 9.7434 E Hpmag 0.0036
SHp 0.021 VA 0 BV 0.681 E BV 0.042
VI 0.74
Ccdm 00307+1339 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs 0.97 DDEs 10.7
R dRAs 82 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.8 Sp G5 PmNote *
PmRA 51 PmDE -76 Dm number +12 45 Cat1 BD
Name2 +13 44 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD M HD
HIC 2411
00307+1339 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003042.91+133910.8 Mag 12.76 PmRA 51.00 PmDE -77.0
Calc delta mag 3.03 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00307+1339 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num HDS DRAs 0.90 DDEs 10.6
R dRAs 82 Year 1991 Theta 263 Rho 1.0
Obs 1 Vmag 12.8 Sp PmNote *
PmRA 51 PmDE -76 Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
HIC 2411