00278+5330 LDS 5275

00h 27m 44.08s +53° 30' 51.9" P.A. 6.00 sep 4.3 mag 16.60,18.00
Coord 2000 00278+5330 Discov num LDS5275 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 27 44.08 +53 30 51.9
Date first 1960 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 4 Pa last 5.7 P.A. Now (θ) 5.7°
Sep first 4.0 Sep last 4.26 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.26"
Mag pri 16.60 Mag sec 18.00 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +398 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -038 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia
WDS 00278+5330 LDS 5275 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00278+5330 LDS5275 1960 1 4 4.0 16.60 18.00 002802.00+533106.0
00278+5330 LDS5275 1998 2 6 4.3 16.60 18.00 002744.08+533051.9
00278+5330 LDS5275 2010 3 7 3.6 16.60 18.00 002744.08+533051.9
00278+5330 LDS5275 2015 3 6 4.3 16.60 18.00 002744.08+533051.9
00278+5330 LDS5275 2016 4 6 4.3 16.60 18.00 002744.08+533051.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00278+5330 LDS 5275 : MEASURES
No records found.


00278+5330 LDS5275A mag 16.6 00278+5330 LDS5275B sep 4.2 P.A. 3.40 mag 18 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00278+5330 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 27m 44.08s +53° 30' 51.9"
WDS 00278+5330 LDS 5275 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00278+5330  LDS5275 distance=0' 00275+5335  HEI 914 distance=6' 00295+5323  ES  613 distance=18' 00311+5315  TDS1503 distance=35' 00239+5322  TDS1438 distance=36' 00241+5302  TDS1439 distance=44' 00237+5302  TDS1436 distance=47' 00306+5412  TDS1499 distance=49' 00228+5312  MLR 647AB distance=49' 00228+5312  CVR   1AB,C distance=49' 00235+5257  TDS1435 distance=51' 00261+5422  TDS1461 distance=53' 00339+5316  TDS1523 distance=58' 00243+5242  ES  931 distance=58' 00311+5420  TDS1502 distance=58' 00331+5258  TDS1516 distance=59' 00219+5403  TDS1420 distance=62' 00214+5307  MLR 646 distance=62' 00208+5339  FMR 178 distance=62' 00346+5316  TDS1527 distance=64' 00272+5435  TDS1467 distance=64' 00275+5435  STI1352 distance=64' 00226+5417  A   907 distance=65' 00266+5227  ES 1052 distance=65' 00229+5420  ES   42 distance=66' 00332+5248  TDS1517 distance=66' 00352+5343  TDS1531 distance=68' 00351+5316  ES  935 distance=68' 00318+5431  STT  12 distance=71' 00210+5421  TDS  12 distance=78' 00203+5412  HDS  44 distance=78' 00365+5341  TDS1546 distance=79' 00197+5258  TDS1402 distance=80' 00327+5439  TOI1557 distance=81' 00327+5439  TOI1557Aa,Ab distance=81' 00304+5449  TDS1496 distance=82' 00321+5449  STI1371AB distance=88' 00311+5454  ES  933 distance=89' 00358+5241  RAO 682BC distance=89' 00358+5241  GIC  11AB distance=89' 00199+5427  CBL   2 distance=89' 00177+5343  ES 2578 distance=90' 00231+5210  ES  866 distance=92' 00210+5442  STI1331 distance=93' 00214+5445  TDS1416 distance=93' 00173+5346  TDS1383 distance=94' 00181+5255  TDS  10 distance=94' 00243+5201  HU  506 distance=96' 00211+5447  CBL   3 distance=96' 00353+5440  TDS1532 distance=96' 00236+5201  ES  750 distance=98' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00278+5330 LDS5275 6 4.3 0
Show 00275+5335 HEI 914 218 5.9 6
Show 00295+5323 ES 613 236 5.6 18
Show 00311+5315 TDS1503 130 0.6 35
Show 00239+5322 TDS1438 17 0.8 36
Show 00241+5302 TDS1439 184 0.8 44
Show 00237+5302 TDS1436 259 0.7 47
Show 00306+5412 TDS1499 296 0.7 49
Show 00228+5312 MLR 647 AB 63 0.2 49
Show 00228+5312 CVR 1 AB,C 81 26.6 49
Show 00235+5257 TDS1435 108 0.8 51
Show 00261+5422 TDS1461 107 0.6 53
Show 00339+5316 TDS1523 90 0.7 58
Show 00243+5242 ES 931 322 2.2 58
Show 00311+5420 TDS1502 82 0.7 58
Show 00331+5258 TDS1516 130 2.0 59
Show 00219+5403 TDS1420 323 0.6 62
Show 00214+5307 MLR 646 241 0.3 62
Show 00208+5339 FMR 178 199 130.8 62
Show 00346+5316 TDS1527 12 1.9 64
Show 00272+5435 TDS1467 129 0.4 64
Show 00275+5435 STI1352 86 4.6 64
Show 00226+5417 A 907 211 0.8 65
Show 00266+5227 ES 1052 127 5.3 65
Show 00229+5420 ES 42 207 7.1 66
Show 00332+5248 TDS1517 13 2.5 66
Show 00352+5343 TDS1531 119 0.5 68
Show 00351+5316 ES 935 288 5.3 68
Show 00318+5431 STT 12 220 0.1 71
Show 00210+5421 TDS 12 288 0.9 78
Show 00203+5412 HDS 44 39 12.2 78
Show 00365+5341 TDS1546 159 0.7 79
Show 00197+5258 TDS1402 223 2.0 80
Show 00327+5439 TOI1557 23 10.1 81
Show 00327+5439 TOI1557 Aa,Ab 136 1.4 81
Show 00304+5449 TDS1496 228 0.7 82
Show 00321+5449 STI1371 AB 20 6.2 88
Show 00311+5454 ES 933 268 8.6 89
Show 00358+5241 RAO 682 BC 56 1.3 89
Show 00358+5241 GIC 11 AB 7 24.6 89
Show 00199+5427 CBL 2 112 22.0 89
Show 00177+5343 ES 2578 70 16.5 90
Show 00231+5210 ES 866 84 9.2 92
Show 00210+5442 STI1331 195 11.3 93
Show 00214+5445 TDS1416 315 1.0 93
Show 00173+5346 TDS1383 46 0.6 94
Show 00181+5255 TDS 10 75 1.2 94
Show 00243+5201 HU 506 105 0.1 96
Show 00211+5447 CBL 3 332 18.0 96
Show 00353+5440 TDS1532 195 1.8 96
Show 00236+5201 ES 750 270 3.0 98

WDS 00278+5330 : COMPONENTS
B pa=3.4°
00278+5330 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002744.08+533051.9 Mag 16.6 PmRA 398.00 PmDE -38.0
00278+5330 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002744.11+533056.1 Mag 18 Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes