00267+6426 BU 1156

00h 26m 40.08s +64° 25' 55.2" P.A. 31.00 sep 0.6 mag 9.88,10.09 Sp B1III:nne
Coord 2000 00267+6426 Discov num BU 1156 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 26 40.08 +64 25 55.2
Date first 1890 Date last 2008 Obs 14
Pa first 32 Pa last 31.2 P.A. Now (θ) 31.2°
Sep first 0.5 Sep last 0.559 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.559"
Mag pri 9.88 Mag sec 10.09 delta mag (ΔM) 0.21 Spectral class B1III:nne (blue-white)
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra -004
Pri motion dec +000 Sec motion dec +000
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cassiopeia Tycho2 4023-01321-1 ADS 355
WDS 00267+6426 BU 1156 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00267+6426 BU 1156 1991 12 48 0.6 9.88 10.09 B1III:nne 002640.08+642555.2
00267+6426 BU 1156 2008 14 31 0.6 9.88 10.09 B1III:nne 002640.08+642555.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00267+6426 BU 1156 : MEASURES
No records found.


00267+6426 BU 1156A mag 9.88 Sp B1III:nne 00267+6426 BU 1156B sep 0.5 P.A. 14.60 mag 10.09 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00267+6426 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 26m 40.08s +64° 25' 55.2"
WDS 00267+6426 BU 1156 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00267+6426  BU 1156 distance=0' 00270+6430  MLB 277 distance=6' 00293+6415  BU 1157 distance=21' 00284+6408  MLB 278 distance=21' 00303+6445  SKF2558 distance=31' 00217+6422  STI  40 distance=33' 00208+6425  MLB 244 distance=37' 00228+6356  TDS1426 distance=39' 00211+6443  TDS  13 distance=40' 00283+6344  HU 1007AB distance=44' 00283+6344  SKF2141AB,C distance=44' 00314+6459  HJ 1028 distance=46' 00202+6408  STI  38 distance=47' 00263+6515  MLR  80 distance=50' 00196+6457  CBL 568 distance=55' 00186+6351  TDS1392 distance=64' 00230+6326  TDS1427 distance=65' 00367+6423  UC    4AB distance=66' 00326+6520  TDS1513 distance=67' 00315+6326  STI  88AB distance=68' 00315+6326  BKO   5AC distance=68' 00191+6513  MLB 243 distance=68' 00295+6533  MLB 245 distance=70' 00313+6321  BU  107CD distance=72' 00313+6321  BU  107CE distance=72' 00313+6321  BU  107BC distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107BD distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AB distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AF distance=73' 00313+6321  LV   13AG distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AH distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AC distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AD distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107AE distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107DE distance=73' 00313+6321  BU  107ET distance=74' 00363+6344  HJ 1038 distance=76' 00382+6400  TDS1554 distance=80' 00335+6317  HJ 1033 distance=81' 00321+6309  STI  93 distance=85' 00323+6543  KPP4420 distance=86' 00217+6548  HU 1006 distance=89' 00310+6256  STI  84 distance=94' 00287+6250  STI  68 distance=97' 00300+6250  STI  78AB distance=99' 00300+6250  MRI  24BC distance=99' 00264+6246  HDS  60 distance=101' 00259+6246  KPP  54 distance=101' 00149+6534  AZC 135 distance=101' 00268+6244  STI  60AB distance=103' 00268+6244  FYM 164AC distance=103' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00267+6426 BU 1156 31 0.6 0
Show 00270+6430 MLB 277 72 6.7 6
Show 00293+6415 BU 1157 89 1.8 21
Show 00284+6408 MLB 278 23 4.2 21
Show 00303+6445 SKF2558 11 151.4 31
Show 00217+6422 STI 40 136 13.3 33
Show 00208+6425 MLB 244 276 6.4 37
Show 00228+6356 TDS1426 193 0.9 39
Show 00211+6443 TDS 13 290 2.6 40
Show 00283+6344 HU 1007 AB 98 0.4 44
Show 00283+6344 SKF2141 AB,C 154 52.2 44
Show 00314+6459 HJ 1028 145 15.9 46
Show 00202+6408 STI 38 302 6.8 47
Show 00263+6515 MLR 80 15 0.3 50
Show 00196+6457 CBL 568 12 24.7 55
Show 00186+6351 TDS1392 359 0.2 64
Show 00230+6326 TDS1427 253 0.5 65
Show 00367+6423 UC 4 AB 32 19.7 66
Show 00326+6520 TDS1513 91 0.6 67
Show 00315+6326 STI 88 AB 307 14.8 68
Show 00315+6326 BKO 5 AC 165 21.4 68
Show 00191+6513 MLB 243 313 5.0 68
Show 00295+6533 MLB 245 169 3.6 70
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 CD 151 98.0 72
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 CE 167 157.3 72
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 BC 334 41.3 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 BD 148 56.9 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AB 354 5.8 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AF 114 154.0 73
Show 00313+6321 LV 13 AG 265 21.1 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AH 93 46.0 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AC 337 46.8 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AD 145 51.7 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 AE 171 111.5 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 DE 191 69.0 73
Show 00313+6321 BU 107 ET 142 11.4 74
Show 00363+6344 HJ 1038 108 3.9 76
Show 00382+6400 TDS1554 200 0.6 80
Show 00335+6317 HJ 1033 223 7.0 81
Show 00321+6309 STI 93 131 14.5 85
Show 00323+6543 KPP4420 1 2.3 86
Show 00217+6548 HU 1006 195 2.8 89
Show 00310+6256 STI 84 308 14.0 94
Show 00287+6250 STI 68 88 13.3 97
Show 00300+6250 STI 78 AB 141 14.5 99
Show 00300+6250 MRI 24 BC 314 2.3 99
Show 00264+6246 HDS 60 41 0.4 101
Show 00259+6246 KPP 54 223 4.8 101
Show 00149+6534 AZC 135 183 21.9 101
Show 00268+6244 STI 60 AB 38 10.3 103
Show 00268+6244 FYM 164 AC 273 19.8 103

WDS 00267+6426 : COMPONENTS
B pa=14.6°
00267+6426 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002640.08+642555.2 Mag 9.88 Spectral class B1III:nne (blue-white) PmRA -4.00
PmDE 0.0 Tycho2 4023-01321-1 ADS 355 DM BD+63 48
Tycho2 4023-01321-1 Pflag RAmdeg 6.66712861 DEmdeg 64.43205300
PmRA -4.1 PmDE 0.0 E RAmdeg 13 E DEmdeg 13
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 1.9 EpRAm 1990.74 EpDEm 1990.19
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 1.5 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 0.7 BTmag 10.198 E BTmag 0.028 VTmag 9.384
E VTmag 0.019 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 6.66714472 DEdeg 64.43205222 EpRA 1990 1.60
EpDE 1990 1.61 E RAdeg 13.0 E DEdeg 13.9 Posflg P
Corr 0.1
Ccdm 00267+6426 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.85 DDEs -5.1
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 9.9 Sp B2 PmNote *
PmRA 1 PmDE -3 Dm number +63 48 Cat1 BD
Name2 +64 26 Cat2 AGK2/3 HD M HD
00267+6426 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002640.10+642555.7 Mag 10.09 PmRA -4.00 PmDE 0.0
Calc delta mag 0.21 Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00267+6426 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num BU 1156 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1890 Theta 032 Rho 0.5
Obs 7 Vmag 10.0 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD