Query error (1062) Duplicate entry '5465453a356039e81c05501fd2d82b4c92c5f5ba' for key 'PRIMARY'
Line: 159
File: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/dbi.inc.php
Executing script: /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
Query: INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('5465453a356039e81c05501fd2d82b4c92c5f5ba','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:11:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1739408499;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"29\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:4:\"1735\";}}}}',NOW())
Backtrace: Array
    [0] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/session.inc.php
            [line] => 73
            [function] => dbquery
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => INSERT INTO sessioni (id,valori,datains) VALUES ('5465453a356039e81c05501fd2d82b4c92c5f5ba','a:2:{s:11:\"REMOTE_ADDR\";s:11:\"\";s:5:\"trace\";a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:4:\"page\";s:11:\"/index2.php\";s:4:\"date\";i:1739408499;s:3:\"GET\";a:2:{s:4:\"menu\";s:2:\"29\";s:8:\"iddoppia\";s:4:\"1735\";}}}}',NOW())


    [1] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php
            [line] => 49
            [function] => ses_start
            [class] => my_session
            [object] => my_session Object
                    [id] => 5465453a356039e81c05501fd2d82b4c92c5f5ba
                    [sessid] => SESSID
                    [expire] => 240
                    [newses] => 1
                    [values] => Array
                            [REMOTE_ADDR] =>
                            [trace] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [page] => /index2.php
                                            [date] => 1739408499
                                            [GET] => Array
                                                    [menu] => 29
                                                    [iddoppia] => 1735





            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array


    [2] => Array
            [file] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/index2.php
            [line] => 22
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /var/www/vhosts/stelledoppie.it/web/include/webengine.inc.php

            [function] => require_once

WDS 00266+3539 ES 2401

00266+3539 ES 2401

00h 26m 37.23s +35° 39' 35.2" P.A. 357.00 sep 7.6 mag 11.00,11.10
Coord 2000 00266+3539 Discov num ES 2401 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 26 37.23 +35 39 35.2
Date first 1930 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 357 Pa last 357.4 P.A. Now (θ) 357.4°
Sep first 8.0 Sep last 7.603 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.603"
Mag pri 11.00 Mag sec 11.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra -005
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec +000
This double is not physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 366254504402095488
WDS 00266+3539 ES 2401 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00266+3539 ES 2401 1998 4 357 7.6 11.00 11.10 D 002637.23+353935.2
00266+3539 ES 2401 2011 5 358 7.7 11.00 11.10 D 002637.23+353935.2
00266+3539 ES 2401 2015 8 357 7.6 11.00 11.10 002637.23+353935.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00266+3539 ES 2401 : MEASURES
No records found.


00266+3539 ES 2401A mag 11 00266+3539 ES 2401B sep 7.6 P.A. 357.90 mag 11.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00266+3539 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 26m 37.23s +35° 39' 35.2"
WDS 00266+3539 ES 2401 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00266+3539  ES 2401 distance=0' 00253+3547  BRT3231 distance=19' 00283+3539  GRV  24 distance=21' 00281+3545  ES 2079 distance=22' 00249+3504  ES 2138 distance=40' 00297+3604  KU   68 distance=45' 00227+3538  LDS3158 distance=49' 00239+3503  GRV  20 distance=49' 00256+3629  HO  210 distance=51' 00261+3448  HJ  622 distance=53' 00286+3449  J   870 distance=56' 00244+3629  HO  491 distance=58' 00245+3633  CRB  27AB distance=60' 00245+3633  CRB  27AC distance=60' 00277+3640  ES 2007AB distance=63' 00277+3640  ES 2007BC distance=63' 00298+3630  LDS3171 distance=64' 00213+3553  COU 747 distance=67' 00211+3539  HU 1202 distance=67' 00321+3538  HO    2AB distance=67' 00321+3538  HO    2AC distance=67' 00325+3553  ALI  17 distance=73' 00329+3551  HO  211 distance=77' 00280+3422  CVR 323 distance=79' 00298+3650  COU1049AB distance=81' 00298+3650  COU1049AC distance=81' 00195+3544  POP  35 distance=86' 00336+3605  CBL 578 distance=89' 00341+3545  POP  52AB distance=91' 00341+3545  POP  52AD distance=91' 00341+3545  TOB  17AE distance=91' 00341+3545  POP  52BC distance=92' 00197+3501  POP  36 distance=93' 00186+3559  ES 2579 distance=100' 00318+3658  STT  13CD distance=101' 00318+3658  STT  13BD distance=101' 00318+3658  STT  13AB distance=101' 00318+3658  STT  13AC distance=101' 00318+3658  STT  13AD distance=101' 00287+3718  A  1504AB distance=102' 00287+3718  A  1504AB,C distance=102' 00199+3436  GYL  76 distance=104' 00253+3724  ES 1938 distance=106' 00341+3632  ALI  18 distance=106' 00319+3705  BRT2584 distance=107' 00203+3654  ALI 245 distance=108' 00310+3406  STF  33 distance=108' 00202+3655  TOK 444 distance=109' 00189+3639  KPP1608 distance=111' 00292+3354  HJ  624 distance=111' 00174+3550  WEI   1 distance=113' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00266+3539 ES 2401 357 7.6 0
Show 00253+3547 BRT3231 195 3.7 19
Show 00283+3539 GRV 24 232 65.5 21
Show 00281+3545 ES 2079 346 5.2 22
Show 00249+3504 ES 2138 45 4.2 40
Show 00297+3604 KU 68 353 44.6 45
Show 00227+3538 LDS3158 193 9.2 49
Show 00239+3503 GRV 20 132 16.6 49
Show 00256+3629 HO 210 78 1.0 51
Show 00261+3448 HJ 622 131 19.9 53
Show 00286+3449 J 870 210 3.5 56
Show 00244+3629 HO 491 26 1.2 58
Show 00245+3633 CRB 27 AB 71 30.0 60
Show 00245+3633 CRB 27 AC 27 1.8 60
Show 00277+3640 ES 2007 AB 61 28.0 63
Show 00277+3640 ES 2007 BC 32 3.9 63
Show 00298+3630 LDS3171 182 3.0 64
Show 00213+3553 COU 747 147 1.1 67
Show 00211+3539 HU 1202 195 1.1 67
Show 00321+3538 HO 2 AB 101 2.3 67
Show 00321+3538 HO 2 AC 276 33.0 67
Show 00325+3553 ALI 17 115 14.5 73
Show 00329+3551 HO 211 17 1.7 77
Show 00280+3422 CVR 323 211 21.9 79
Show 00298+3650 COU1049 AB 38 0.7 81
Show 00298+3650 COU1049 AC 332 2.9 81
Show 00195+3544 POP 35 296 0.7 86
Show 00336+3605 CBL 578 345 42.7 89
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AB 80 50.5 91
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 AD 127 65.7 91
Show 00341+3545 TOB 17 AE 312 44.2 91
Show 00341+3545 POP 52 BC 321 8.2 92
Show 00197+3501 POP 36 102 0.7 93
Show 00186+3559 ES 2579 94 14.8 100
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 CD 196 13.1 101
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 BD 181 37.7 101
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AB 132 6.8 101
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AC 165 30.7 101
Show 00318+3658 STT 13 AD 174 42.5 101
Show 00287+3718 A 1504 AB 46 0.6 102
Show 00287+3718 A 1504 AB,C 102 7.6 102
Show 00199+3436 GYL 76 299 8.1 104
Show 00253+3724 ES 1938 8 7.1 106
Show 00341+3632 ALI 18 188 10.7 106
Show 00319+3705 BRT2584 299 3.9 107
Show 00203+3654 ALI 245 281 6.3 108
Show 00310+3406 STF 33 212 2.8 108
Show 00202+3655 TOK 444 225 999.9 109
Show 00189+3639 KPP1608 107 12.2 111
Show 00292+3354 HJ 624 346 15.2 111
Show 00174+3550 WEI 1 286 5.3 113

WDS 00266+3539 : COMPONENTS
B pa=357.9°
00266+3539 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002637.23+353935.2 Mag 11 PmRA 1.00 PmDE -1.0
00266+3539 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002637.21+353942.8 Mag 11.1 PmRA -5.00 PmDE 0.0
Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes