22521-1533 LDT 20

22h 52m 05.25s -15° 32' 51.4" P.A. 252.00 sep 0.7 mag 14.30,14.80
Coord 2000 22521-1533 Discov num LDT  20 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 52 05.25 -15 32 51.4
Date first 2019 Date last 2019 Obs 1
Pa first 252 Pa last 252.4 P.A. Now (θ) 252.4°
Sep first 0.7 Sep last 0.728 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.728"
Mag pri 14.30 Mag sec 14.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +331 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +014 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Aquarius
WDS 22521-1533 LDT 20 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDT = Lowell Discovery Telescope
3 LDT Clark, C.A., van Belle, G.T., Ciardi, D.R., Lund, M.B., Howell, S.B., Everett,
3 LDT M.E., Beichman, C.A. & Winters, J.G.
4 LDT Clark, C.A., van Belle, G.T., Horch, E.P., von Braun, K., Ciardi, D.R., Winters,
4 LDT J.G. & Kiman, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22521-1533 LDT 20 2019 1 252 0.7 14.30 14.80 R 225205.25-153251.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22521-1533 LDT 20 : MEASURES
No records found.


22521-1533 LDT  20A mag 14.3 22521-1533 LDT  20B sep 0.7 P.A. 251.80 mag 14.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22521-1533 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 52m 05.25s -15° 32' 51.4"
Primaries only

22521-1533  LDT  20 distance=0' 22528-1519  GWP3202 distance=18' 22527-1513  HJ 3148 distance=22' 22527-1509  DAM 249AB distance=26' 22527-1509  DAM 249AC distance=26' 22492-1541  RST4112 distance=44' 22487-1534  HJ 3145 distance=50' 22526-1437  SKF2824 distance=57' 22538-1628  UC 4844AB distance=61' 22538-1628  GWP3205AC distance=61' 22515-1419  LDS2957 distance=74' 22471-1552  GWP3196 distance=75' 22473-1609  HU  291 distance=78' 22567-1444  LDS5022 distance=83' 22481-1430  LIG   1 distance=86' 22460-1536  HU  290 distance=89' 22561-1641  GWP3212 distance=89' 22535-1704  GWP3203 distance=94' 22533-1710  RST3309 distance=99' 22579-1439  TDT3818 distance=100' 22581-1441  GWP3217 distance=102' 22517-1352  OCC 693 distance=102' 22477-1403  STF2943AB distance=110' 22477-1403  GUI  38AC distance=110' 22488-1352  DAM 657 distance=112' 22522-1730  RED  12 distance=118' 22451-1430  RST4110 distance=120' 22559-1345  HU  495 distance=122' 22598-1624  TOK 374 distance=123' 22496-1336  H 6  97 distance=123' 23001-1616  ARA 134 distance=123' 22435-1608  HU  289 distance=129' 22512-1742  KPP 619 distance=131' 22542-1323  LDS2962 distance=133' 22541-1322  LDS2961 distance=133' 22504-1744  DON1038 distance=134' 22492-1740  LDS5001 distance=135' 22427-1508  GWP3187 distance=138' 23006-1426  RST4116 distance=141' 22597-1405  BRT2798 distance=142' 22536-1306  RST4113 distance=149' 22587-1735  LDS5031 distance=156' 22429-1656  RST3308 distance=157' 22521-1257  HU   93 distance=157' 22413-1514  KPP3425 distance=158' 22512-1811  GWP3201 distance=159' 23032-1533  HJ 3160 distance=160' 22592-1736  LEO  30 distance=161' 23032-1612  FEN  42 distance=164' 22412-1625  TOK 905 distance=166' 22492-1252  BRT2796 distance=167' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22521-1533 LDT 20 252 0.7 0
Show 22528-1519 GWP3202 182 128.8 18
Show 22527-1513 HJ 3148 140 29.7 22
Show 22527-1509 DAM 249 AB 8 12.9 26
Show 22527-1509 DAM 249 AC 244 14.6 26
Show 22492-1541 RST4112 112 0.6 44
Show 22487-1534 HJ 3145 196 15.2 50
Show 22526-1437 SKF2824 251 6.5 57
Show 22538-1628 UC 4844 AB 92 27.3 61
Show 22538-1628 GWP3205 AC 294 18.3 61
Show 22515-1419 LDS2957 146 68.0 74
Show 22471-1552 GWP3196 134 12.3 75
Show 22473-1609 HU 291 326 2.7 78
Show 22567-1444 LDS5022 251 2.3 83
Show 22481-1430 LIG 1 248 0.1 86
Show 22460-1536 HU 290 353 17.5 89
Show 22561-1641 GWP3212 72 28.3 89
Show 22535-1704 GWP3203 183 21.3 94
Show 22533-1710 RST3309 316 1.0 99
Show 22579-1439 TDT3818 100 0.4 100
Show 22581-1441 GWP3217 167 25.6 102
Show 22517-1352 OCC 693 -1 0.0 102
Show 22477-1403 STF2943 AB 127 21.0 110
Show 22477-1403 GUI 38 AC 35 63.4 110
Show 22488-1352 DAM 657 205 8.1 112
Show 22522-1730 RED 12 358 0.1 118
Show 22451-1430 RST4110 346 0.9 120
Show 22559-1345 HU 495 190 0.2 122
Show 22598-1624 TOK 374 287 0.2 123
Show 22496-1336 H 6 97 297 132.4 123
Show 23001-1616 ARA 134 163 8.9 123
Show 22435-1608 HU 289 280 1.3 129
Show 22512-1742 KPP 619 225 5.7 131
Show 22542-1323 LDS2962 351 9.8 133
Show 22541-1322 LDS2961 316 16.3 133
Show 22504-1744 DON1038 67 0.4 134
Show 22492-1740 LDS5001 25 4.2 135
Show 22427-1508 GWP3187 294 9.1 138
Show 23006-1426 RST4116 319 2.6 141
Show 22597-1405 BRT2798 228 2.9 142
Show 22536-1306 RST4113 54 0.7 149
Show 22587-1735 LDS5031 32 20.8 156
Show 22429-1656 RST3308 137 0.9 157
Show 22521-1257 HU 93 145 4.6 157
Show 22413-1514 KPP3425 311 4.2 158
Show 22512-1811 GWP3201 82 20.3 159
Show 23032-1533 HJ 3160 47 10.7 160
Show 22592-1736 LEO 30 157 1.5 161
Show 23032-1612 FEN 42 278 4.2 164
Show 22412-1625 TOK 905 65 4.5 166
Show 22492-1252 BRT2796 290 4.4 167

WDS 22521-1533 : COMPONENTS
B pa=251.8°
22521-1533 A
Coord arcsec 2000 225205.25-153251.4 Mag 14.3 PmRA 331.00 PmDE 14.0
22521-1533 B
Coord arcsec 2000 225205.20-153251.6 Mag 14.8 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes