22302-5345 TSN 204

22h 30m 09.41s -53° 44' 55.5" P.A. 42.00 sep 0.1 mag 13.10,14.20 Sp M4.5
Coord 2000 22302-5345 Discov num TSN 204 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 30 09.41 -53 44 55.5
Date first 2019 Date last 2020 Obs 5
Pa first 80 Pa last 41.9 P.A. Now (θ) 41.9°
Sep first 0.2 Sep last 0.067 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.067"
Mag pri 13.10 Mag sec 14.20 delta mag (ΔM) 1.1 Spectral class M4.5 (red)
Pri motion ra -055 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -738 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Grus
WDS 22302-5345 TSN 204 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TSN = The Solar Neighborhood series. Many measures do not have date of observation
7 TSN Costa, E., Mendez, R.A., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Subasavage, J.P., Brown, M.A.,
7 TSN Ianna, P.A. & Bartlett, J.
11 TSN Riedel, A.R., Subasavage, J.P., Finch, C.T., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Winters, J.,
11 TSN Brown, M.A., Ianna, P.A., Costa, E. & Mendez, R.A.
29 TSN Riedel, A.R., Finch, C.T., Henry, T.J., Subasavage, J.P., Jao, W.-C., Malo, L.,
29 TSN Rodriguez, D.R., White, R.J., Gies, D.R., Dieterich, S.B., Winters, J.G., Davison,
29 TSN C.L., Nelan, E.P., Blunt, S.C., Cruz, K.L., Rice, E.L. & Ianna, P.A.
33 TSN Hosey, A.D., Henry, T.J., Jao, W.-C., Dieterich, S.B., Winters, J.G., Lurie, J.C.,
33 TSN Riedel, A.R. & Subasavage, J.P.
34 TSN Winters, J.G., Sevrinsky, R.A., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Riedel, A.R., Subasavage,
34 TSN J.P., Lurie, J.C., Finch, C.T. & Ianna, P.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22302-5345 TSN 204 2020 5 42 0.1 13.10 14.20 M4.5 R 223009.41-534455.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22302-5345 TSN 204 : MEASURES
No records found.


22302-5345 TSN 204A mag 13.1 Sp M4.5 22302-5345 TSN 204B mag 14.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22302-5345 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 30m 09.41s -53° 44' 55.5"
WDS 22302-5345 TSN 204 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

22302-5345  TSN 204 distance=0' 22317-5349  RST2198 distance=15' 22352-5337  HU 1544 distance=46' 22356-5324  HDS3207 distance=53' 22318-5246  WIS 369 distance=61' 22268-5446  RST1132 distance=68' 22361-5437  KPP3084 distance=74' 22388-5344  B   569 distance=77' 22377-5253  HDS3213 distance=86' 22384-5443  RST1140 distance=93' 22394-5430  UC 4786 distance=94' 22280-5212  UC 4750 distance=95' 22354-5511  HDS3206 distance=98' 22391-5242  HJ 5349 distance=103' 22376-5508  RST1139 distance=106' 22183-5338  HDO 298 distance=106' 22227-5222  TDT3496 distance=107' 22242-5212  DAM 701 distance=108' 22188-5310  KPP 507 distance=108' 22187-5310  TSN  39 distance=108' 22194-5245  TDT3463 distance=114' 22431-5337  TDT3674 distance=115' 22363-5530  CPO 633 distance=118' 22285-5147  HJ 5338 distance=119' 22340-5149  RST1137 distance=122' 22416-5459  TDT3658 distance=125' 22441-5413  CVN  32AB distance=127' 22441-5413  CVN  32Aa,Ab distance=127' 22304-5133  HU 1640 distance=132' 22272-5555  TDT3528 distance=133' 22226-5545  UC 4728 distance=138' 22361-5138  WIS 370 distance=138' 22456-5330  CRU   4 distance=139' 22145-5335  B   553 distance=140' 22198-5535  RST2196 distance=143' 22451-5254  UC 4807 distance=143' 22161-5234  TDT3432 distance=145' 22443-5225  UC 4801 distance=151' 22463-5252  RST1144 distance=155' 22471-5303  RST1145 distance=157' 22226-5609  I   134 distance=159' 22171-5159  HU 1638 distance=159' 22477-5430  I   140 distance=161' 22427-5549  RST2200 distance=165' 22382-5616  TDT3630 distance=166' 22166-5543  SYO   2 distance=167' 22183-5136  KPP4270 distance=169' 22428-5554  NSN 458 distance=170' 22483-5447  TDT3715 distance=171' 22141-5527  RST2193 distance=173' 22156-5544  KPP 506 distance=174' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22302-5345 TSN 204 42 0.1 0
Show 22317-5349 RST2198 315 3.0 15
Show 22352-5337 HU 1544 120 0.5 46
Show 22356-5324 HDS3207 128 0.2 53
Show 22318-5246 WIS 369 200 6.9 61
Show 22268-5446 RST1132 69 2.4 68
Show 22361-5437 KPP3084 210 2.6 74
Show 22388-5344 B 569 165 1.8 77
Show 22377-5253 HDS3213 71 30.0 86
Show 22384-5443 RST1140 227 0.5 93
Show 22394-5430 UC 4786 271 21.7 94
Show 22280-5212 UC 4750 152 32.0 95
Show 22354-5511 HDS3206 158 0.3 98
Show 22391-5242 HJ 5349 118 32.7 103
Show 22376-5508 RST1139 260 1.1 106
Show 22183-5338 HDO 298 53 1.7 106
Show 22227-5222 TDT3496 354 0.5 107
Show 22242-5212 DAM 701 33 39.2 108
Show 22188-5310 KPP 507 175 3.4 108
Show 22187-5310 TSN 39 142 35.2 108
Show 22194-5245 TDT3463 183 0.4 114
Show 22431-5337 TDT3674 358 0.6 115
Show 22363-5530 CPO 633 85 10.8 118
Show 22285-5147 HJ 5338 173 31.5 119
Show 22340-5149 RST1137 315 0.3 122
Show 22416-5459 TDT3658 180 0.6 125
Show 22441-5413 CVN 32 AB 246 6.6 127
Show 22441-5413 CVN 32 Aa,Ab 298 0.5 127
Show 22304-5133 HU 1640 255 2.6 132
Show 22272-5555 TDT3528 200 2.9 133
Show 22226-5545 UC 4728 254 18.3 138
Show 22361-5138 WIS 370 7 941.4 138
Show 22456-5330 CRU 4 187 25.6 139
Show 22145-5335 B 553 109 0.6 140
Show 22198-5535 RST2196 216 1.0 143
Show 22451-5254 UC 4807 119 14.9 143
Show 22161-5234 TDT3432 182 0.8 145
Show 22443-5225 UC 4801 142 7.9 151
Show 22463-5252 RST1144 34 2.1 155
Show 22471-5303 RST1145 130 2.4 157
Show 22226-5609 I 134 274 0.5 159
Show 22171-5159 HU 1638 93 2.4 159
Show 22477-5430 I 140 275 4.3 161
Show 22427-5549 RST2200 81 1.1 165
Show 22382-5616 TDT3630 73 0.9 166
Show 22166-5543 SYO 2 12 16.7 167
Show 22183-5136 KPP4270 341 18.4 169
Show 22428-5554 NSN 458 11 1.5 170
Show 22483-5447 TDT3715 88 0.6 171
Show 22141-5527 RST2193 34 0.8 173
Show 22156-5544 KPP 506 70 3.8 174

WDS 22302-5345 : COMPONENTS
B pa=27.9°
22302-5345 A
Coord arcsec 2000 223009.41-534455.5 Mag 13.1 Spectral class M4.5 (red) PmRA -55.00
PmDE -738.0
22302-5345 B
Coord arcsec 2000 223009.41-534455.5 Mag 14.2 Calc delta mag 1.1 Calc coord yes