00243+2731 CHE 21

00h 24m 20.00s +27° 28' 05.0" P.A. 159.00 sep 18.7 mag 14.10,14.53
Coord 2000 00243+2731 Discov num CHE  21 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 24 20.00 +27 28 05.0
Date first 1907 Date last 2015 Obs 13
Pa first 160 Pa last 158.7 P.A. Now (θ) 158.7°
Sep first 19.5 Sep last 18.707 Sep. Now (ρ) 18.707"
Mag pri 14.10 Mag sec 14.53 delta mag (ΔM) 0.43 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -005 Sec motion ra +020
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec -010
This double is not physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 2856227232652359552
WDS 00243+2731 CHE 21 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CHE Chevalier, Stanislas
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00243+2731 CHE 21 1989 2 160 20.4 13.12 13.51 002419.11+272615.5
00243+2731 CHE 21 2001 8 159 18.8 14.30 14.70 002420.01+272805.1
00243+2731 CHE 21 2006 10 159 18.8 14.00 14.30 002420.00+272805.0
00243+2731 CHE 21 2010 10 159 18.7 14.10 14.53 002420.00+272805.0
00243+2731 CHE 21 2015 11 159 18.7 14.10 14.53 002420.00+272805.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00243+2731 CHE 21 : MEASURES
No records found.


00243+2731 CHE  21A mag 14.1 00243+2731 CHE  21B sep 18.4 P.A. 160.90 mag 14.53 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00243+2731 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 24m 20.00s +27° 28' 05.0"
Primaries only

00243+2731  CHE  21 distance=0' 00250+2726  CHE  24 distance=10' 00247+2740  LDS3164 distance=14' 00230+2735  TDS  16 distance=20' 00252+2743  CHE  26 distance=20' 00235+2709  CHE  18 distance=22' 00232+2710  CHE  16 distance=23' 00237+2702  CHE  20 distance=26' 00220+2726  CHE  12 distance=31' 00257+2755  GRV  22 distance=34' 00250+2653  CHE  25 distance=35' 00220+2711  HDS  48 distance=36' 00241+2652  TDS1441 distance=37' 00220+2706  CHE  13 distance=38' 00214+2729  CHE  11 distance=40' 00220+2659  CHE  14 distance=43' 00214+2744  COU 347Aa,Ab distance=43' 00214+2744  CHE  10AB distance=43' 00210+2647  CHE   9 distance=47' 00208+2737  CHE   7 distance=48' 00231+2813  KPP4413AB distance=49' 00215+2658  HJ 1020 distance=49' 00206+2712  LDS3154 distance=52' 00243+2634  CHE  22 distance=53' 00259+2638  CVR1041AB distance=55' 00209+2655  CHE   8 distance=57' 00262+2827  COU 446 distance=65' 00234+2624  CHE  17AB distance=66' 00234+2624  CHE  17AC distance=66' 00234+2624  CHE  17BC distance=66' 00236+2621  CHE  19 distance=68' 00289+2651  BRT 118 distance=71' 00296+2807  HAU   1BC distance=80' 00296+2807  WSI  38AB distance=80' 00296+2807  HAU   1AC distance=80' 00199+2633  CHE   4 distance=80' 00195+2634  CHE   3AB distance=84' 00195+2634  CHE   3AC distance=84' 00254+2603  LDS3166 distance=86' 00191+2822  TDS1397 distance=89' 00204+2617  CHE   6 distance=90' 00269+2555  CVR 321 distance=99' 00194+2846  MLB 511 distance=103' 00320+2740  COU 547 distance=103' 00177+2630  BUP   5CD distance=106' 00177+2630  BUP   5AB distance=107' 00177+2630  BUP   5AC distance=107' 00185+2608  STF  24 distance=112' 00213+2541  COU 348 distance=115' 00310+2839  CTU   1Aa,Ab distance=116' 00310+2839  HAU   2AB distance=116' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00243+2731 CHE 21 159 18.7 0
Show 00250+2726 CHE 24 339 4.9 10
Show 00247+2740 LDS3164 304 113.2 14
Show 00230+2735 TDS 16 121 1.4 20
Show 00252+2743 CHE 26 232 18.6 20
Show 00235+2709 CHE 18 13 7.5 22
Show 00232+2710 CHE 16 264 18.8 23
Show 00237+2702 CHE 20 210 17.4 26
Show 00220+2726 CHE 12 199 14.6 31
Show 00257+2755 GRV 22 273 52.6 34
Show 00250+2653 CHE 25 81 24.1 35
Show 00220+2711 HDS 48 243 10.3 36
Show 00241+2652 TDS1441 137 0.5 37
Show 00220+2706 CHE 13 52 18.5 38
Show 00214+2729 CHE 11 296 20.6 40
Show 00220+2659 CHE 14 246 9.3 43
Show 00214+2744 COU 347 Aa,Ab 48 0.4 43
Show 00214+2744 CHE 10 AB 92 10.1 43
Show 00210+2647 CHE 9 333 5.7 47
Show 00208+2737 CHE 7 261 6.5 48
Show 00231+2813 KPP4413 AB 328 10.2 49
Show 00215+2658 HJ 1020 182 11.2 49
Show 00206+2712 LDS3154 320 1.9 52
Show 00243+2634 CHE 22 261 22.6 53
Show 00259+2638 CVR1041 AB 233 4.4 55
Show 00209+2655 CHE 8 325 18.1 57
Show 00262+2827 COU 446 313 0.9 65
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 AB 222 12.7 66
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 AC 221 20.7 66
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 BC 218 8.0 66
Show 00236+2621 CHE 19 355 7.8 68
Show 00289+2651 BRT 118 195 5.2 71
Show 00296+2807 HAU 1 BC 47 12.2 80
Show 00296+2807 WSI 38 AB 280 4.3 80
Show 00296+2807 HAU 1 AC 27 10.3 80
Show 00199+2633 CHE 4 204 4.2 80
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AB 62 16.5 84
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AC 22 29.0 84
Show 00254+2603 LDS3166 72 42.2 86
Show 00191+2822 TDS1397 108 0.7 89
Show 00204+2617 CHE 6 184 12.1 90
Show 00269+2555 CVR 321 239 28.4 99
Show 00194+2846 MLB 511 49 4.5 103
Show 00320+2740 COU 547 36 0.1 103
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 CD 221 96.2 106
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 AB 201 77.5 107
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 AC 358 140.7 107
Show 00185+2608 STF 24 247 5.0 112
Show 00213+2541 COU 348 97 0.7 115
Show 00310+2839 CTU 1 Aa,Ab 233 1.3 116
Show 00310+2839 HAU 2 AB 279 12.4 116

WDS 00243+2731 : COMPONENTS
B pa=160.9°
00243+2731 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002420.00+272805.0 Mag 14.1 PmRA -5.00 PmDE 1.0
00243+2731 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002420.45+272747.6 Mag 14.53 PmRA 20.00 PmDE -10.0
Calc delta mag 0.43 Calc coord yes