00243+2731 CHE 21
00h 24m 20.00s +27° 28' 05.0" P.A. 159.00 sep 18.7 mag 14.10,14.53
Coord 2000 |
00243+2731 |
Discov num |
CHE 21 |
Comp |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
00 24 20.00 +27 28 05.0 |
Date first |
1907 |
Date last |
2015 |
Obs |
13 |
Pa first |
160 |
Pa last |
158.7 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
158.7° |
Sep first |
19.5 |
Sep last |
18.707 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
18.707" |
Mag pri |
14.10 |
Mag sec |
14.53 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
0.43 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
-005 |
Sec motion ra |
+020 |
Pri motion dec |
+001 |
Sec motion dec |
-010 |
Notes |
This double is not physical.
Constellation |
Andromeda |
Gaia DR2 |
2856227232652359552 |
WDS 00243+2731 CHE 21 : NOTES
No records found.
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
Chevalier, Stanislas |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
1989 |
2 |
160 |
20.4 |
13.12 |
13.51 |
002419.11+272615.5 |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
2001 |
8 |
159 |
18.8 |
14.30 |
14.70 |
002420.01+272805.1 |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
2006 |
10 |
159 |
18.8 |
14.00 |
14.30 |
002420.00+272805.0 |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
2010 |
10 |
159 |
18.7 |
14.10 |
14.53 |
002420.00+272805.0 |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
2015 |
11 |
159 |
18.7 |
14.10 |
14.53 |
002420.00+272805.0 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 00243+2731 CHE 21 : MEASURES
No records found.

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 00243+2731 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 24m 20.00s +27° 28' 05.0"

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
00243+2731 |
CHE 21 |
159 |
18.7 |
0 |
Show |
00250+2726 |
CHE 24 |
339 |
4.9 |
10 |
Show |
00247+2740 |
LDS3164 |
304 |
113.2 |
14 |
Show |
00230+2735 |
TDS 16 |
121 |
1.4 |
20 |
Show |
00252+2743 |
CHE 26 |
232 |
18.6 |
20 |
Show |
00235+2709 |
CHE 18 |
13 |
7.5 |
22 |
Show |
00232+2710 |
CHE 16 |
264 |
18.8 |
23 |
Show |
00237+2702 |
CHE 20 |
210 |
17.4 |
26 |
Show |
00220+2726 |
CHE 12 |
199 |
14.6 |
31 |
Show |
00257+2755 |
GRV 22 |
273 |
52.6 |
34 |
Show |
00250+2653 |
CHE 25 |
81 |
24.1 |
35 |
Show |
00220+2711 |
HDS 48 |
243 |
10.3 |
36 |
Show |
00241+2652 |
TDS1441 |
137 |
0.5 |
37 |
Show |
00220+2706 |
CHE 13 |
52 |
18.5 |
38 |
Show |
00214+2729 |
CHE 11 |
296 |
20.6 |
40 |
Show |
00220+2659 |
CHE 14 |
246 |
9.3 |
43 |
Show |
00214+2744 |
COU 347 |
Aa,Ab |
48 |
0.4 |
43 |
Show |
00214+2744 |
CHE 10 |
AB |
92 |
10.1 |
43 |
Show |
00210+2647 |
CHE 9 |
333 |
5.7 |
47 |
Show |
00208+2737 |
CHE 7 |
261 |
6.5 |
48 |
Show |
00231+2813 |
KPP4413 |
AB |
328 |
10.2 |
49 |
Show |
00215+2658 |
HJ 1020 |
182 |
11.2 |
49 |
Show |
00206+2712 |
LDS3154 |
320 |
1.9 |
52 |
Show |
00243+2634 |
CHE 22 |
261 |
22.6 |
53 |
Show |
00259+2638 |
CVR1041 |
AB |
233 |
4.4 |
55 |
Show |
00209+2655 |
CHE 8 |
325 |
18.1 |
57 |
Show |
00262+2827 |
COU 446 |
313 |
0.9 |
65 |
Show |
00234+2624 |
CHE 17 |
AB |
222 |
12.7 |
66 |
Show |
00234+2624 |
CHE 17 |
AC |
221 |
20.7 |
66 |
Show |
00234+2624 |
CHE 17 |
BC |
218 |
8.0 |
66 |
Show |
00236+2621 |
CHE 19 |
355 |
7.8 |
68 |
Show |
00289+2651 |
BRT 118 |
195 |
5.2 |
71 |
Show |
00296+2807 |
HAU 1 |
BC |
47 |
12.2 |
80 |
Show |
00296+2807 |
WSI 38 |
AB |
280 |
4.3 |
80 |
Show |
00296+2807 |
HAU 1 |
AC |
27 |
10.3 |
80 |
Show |
00199+2633 |
CHE 4 |
204 |
4.2 |
80 |
Show |
00195+2634 |
CHE 3 |
AB |
62 |
16.5 |
84 |
Show |
00195+2634 |
CHE 3 |
AC |
22 |
29.0 |
84 |
Show |
00254+2603 |
LDS3166 |
72 |
42.2 |
86 |
Show |
00191+2822 |
TDS1397 |
108 |
0.7 |
89 |
Show |
00204+2617 |
CHE 6 |
184 |
12.1 |
90 |
Show |
00269+2555 |
CVR 321 |
239 |
28.4 |
99 |
Show |
00194+2846 |
MLB 511 |
49 |
4.5 |
103 |
Show |
00320+2740 |
COU 547 |
36 |
0.1 |
103 |
Show |
00177+2630 |
BUP 5 |
CD |
221 |
96.2 |
106 |
Show |
00177+2630 |
BUP 5 |
AB |
201 |
77.5 |
107 |
Show |
00177+2630 |
BUP 5 |
AC |
358 |
140.7 |
107 |
Show |
00185+2608 |
STF 24 |
247 |
5.0 |
112 |
Show |
00213+2541 |
COU 348 |
97 |
0.7 |
115 |
Show |
00310+2839 |
CTU 1 |
Aa,Ab |
233 |
1.3 |
116 |
Show |
00310+2839 |
HAU 2 |
AB |
279 |
12.4 |
116 |
WDS 00243+2731 : COMPONENTS
00243+2731 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
002420.00+272805.0 |
Mag |
14.1 |
PmRA |
-5.00 |
PmDE |
1.0 |
00243+2731 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
002420.45+272747.6 |
Mag |
14.53 |
PmRA |
20.00 |
PmDE |
-10.0 |
Calc delta mag |
0.43 |
Calc coord |
yes |