20047+5741 RAO 425

20h 04m 42.34s +57° 40' 39.7" P.A. 190.00 sep 3.6 mag 15.00,19.20
Coord 2000 20047+5741 Discov num RAO 425 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 04 42.34 +57 40 39.7
Date first 2016 Date last 2016 Obs 1
Pa first 190 Pa last 189.6 P.A. Now (θ) 189.6°
Sep first 3.6 Sep last 3.601 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.601"
Mag pri 15.00 Mag sec 19.20 delta mag (ΔM) 4.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +064 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +201 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Cygnus
WDS 20047+5741 RAO 425 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RAO Robo AO (Palomar 60" AO project or KPNO 2.1m)
1 RAO Law, N.M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Ravichandran, G., Ziegler, C.,
1 RAO Johnson, J.A., Tendulkar, S.P., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H., Dekany, R., et al.
3 RAO Riddle, R.L., Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Roberts, L.C., Jr.,
3 RAO Baranec, C., Law, N.M., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H.K., Dekany, R.G.,
3 RAO Kulkarni, S., Punnadi, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., & Tendulkar, S.P.
9 RAO Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Morton, T., Riddle, R.L., Atkinson, D.,
9 RAO Schonhut, J., & Crepp, J.
10 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Nicholas, M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L.,
10 RAO Atkinson, D., Baker, A., Roberts, S., & Ciardi, D.R.
11 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Baranec, C., Huber, D., Ziegler, C., Atkinson, D., Gaidos,
11 RAO E., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Hagelberg, J., van der Marel, N., & Hodapp, K.W.
17 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Duev, D.A., Howard, W.,
17 RAO Jensen-Clem, R., Kulkarni, S.R., Morton, T. & Salama, M.
18 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Morton, T., Riddle, R., De Lee, N., Huber, D.,
18 RAO Mahadevan, S. & Pepper, J.
19 RAO Bowler, B.P., Hinkley, S., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Gizis, J.E., Law, N.M., Liu,
19 RAO M.C., Shah, V.S., Shkolnik, E.L., Riaz, B. & Riddle, R.
20 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Huber, D., Baranec, C., Lamman, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem,
20 RAO R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R. & Law, N.M.
21 RAO Lamman, C., Baranec, C., Berta-Thompson, Z.K., Law, N.M., Schonhut-Stasik, J.,
21 RAO Ziegler, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R.,
21 RAO Winters, J.G. & Irwin, J.M.
24 RAO Salama, M., Ou, J., Barance, C., Liu, M.C., Bowler, B.P., Barnes, P., Bonnet, M.,
24 RAO Chun, M., Duev, D.A., Goebel, S., Hall, D., Jacobson, S., Jensen-Clem, R., Law,
24 RAO N.M., Lockhart, C., Riddle, R., Situ, H., Warmbier, E. & Zhang, Z.
25 RAO Salama, M., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Liu, M.C., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Henry,
25 RAO T.J., Winters, J.G., Jao, W.-C., Ou, J. & Ruiz, A.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20047+5741 RAO 425 2016 1 190 3.6 15.00 19.20 R 200442.34+574039.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20047+5741 RAO 425 : MEASURES
No records found.


20047+5741 RAO 425A mag 15 20047+5741 RAO 425B sep 3.6 P.A. 185.20 mag 19.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20047+5741 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 04m 42.34s +57° 40' 39.7"
WDS 20047+5741 RAO 425 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20047+5741  RAO 425 distance=0' 20055+5800  WSI 164 distance=21' 20054+5807  A   866Ba,Bb distance=27' 20054+5807  ARG 106AB distance=28' 20012+5800  STI2493 distance=34' 20017+5806  AG  395 distance=35' 20009+5801  TDT1913 distance=37' 20022+5707  MLR 607 distance=40' 20089+5719  STI2506 distance=41' 20056+5821  TDT1965 distance=41' 20088+5811  MLB  83BC distance=44' 20088+5811  MLB  83AB distance=45' 20065+5828  TDT1985 distance=50' 19589+5757  NSN 725 distance=50' 20025+5831  HJL 270 distance=53' 20020+5652  SKF2027 distance=53' 20110+5717  ARG  36 distance=56' 20099+5657  ES  132AB distance=61' 20099+5657  ES  132AC distance=61' 20099+5657  ES  132BC distance=61' 19562+5749  LDS2783 distance=68' 19563+5749  STI2482 distance=69' 20104+5839  FOX 249 distance=74' 20049+5855  ES 1799AB distance=75' 20049+5855  ES 1799BC distance=75' 19570+5830  STI2486 distance=80' 20054+5620  KPP4184 distance=81' 20004+5627  ES 1756 distance=82' 20112+5638  CRB 208 distance=83' 19556+5822  STI2477 distance=84' 19545+5727  MLR 587 distance=84' 19562+5651  STI2479 distance=85' 20099+5856  FOX 248AB distance=86' 20099+5856  FOX 248AC distance=86' 19550+5826  HJ 2917 distance=90' 20057+5610  STI2500 distance=91' 20077+5908  HJ 2936 distance=91' 19549+5827  HJ 2916 distance=92' 19533+5731  YSC 137 distance=93' 20012+5909  MLB  82 distance=93' 20163+5735  TDT2133 distance=94' 20129+5848  LDS2792 distance=94' 19564+5635  STI2481 distance=95' 19572+5627  STI2485 distance=96' 20031+5921  ES 1757 distance=101' 20169+5717  TDT2139 distance=101' 20119+5906  LDS1467 distance=103' 20057+5925  HJ 2934AB distance=105' 20057+5925  HJ 2934CA distance=105' 20006+5922  JNN 124BC distance=106' 20006+5922  LDS2787AB distance=107' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20047+5741 RAO 425 190 3.6 0
Show 20055+5800 WSI 164 182 44.3 21
Show 20054+5807 A 866 Ba,Bb 184 0.6 27
Show 20054+5807 ARG 106 AB 178 30.0 28
Show 20012+5800 STI2493 56 7.6 34
Show 20017+5806 AG 395 357 4.3 35
Show 20009+5801 TDT1913 208 0.7 37
Show 20022+5707 MLR 607 180 1.7 40
Show 20089+5719 STI2506 283 13.3 41
Show 20056+5821 TDT1965 80 2.7 41
Show 20088+5811 MLB 83 BC 205 13.9 44
Show 20088+5811 MLB 83 AB 188 31.8 45
Show 20065+5828 TDT1985 227 1.0 50
Show 19589+5757 NSN 725 143 1.4 50
Show 20025+5831 HJL 270 183 18.2 53
Show 20020+5652 SKF2027 39 58.1 53
Show 20110+5717 ARG 36 128 8.0 56
Show 20099+5657 ES 132 AB 82 5.4 61
Show 20099+5657 ES 132 AC 63 32.7 61
Show 20099+5657 ES 132 BC 59 27.6 61
Show 19562+5749 LDS2783 321 68.4 68
Show 19563+5749 STI2482 5 12.1 69
Show 20104+5839 FOX 249 105 6.5 74
Show 20049+5855 ES 1799 AB 273 22.3 75
Show 20049+5855 ES 1799 BC 151 2.2 75
Show 19570+5830 STI2486 190 3.9 80
Show 20054+5620 KPP4184 101 52.4 81
Show 20004+5627 ES 1756 189 2.1 82
Show 20112+5638 CRB 208 238 11.0 83
Show 19556+5822 STI2477 149 5.9 84
Show 19545+5727 MLR 587 348 1.0 84
Show 19562+5651 STI2479 355 3.5 85
Show 20099+5856 FOX 248 AB 171 7.2 86
Show 20099+5856 FOX 248 AC 346 27.9 86
Show 19550+5826 HJ 2917 290 11.5 90
Show 20057+5610 STI2500 195 7.5 91
Show 20077+5908 HJ 2936 251 12.7 91
Show 19549+5827 HJ 2916 112 16.8 92
Show 19533+5731 YSC 137 329 0.0 93
Show 20012+5909 MLB 82 14 6.3 93
Show 20163+5735 TDT2133 246 3.1 94
Show 20129+5848 LDS2792 277 4.2 94
Show 19564+5635 STI2481 71 8.1 95
Show 19572+5627 STI2485 73 6.3 96
Show 20031+5921 ES 1757 209 1.8 101
Show 20169+5717 TDT2139 101 3.2 101
Show 20119+5906 LDS1467 303 2.5 103
Show 20057+5925 HJ 2934 AB 310 9.7 105
Show 20057+5925 HJ 2934 CA 263 36.6 105
Show 20006+5922 JNN 124 BC 275 0.3 106
Show 20006+5922 LDS2787 AB 162 18.5 107

WDS 20047+5741 : COMPONENTS
B pa=185.2°
20047+5741 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200442.34+574039.7 Mag 15 PmRA 64.00 PmDE 201.0
20047+5741 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200442.30+574036.1 Mag 19.2 Calc delta mag 4.2 Calc coord yes