16345+5903 KPP 4006

16h 34m 27.31s +59° 03' 05.2" P.A. 37.00 sep 9.4 mag 10.30,16.40
Coord 2000 16345+5903 Discov num KPP4006 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 34 27.31 +59 03 05.2
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 37 Pa last 36.7 P.A. Now (θ) 36.7°
Sep first 9.5 Sep last 9.383 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.383"
Mag pri 10.30 Mag sec 16.40 delta mag (ΔM) 6.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -089 Sec motion ra -090
Pri motion dec -060 Sec motion dec -062
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.02 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Draco Tycho2 3884-00268-1
WDS 16345+5903 KPP 4006 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16345+5903 KPP4006 2015 5 37 9.4 10.30 16.40 T 163427.31+590305.2
16345+5903 KPP4006 2016 7 37 9.4 10.30 16.40 T 163427.31+590305.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16345+5903 KPP 4006 : MEASURES
No records found.


16345+5903 KPP4006A mag 10.3 16345+5903 KPP4006B sep 8.1 P.A. 21.00 mag 16.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16345+5903 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 34m 27.31s +59° 03' 05.2"
WDS 16345+5903 KPP 4006 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16345+5903  KPP4006 distance=0' 16326+5913  TDS9960 distance=18' 16354+5922  TDS9985 distance=21' 16276+5922  CBL  65 distance=56' 16311+5756  A  1138 distance=73' 16316+5746  YNG   1 distance=81' 16431+5952  STI 806 distance=83' 16241+5835  STI2339 distance=86' 16344+5737  MLB  74 distance=88' 16396+5744  TDT  22 distance=90' 16284+6028  UC 3175 distance=97' 16344+6044  LDS2392 distance=101' 16324+5723  A  1139 distance=101' 16312+5725  WOR  32AB distance=102' 16312+5725  SCA 207Aa,Ab distance=102' 16312+5725  SCA 207Aa,Ac distance=102' 16312+5725  SCA 207Aa,Ad distance=102' 16391+6042  STF2092 distance=105' 16484+5903  PRB   7 distance=108' 16470+5954  UC  223 distance=109' 16282+6041  COP   3 distance=109' 16434+6028  KPP4013 distance=110' 16228+6008  TDS9871 distance=110' 16239+6020  ES 1828 distance=112' 16345+5709  LDS1436 distance=114' 16489+5930  STT 316 distance=114' 16232+6017  ES 1827 distance=114' 16396+6054  SKF 170 distance=118' 16485+5807  RAO 357 distance=124' 16184+5922  STI 798 distance=125' 16420+5711  HDS2371 distance=127' 16497+5816  MLR 430 distance=128' 16388+6111  UC 3198 distance=132' 16490+5757  STI2346 distance=132' 16523+5817  CRB 197 distance=147' 16286+5644  STF2060 distance=147' 16192+5736  A  1137 distance=149' 16243+5658  KPP3997 distance=149' 16356+5633  ES 2652 distance=151' 16434+6120  TDS 831 distance=153' 16289+5636  ARG 102 distance=154' 16248+5649  STI2340 distance=155' 16338+5626  CVR 833 distance=157' 16524+6028  ES 1829 distance=159' 16337+6143  TOI1131 distance=161' 16178+5730  STI2336 distance=161' 16453+5647  MCA  44 distance=162' 16542+6001  LDS2402 distance=162' 16369+5618  STI2345 distance=167' 16161+6036  KPP2257 distance=167' 16240+6131  STT 312AB (Athebyne) distance=167' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16345+5903 KPP4006 37 9.4 0
Show 16326+5913 TDS9960 115 0.9 18
Show 16354+5922 TDS9985 141 0.4 21
Show 16276+5922 CBL 65 322 12.7 56
Show 16311+5756 A 1138 173 0.6 73
Show 16316+5746 YNG 1 217 1.3 81
Show 16431+5952 STI 806 129 5.5 83
Show 16241+5835 STI2339 75 12.9 86
Show 16344+5737 MLB 74 250 7.1 88
Show 16396+5744 TDT 22 327 1.1 90
Show 16284+6028 UC 3175 161 8.5 97
Show 16344+6044 LDS2392 67 15.7 101
Show 16324+5723 A 1139 90 2.1 101
Show 16312+5725 WOR 32 AB 0 1.0 102
Show 16312+5725 SCA 207 Aa,Ab 6 0.2 102
Show 16312+5725 SCA 207 Aa,Ac 129 0.2 102
Show 16312+5725 SCA 207 Aa,Ad 73 0.2 102
Show 16391+6042 STF2092 5 8.2 105
Show 16484+5903 PRB 7 114 999.9 108
Show 16470+5954 UC 223 123 50.3 109
Show 16282+6041 COP 3 93 1.4 109
Show 16434+6028 KPP4013 68 1.6 110
Show 16228+6008 TDS9871 119 2.6 110
Show 16239+6020 ES 1828 249 3.3 112
Show 16345+5709 LDS1436 22 26.7 114
Show 16489+5930 STT 316 348 46.6 114
Show 16232+6017 ES 1827 37 5.1 114
Show 16396+6054 SKF 170 64 3.2 118
Show 16485+5807 RAO 357 270 0.6 124
Show 16184+5922 STI 798 347 13.6 125
Show 16420+5711 HDS2371 72 0.9 127
Show 16497+5816 MLR 430 159 0.1 128
Show 16388+6111 UC 3198 354 7.0 132
Show 16490+5757 STI2346 104 15.5 132
Show 16523+5817 CRB 197 243 22.3 147
Show 16286+5644 STF2060 247 3.8 147
Show 16192+5736 A 1137 204 0.6 149
Show 16243+5658 KPP3997 302 2.9 149
Show 16356+5633 ES 2652 182 13.1 151
Show 16434+6120 TDS 831 216 1.1 153
Show 16289+5636 ARG 102 53 80.5 154
Show 16248+5649 STI2340 151 4.3 155
Show 16338+5626 CVR 833 131 16.8 157
Show 16524+6028 ES 1829 79 8.3 159
Show 16337+6143 TOI1131 214 0.1 161
Show 16178+5730 STI2336 161 3.4 161
Show 16453+5647 MCA 44 144 0.0 162
Show 16542+6001 LDS2402 113 99.0 162
Show 16369+5618 STI2345 75 4.3 167
Show 16161+6036 KPP2257 178 18.8 167
Show Athebyne 16240+6131 STT 312 AB 142 4.7 167

WDS 16345+5903 : COMPONENTS
B pa=21.0°
16345+5903 A
Coord arcsec 2000 163427.31+590305.2 Mag 10.3 PmRA -89.00 PmDE -60.0
Tycho2 3884-00268-1
Tycho2 3884-00268-1 Pflag RAmdeg 248.61384360 DEmdeg 59.05145348
PmRA -83.2 PmDE -58.8 E RAmdeg 20 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 3.0 E pmDE 3.0 EpRAm 1989.71 EpDEm 1989.78
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.3 BTmag 10.874 E BTmag 0.045 VTmag 10.072
E VTmag 0.032 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 248.61422056 DEdeg 59.05158750 EpRA 1990 1.68
EpDE 1990 1.79 E RAdeg 22.7 E DEdeg 22.9 Posflg
Corr -0.1
16345+5903 B
Coord arcsec 2000 163427.68+590312.7 Mag 16.4 PmRA -90.00 PmDE -62.0
Calc delta mag 6.1 Calc coord yes