16218+7734 MFL 235

16h 21m 46.58s +77° 34' 11.3" P.A. 165.00 sep 7.3 mag 13.60,16.70
Coord 2000 16218+7734 Discov num MFL 235 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 21 46.58 +77 34 11.3
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 165 Pa last 164.6 P.A. Now (θ) 164.6°
Sep first 7.3 Sep last 7.317 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.317"
Mag pri 13.60 Mag sec 16.70 delta mag (ΔM) 3.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +019 Sec motion ra +019
Pri motion dec -038 Sec motion dec -038
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Minor
WDS 16218+7734 MFL 235 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 MFL Martinez, Fernando Limon
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16218+7734 MFL 235 2015 6 165 7.3 13.60 16.70 V 162146.58+773411.3
16218+7734 MFL 235 2016 7 165 7.3 13.60 16.70 V 162146.58+773411.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16218+7734 MFL 235 : MEASURES
No records found.


16218+7734 MFL 235A mag 13.6 16218+7734 MFL 235B sep 7.1 P.A. 176.60 mag 16.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16218+7734 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 21m 46.58s +77° 34' 11.3"
WDS 16218+7734 MFL 235 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16218+7734  MFL 235 distance=0' 16172+7734  CAB  23AB distance=15' 16172+7734  RAO 601Aa,Ab distance=15' 16227+7708  SKF2776 distance=27' 16292+7805  FAR  48AB distance=39' 16292+7805  FAR  48Ba,Bb distance=39' 16319+7759  MFL 216 distance=41' 16181+7651  UC 3150 distance=45' 16126+7642  UC 3136 distance=61' 16263+7629  STF2077 distance=67' 16271+7844  TDS9908 distance=72' 16097+7837  MFL 222 distance=73' 16108+7840  MFL 261 distance=74' 16216+7620  STF2066 distance=75' 16133+7620  MFL 224 distance=80' 16324+7847  KPP2334 distance=80' 16282+7614  MLR 350 distance=84' 16394+7628  MFL 228 distance=90' 16365+7618  MFL 241 distance=92' 16342+7559  ACG   1 distance=105' 16359+7912  BVD 328 distance=107' 16175+7545  LDS1844 distance=110' 16304+7930  MLR 351 distance=119' 16065+7547  HU  916AB distance=120' 16065+7547  LDS1838AB,C distance=120' 16185+7952  TDS9830 distance=139' 16202+8003  STF2075 distance=149' 16165+7457  KPP3413AC distance=159' 16096+8030  KPP1780 distance=179' 16196+7434  GII  41 distance=181' 16213+7434  HDS2310 distance=181' 16180+8040  MLR  82 distance=187' 16343+7419  LDS1849 distance=201' 16269+7411  LDS1846 distance=204' 16094+8101  TDS9775 distance=210' 16130+8123  MFL 210 distance=230' 16356+7343  LDS1850 distance=237' 16132+7339  MLR 196 distance=237' 16215+8144  KPP 643 distance=250' 16256+7325  TDS9892 distance=250' 16406+8150  MFL 240 distance=261' 16407+7323  MLR 197AB distance=261' 16407+7323  MLR 197AC distance=261' 16126+7315  LDS1840 distance=262' 16330+8155  KPP4005 distance=263' 16310+7304  NSN 679 distance=273' 16181+7257  LDS1843 distance=278' 16086+8213  MFL 260 distance=281' 16285+8216  UC 3177 distance=283' 16391+7256  LDS1853 distance=287' 16046+7254  TDS9749 distance=288' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16218+7734 MFL 235 165 7.3 0
Show 16172+7734 CAB 23 AB 315 21.3 15
Show 16172+7734 RAO 601 Aa,Ab 263 0.8 15
Show 16227+7708 SKF2776 285 4.9 27
Show 16292+7805 FAR 48 AB 19 0.4 39
Show 16292+7805 FAR 48 Ba,Bb 200 0.0 39
Show 16319+7759 MFL 216 11 5.3 41
Show 16181+7651 UC 3150 320 15.4 45
Show 16126+7642 UC 3136 136 16.3 61
Show 16263+7629 STF2077 308 17.4 67
Show 16271+7844 TDS9908 191 0.6 72
Show 16097+7837 MFL 222 21 6.1 73
Show 16108+7840 MFL 261 260 4.6 74
Show 16216+7620 STF2066 56 5.3 75
Show 16133+7620 MFL 224 136 8.8 80
Show 16324+7847 KPP2334 231 19.9 80
Show 16282+7614 MLR 350 226 1.1 84
Show 16394+7628 MFL 228 344 6.0 90
Show 16365+7618 MFL 241 70 20.0 92
Show 16342+7559 ACG 1 290 5.7 105
Show 16359+7912 BVD 328 350 55.7 107
Show 16175+7545 LDS1844 125 228.3 110
Show 16304+7930 MLR 351 91 3.6 119
Show 16065+7547 HU 916 AB 168 0.5 120
Show 16065+7547 LDS1838 AB,C 167 62.0 120
Show 16185+7952 TDS9830 320 1.8 139
Show 16202+8003 STF2075 326 1.4 149
Show 16165+7457 KPP3413 AC 255 4.3 159
Show 16096+8030 KPP1780 106 13.8 179
Show 16196+7434 GII 41 27 2.7 181
Show 16213+7434 HDS2310 104 0.2 181
Show 16180+8040 MLR 82 249 1.9 187
Show 16343+7419 LDS1849 286 169.2 201
Show 16269+7411 LDS1846 40 16.3 204
Show 16094+8101 TDS9775 18 0.9 210
Show 16130+8123 MFL 210 59 7.0 230
Show 16356+7343 LDS1850 101 234.1 237
Show 16132+7339 MLR 196 235 0.7 237
Show 16215+8144 KPP 643 347 5.8 250
Show 16256+7325 TDS9892 198 0.6 250
Show 16406+8150 MFL 240 142 5.0 261
Show 16407+7323 MLR 197 AB 74 0.5 261
Show 16407+7323 MLR 197 AC 247 1.9 261
Show 16126+7315 LDS1840 36 5.7 262
Show 16330+8155 KPP4005 203 1.6 263
Show 16310+7304 NSN 679 338 2.0 273
Show 16181+7257 LDS1843 117 15.3 278
Show 16086+8213 MFL 260 242 4.8 281
Show 16285+8216 UC 3177 258 79.8 283
Show 16391+7256 LDS1853 316 7.2 287
Show 16046+7254 TDS9749 191 2.2 288

WDS 16218+7734 : COMPONENTS
B pa=176.6°
16218+7734 A
Coord arcsec 2000 162146.58+773411.3 Mag 13.6 PmRA 19.00 PmDE -38.0
16218+7734 B
Coord arcsec 2000 162146.71+773404.2 Mag 16.7 PmRA 19.00 PmDE -38.0
Calc delta mag 3.1 Calc coord yes