05488+6958 KPP 3633

05h 48m 50.31s +69° 58' 04.5" P.A. 252.00 sep 2.6 mag 11.70,14.40
Coord 2000 05488+6958 Discov num KPP3633 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 05 48 50.31 +69 58 04.5
Date first 2013 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 262 Pa last 252 P.A. Now (θ) 252°
Sep first 3.1 Sep last 2.618 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.618"
Mag pri 11.70 Mag sec 14.40 delta mag (ΔM) 2.7 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +039 Sec motion ra +039
Pri motion dec -116 Sec motion dec -113
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.025 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Camelopardalis Tycho2 4348-00778-1
WDS 05488+6958 KPP 3633 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05488+6958 KPP3633 2015 2 252 2.6 11.70 14.40 T 054850.31+695804.5
05488+6958 KPP3633 2016 4 252 2.6 11.70 14.40 T 054850.31+695804.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 05488+6958 KPP 3633 : MEASURES
No records found.


05488+6958 KPP3633A mag 11.7 05488+6958 KPP3633B sep 1.2 P.A. 226.50 mag 14.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 05488+6958 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 05h 48m 50.31s +69° 58' 04.5"
WDS 05488+6958 KPP 3633 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

05488+6958  KPP3633 distance=0' 05482+6939  TDS 196 distance=20' 05480+7024  CRB 175 distance=27' 05534+7025  TDS3406 distance=36' 05453+6915  SKF2676 distance=47' 05445+7042  LDS1617 distance=49' 05449+6906  TDS3321 distance=57' 05543+6909  LDS1620 distance=59' 05433+6906  TDS3301 distance=61' 05341+6940  STF 704 distance=79' 06049+6938  LDS1621 distance=80' 05404+6850  TDS3282 distance=82' 05335+6931  TDS3236 distance=84' 06011+6852  TDS3493 distance=93' 05322+7049  A  1034AB distance=98' 05322+7049  A  1034AC distance=98' 05295+6956  TDS3210 distance=100' 05467+7141  TDS3334 distance=104' 05437+6817  TDS3309 distance=106' 06049+7107  TDS3539 distance=107' 05420+7139  STT 109 distance=107' 05588+7134  STF 793 distance=108' 05304+7103  TDS3213 distance=113' 05462+7156  HDS 777 distance=119' 05450+7156  MLR 403 distance=120' 05317+6838  TDS3225 distance=121' 06007+6809  LDS1201 distance=127' 05455+7209  LDS1618 distance=132' 05382+7205  LDS1615 distance=137' 05415+7215  WFC  30 distance=141' 05481+6736  TDS3351 distance=143' 06040+6748  LDS2517 distance=154' 06032+7216  TDS3522 distance=155' 05488+7234  NSN  25 distance=156' 05289+6755  STF 689 distance=164' 06017+6726  TDS3499 distance=168' 05440+6712  TDS3312 distance=169' 05554+6709  TDS3425 distance=173' 06026+6719  STF 814 distance=176' 05473+7253  LDS1619AB distance=176' 05560+7256  HJ 2276 distance=182' 06026+7252  MMA  25 distance=187' 05413+6656  TDS3292 distance=187' 05370+7259  MLR 468 distance=193' 05555+6649  KPP1013 distance=194' 05529+6646  TDS3399 distance=194' 05596+6649  MLR 315 distance=199' 05444+6640  TDS3318 distance=200' 05458+6639  FMR  70 distance=201' 05391+6640  TDS3274 distance=206' 05373+6642  MLR 314 distance=207' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 05488+6958 KPP3633 252 2.6 0
Show 05482+6939 TDS 196 276 1.5 20
Show 05480+7024 CRB 175 133 12.4 27
Show 05534+7025 TDS3406 199 0.4 36
Show 05453+6915 SKF2676 86 27.8 47
Show 05445+7042 LDS1617 224 12.5 49
Show 05449+6906 TDS3321 176 0.4 57
Show 05543+6909 LDS1620 350 61.5 59
Show 05433+6906 TDS3301 134 0.5 61
Show 05341+6940 STF 704 33 13.1 79
Show 06049+6938 LDS1621 66 37.6 80
Show 05404+6850 TDS3282 346 0.8 82
Show 05335+6931 TDS3236 55 2.9 84
Show 06011+6852 TDS3493 116 2.4 93
Show 05322+7049 A 1034 AB 140 0.9 98
Show 05322+7049 A 1034 AC 326 4.5 98
Show 05295+6956 TDS3210 334 0.5 100
Show 05467+7141 TDS3334 291 0.5 104
Show 05437+6817 TDS3309 6 0.8 106
Show 06049+7107 TDS3539 158 1.4 107
Show 05420+7139 STT 109 131 10.8 107
Show 05588+7134 STF 793 283 2.4 108
Show 05304+7103 TDS3213 227 2.0 113
Show 05462+7156 HDS 777 311 0.3 119
Show 05450+7156 MLR 403 245 1.6 120
Show 05317+6838 TDS3225 347 1.1 121
Show 06007+6809 LDS1201 197 56.1 127
Show 05455+7209 LDS1618 15 11.9 132
Show 05382+7205 LDS1615 343 9.8 137
Show 05415+7215 WFC 30 323 4.4 141
Show 05481+6736 TDS3351 53 0.1 143
Show 06040+6748 LDS2517 72 48.5 154
Show 06032+7216 TDS3522 48 1.0 155
Show 05488+7234 NSN 25 198 3.8 156
Show 05289+6755 STF 689 325 6.0 164
Show 06017+6726 TDS3499 183 0.5 168
Show 05440+6712 TDS3312 181 2.0 169
Show 05554+6709 TDS3425 258 1.3 173
Show 06026+6719 STF 814 163 5.8 176
Show 05473+7253 LDS1619 AB 103 16.5 176
Show 05560+7256 HJ 2276 218 17.9 182
Show 06026+7252 MMA 25 295 20.6 187
Show 05413+6656 TDS3292 335 0.5 187
Show 05370+7259 MLR 468 131 1.5 193
Show 05555+6649 KPP1013 309 8.1 194
Show 05529+6646 TDS3399 2 0.5 194
Show 05596+6649 MLR 315 228 0.2 199
Show 05444+6640 TDS3318 266 2.4 200
Show 05458+6639 FMR 70 130 11.2 201
Show 05391+6640 TDS3274 32 0.7 206
Show 05373+6642 MLR 314 247 0.2 207

WDS 05488+6958 : COMPONENTS
B pa=226.5°
05488+6958 A
Coord arcsec 2000 054850.31+695804.5 Mag 11.7 PmRA 39.00 PmDE -116.0
Tycho2 4348-00778-1
Tycho2 4348-00778-1 Pflag RAmdeg 87.20961011 DEmdeg 69.96795088
PmRA 42.1 PmDE -116.5 E RAmdeg 49 E DEmdeg 37
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 2.2 EpRAm 1985.52 EpDEm 1988.63
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.5 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 1.2 BTmag 12.709 E BTmag 0.139 VTmag 11.603
E VTmag 0.069 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 87.20932861 DEdeg 69.96821472 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.85 E RAdeg 50.8 E DEdeg 37.9 Posflg
Corr 0.0
05488+6958 B
Coord arcsec 2000 054850.14+695803.7 Mag 14.4 PmRA 39.00 PmDE -113.0
Calc delta mag 2.7 Calc coord yes