01485-4810 KPP 3465

01h 48m 29.50s -48° 09' 36.6" P.A. 58.00 sep 53.4 mag 10.23,12.15
Coord 2000 01485-4810 Discov num KPP3465 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 48 29.50 -48 09 36.6
Date first 1904 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 58 Pa last 58 P.A. Now (θ) 58°
Sep first 53.4 Sep last 53.408 Sep. Now (ρ) 53.408"
Mag pri 10.23 Mag sec 12.15 delta mag (ΔM) 1.92 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +028 Sec motion ra +028
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -006
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.07 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Phoenix Tycho2 8044-00672-1
WDS 01485-4810 KPP 3465 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01485-4810 KPP3465 2015 8 58 53.4 10.23 12.15 T 014829.50-480936.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01485-4810 KPP 3465 : MEASURES
No records found.


01485-4810 KPP3465A mag 10.23 01485-4810 KPP3465B sep 41.4 P.A. 46.90 mag 12.15 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01485-4810 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 48m 29.50s -48° 09' 36.6"
WDS 01485-4810 KPP 3465 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01485-4810  KPP3465 distance=1' 01487-4831  UC  634 distance=22' 01508-4824  TDS  62 distance=28' 01477-4836  TSN 122 distance=28' 01444-4811  BRT 646 distance=41' 01444-4729  UC  616 distance=58' 01433-4709  UC  610 distance=80' 01496-4646  TOK 184 distance=85' 01455-4649  HJ 3462 distance=87' 01525-4931  CBL 117 distance=91' 01446-4646  RST2267 distance=93' 01399-4718  RST  37 distance=101' 01475-4955  RED  15 distance=106' 01425-4637  RST  38 distance=111' 01516-4956  TDS2027 distance=111' 01450-5005  UC  622 distance=121' 01430-4959  LIT   6 distance=123' 01373-4720  LDS  53 distance=123' 01443-5006  HJ 3460 distance=124' 01373-4712  RST  35 distance=126' 01428-5012  B  1428 distance=135' 01361-4711  TDS1925 distance=138' 02008-4708  NSC  10 distance=139' 01428-5024  KPP2835 distance=146' 01331-4753  TOI 380 distance=156' 01327-4808  KPP3457AB distance=159' 01440-4538  TDS1973 distance=159' 01592-5009  B  1429 distance=160' 01567-5028  HU 1556 distance=161' 01571-5031  VOU  20 distance=165' 02040-4708  LDS  66 distance=169' 01531-5057  RST5562 distance=173' 01375-4558  JNN 298 distance=173' 01560-4534  RST2269 distance=174' 01504-5103  KPP3466 distance=175' 01325-4932  NSN 215 distance=178' 01357-5016  HDS 214 distance=178' 01598-5034  RST  45 distance=182' 01326-4944  SHY 405AC distance=183' 01326-4944  UC  575AB distance=183' 02067-4748  HU 1347 distance=184' 01447-5110  KPP2238 distance=185' 02062-4726  WIS  52AB distance=185' 02062-4726  NSN 219Aa,Ab distance=185' 02051-4941  B  1431 distance=188' 01320-4947  DAM1283 distance=189' 01367-5040  WSP 105Aa,Ab distance=190' 01449-5118  NSN 210 distance=192' 02041-4622  NSN 220AB distance=192' 02023-5030  HDS 273 distance=195' 02022-4550  SHY 410 distance=198' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01485-4810 KPP3465 58 53.4 1
Show 01487-4831 UC 634 109 72.0 22
Show 01508-4824 TDS 62 313 1.0 28
Show 01477-4836 TSN 122 23 0.5 28
Show 01444-4811 BRT 646 133 4.6 41
Show 01444-4729 UC 616 132 67.0 58
Show 01433-4709 UC 610 169 84.1 80
Show 01496-4646 TOK 184 313 0.3 85
Show 01455-4649 HJ 3462 210 13.4 87
Show 01525-4931 CBL 117 208 42.5 91
Show 01446-4646 RST2267 345 0.2 93
Show 01399-4718 RST 37 12 1.5 101
Show 01475-4955 RED 15 73 0.1 106
Show 01425-4637 RST 38 112 2.5 111
Show 01516-4956 TDS2027 6 0.5 111
Show 01450-5005 UC 622 203 73.4 121
Show 01430-4959 LIT 6 50 7.4 123
Show 01373-4720 LDS 53 355 19.1 123
Show 01443-5006 HJ 3460 184 21.9 124
Show 01373-4712 RST 35 283 0.3 126
Show 01428-5012 B 1428 273 2.3 135
Show 01361-4711 TDS1925 345 0.9 138
Show 02008-4708 NSC 10 214 22.4 139
Show 01428-5024 KPP2835 145 1.7 146
Show 01331-4753 TOI 380 6 0.2 156
Show 01327-4808 KPP3457 AB 25 3.8 159
Show 01440-4538 TDS1973 215 2.5 159
Show 01592-5009 B 1429 353 0.9 160
Show 01567-5028 HU 1556 344 0.6 161
Show 01571-5031 VOU 20 261 0.4 165
Show 02040-4708 LDS 66 24 7.0 169
Show 01531-5057 RST5562 181 5.3 173
Show 01375-4558 JNN 298 300 0.1 173
Show 01560-4534 RST2269 91 1.3 174
Show 01504-5103 KPP3466 213 58.1 175
Show 01325-4932 NSN 215 3 6.0 178
Show 01357-5016 HDS 214 290 1.7 178
Show 01598-5034 RST 45 263 0.4 182
Show 01326-4944 SHY 405 AC 231 999.9 183
Show 01326-4944 UC 575 AB 334 18.7 183
Show 02067-4748 HU 1347 314 1.0 184
Show 01447-5110 KPP2238 331 18.6 185
Show 02062-4726 WIS 52 AB 12 999.9 185
Show 02062-4726 NSN 219 Aa,Ab 200 1.9 185
Show 02051-4941 B 1431 25 7.3 188
Show 01320-4947 DAM1283 215 50.9 189
Show 01367-5040 WSP 105 Aa,Ab 348 0.4 190
Show 01449-5118 NSN 210 57 2.4 192
Show 02041-4622 NSN 220 AB 214 12.9 192
Show 02023-5030 HDS 273 137 0.4 195
Show 02022-4550 SHY 410 10 999.9 198

WDS 01485-4810 : COMPONENTS
B pa=46.9°
01485-4810 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014829.50-480936.6 Mag 10.23 PmRA 28.00 PmDE -4.0
Tycho2 8044-00672-1
Tycho2 8044-00672-1 Pflag RAmdeg 27.12292890 DEmdeg -48.16015664
PmRA 26.2 PmDE -9.2 E RAmdeg 25 E DEmdeg 20
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1983.92 EpDEm 1983.87
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 1.4 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.3
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 10.847 E BTmag 0.045 VTmag 10.352
E VTmag 0.040 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 27.12283389 DEdeg -48.16013472 EpRA 1990 1.48
EpDE 1990 1.67 E RAdeg 29.0 E DEdeg 22.9 Posflg
Corr 0.1
01485-4810 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014832.52-480908.3 Mag 12.15 PmRA 28.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 1.92 Calc coord yes