01093+4903 KPP 3444

01h 09m 19.73s +49° 02' 41.8" P.A. 73.00 sep 17.9 mag 14.33,14.39
Coord 2000 01093+4903 Discov num KPP3444 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 09 19.73 +49 02 41.8
Date first 1953 Date last 2015 Obs 10
Pa first 74 Pa last 72.9 P.A. Now (θ) 72.9°
Sep first 17.5 Sep last 17.914 Sep. Now (ρ) 17.914"
Mag pri 14.33 Mag sec 14.39 delta mag (ΔM) 0.06 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -011 Sec motion ra -009
Pri motion dec -026 Sec motion dec -027
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.079 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia
WDS 01093+4903 KPP 3444 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01093+4903 KPP3444 2015 10 73 17.9 14.33 14.39 T 010919.73+490241.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01093+4903 KPP 3444 : MEASURES
No records found.


01093+4903 KPP3444A mag 14.33 01093+4903 KPP3444B sep 12.4 P.A. 64.90 mag 14.39 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01093+4903 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 09m 19.73s +49° 02' 41.8"
WDS 01093+4903 KPP 3444 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01093+4903  KPP3444 distance=0' 01106+4917  COU2156 distance=20' 01115+4903  COU2157 distance=22' 01098+4924  HU 1022 distance=22' 01072+4933  HDS 145 distance=37' 01056+4927  OSO  12AB distance=44' 01056+4927  OSO  12AC distance=44' 01076+4949  SKF 108 distance=49' 01055+4928  ES 1206 distance=51' 01040+4852  TOK 448 distance=55' 01147+4829  COU1858 distance=64' 01026+4900  COU1855 distance=67' 01088+5010  TDS1785 distance=68' 01165+4906  ES 1207 distance=71' 01149+4815  A   934 distance=73' 01014+4900  TDS1721 distance=79' 01119+4748  BU  398 distance=79' 01013+4853  ES 1205 distance=81' 01176+4859  ES 1208 distance=81' 01071+4744  A   931 distance=83' 01015+4932  ES   45 distance=83' 01178+4901  STF 102CD distance=84' 01178+4901  DOB   1CE distance=84' 01084+5025  HJ 1071 distance=84' 01178+4901  STF 102AB distance=84' 01178+4901  STF 102AB,D distance=84' 01178+4901  DOB   1AB,E distance=84' 01178+4901  STF 102AB,C distance=84' 01178+4901  HJ 2033EF distance=84' 01178+4901  STF 102DE distance=84' 01010+4930  TDS1716 distance=87' 01015+4820  TDS1724 distance=89' 01010+4830  COU2256 distance=89' 01162+5004  HU 1026 distance=90' 01135+4740  COU1857 distance=93' 01178+4945  HU  520 distance=93' 01179+4945  TDS1834 distance=94' 01035+5019  STF  83AB distance=95' 01046+4740  TDS1754 distance=95' 01050+5029  COU1856 distance=96' 01174+4959  ES 1130AB distance=96' 01174+4959  ES 1130AC distance=96' 00599+4935  HJ 1062 distance=99' 01194+4857  HU  521 distance=99' 01037+5026  HU  517AB distance=100' 01037+5026  OLE   5AC distance=100' 00590+4913  ES 1204 distance=103' 01027+4742  HJ 2010 distance=104' 01165+4745  TDS1825 distance=106' 01042+5038  HU  518AB distance=107' 01042+5038  HU  518AB,CD distance=107' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01093+4903 KPP3444 73 17.9 0
Show 01106+4917 COU2156 162 0.5 20
Show 01115+4903 COU2157 9 0.6 22
Show 01098+4924 HU 1022 323 3.0 22
Show 01072+4933 HDS 145 64 0.1 37
Show 01056+4927 OSO 12 AB 348 11.3 44
Show 01056+4927 OSO 12 AC 28 6.7 44
Show 01076+4949 SKF 108 301 52.3 49
Show 01055+4928 ES 1206 180 5.0 51
Show 01040+4852 TOK 448 262 999.9 55
Show 01147+4829 COU1858 258 0.4 64
Show 01026+4900 COU1855 104 0.9 67
Show 01088+5010 TDS1785 180 1.7 68
Show 01165+4906 ES 1207 97 4.2 71
Show 01149+4815 A 934 184 3.1 73
Show 01014+4900 TDS1721 259 0.5 79
Show 01119+4748 BU 398 44 1.8 79
Show 01013+4853 ES 1205 115 2.9 81
Show 01176+4859 ES 1208 53 5.6 81
Show 01071+4744 A 931 268 0.4 83
Show 01015+4932 ES 45 244 7.9 83
Show 01178+4901 STF 102 CD 54 33.5 84
Show 01178+4901 DOB 1 CE 10 119.9 84
Show 01084+5025 HJ 1071 122 15.8 84
Show 01178+4901 STF 102 AB 271 0.5 84
Show 01178+4901 STF 102 AB,D 58 23.6 84
Show 01178+4901 DOB 1 AB,E 7 111.7 84
Show 01178+4901 STF 102 AB,C 223 10.2 84
Show 01178+4901 HJ 2033 EF 58 11.8 84
Show 01178+4901 STF 102 DE 356 98.5 84
Show 01010+4930 TDS1716 242 0.6 87
Show 01015+4820 TDS1724 71 0.7 89
Show 01010+4830 COU2256 127 0.6 89
Show 01162+5004 HU 1026 224 4.1 90
Show 01135+4740 COU1857 57 0.8 93
Show 01178+4945 HU 520 167 0.3 93
Show 01179+4945 TDS1834 144 0.5 94
Show 01035+5019 STF 83 AB 313 29.2 95
Show 01046+4740 TDS1754 235 1.0 95
Show 01050+5029 COU1856 100 0.1 96
Show 01174+4959 ES 1130 AB 356 3.2 96
Show 01174+4959 ES 1130 AC 109 12.0 96
Show 00599+4935 HJ 1062 104 10.6 99
Show 01194+4857 HU 521 113 0.3 99
Show 01037+5026 HU 517 AB 28 0.6 100
Show 01037+5026 OLE 5 AC 188 35.8 100
Show 00590+4913 ES 1204 346 3.7 103
Show 01027+4742 HJ 2010 271 9.9 104
Show 01165+4745 TDS1825 262 1.7 106
Show 01042+5038 HU 518 AB 359 0.1 107
Show 01042+5038 HU 518 AB,CD 25 150.0 107

WDS 01093+4903 : COMPONENTS
B pa=64.9°
01093+4903 A
Coord arcsec 2000 010919.73+490241.8 Mag 14.33 PmRA -11.00 PmDE -26.0
01093+4903 B
Coord arcsec 2000 010920.87+490247.1 Mag 14.39 PmRA -9.00 PmDE -27.0
Calc delta mag 0.06 Calc coord yes