00167+3001 RAO 180

00h 16m 40.44s +30° 01' 00.2" P.A. 174.00 sep 0.9 mag 12.40,14.90
Coord 2000 00167+3001 Discov num RAO 180 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 16 40.44 +30 01 00.2
Date first 2014 Date last 2016 Obs 2
Pa first 174 Pa last 173.5 P.A. Now (θ) 173.5°
Sep first 1.0 Sep last 0.882 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.882"
Mag pri 12.40 Mag sec 14.90 delta mag (ΔM) 2.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +224 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +024 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda
WDS 00167+3001 RAO 180 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RAO Robo AO (Palomar 60" AO project or KPNO 2.1m)
1 RAO Law, N.M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Ravichandran, G., Ziegler, C.,
1 RAO Johnson, J.A., Tendulkar, S.P., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H., Dekany, R., et al.
3 RAO Riddle, R.L., Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Roberts, L.C., Jr.,
3 RAO Baranec, C., Law, N.M., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H.K., Dekany, R.G.,
3 RAO Kulkarni, S., Punnadi, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., & Tendulkar, S.P.
9 RAO Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Morton, T., Riddle, R.L., Atkinson, D.,
9 RAO Schonhut, J., & Crepp, J.
10 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Nicholas, M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L.,
10 RAO Atkinson, D., Baker, A., Roberts, S., & Ciardi, D.R.
11 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Baranec, C., Huber, D., Ziegler, C., Atkinson, D., Gaidos,
11 RAO E., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Hagelberg, J., van der Marel, N., & Hodapp, K.W.
17 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Duev, D.A., Howard, W.,
17 RAO Jensen-Clem, R., Kulkarni, S.R., Morton, T. & Salama, M.
18 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Morton, T., Riddle, R., De Lee, N., Huber, D.,
18 RAO Mahadevan, S. & Pepper, J.
19 RAO Bowler, B.P., Hinkley, S., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Gizis, J.E., Law, N.M., Liu,
19 RAO M.C., Shah, V.S., Shkolnik, E.L., Riaz, B. & Riddle, R.
20 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Huber, D., Baranec, C., Lamman, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem,
20 RAO R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R. & Law, N.M.
21 RAO Lamman, C., Baranec, C., Berta-Thompson, Z.K., Law, N.M., Schonhut-Stasik, J.,
21 RAO Ziegler, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R.,
21 RAO Winters, J.G. & Irwin, J.M.
24 RAO Salama, M., Ou, J., Barance, C., Liu, M.C., Bowler, B.P., Barnes, P., Bonnet, M.,
24 RAO Chun, M., Duev, D.A., Goebel, S., Hall, D., Jacobson, S., Jensen-Clem, R., Law,
24 RAO N.M., Lockhart, C., Riddle, R., Situ, H., Warmbier, E. & Zhang, Z.
25 RAO Salama, M., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Liu, M.C., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Henry,
25 RAO T.J., Winters, J.G., Jao, W.-C., Ou, J. & Ruiz, A.H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00167+3001 RAO 180 2016 1 174 0.9 12.40 14.90 R 001640.44+300100.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00167+3001 RAO 180 : MEASURES
No records found.


00167+3001 RAO 180A mag 12.4 00167+3001 RAO 180B sep 0.9 P.A. 174.40 mag 14.9 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00167+3001 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 16m 40.44s +30° 01' 00.2"
WDS 00167+3001 RAO 180 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00167+3001  RAO 180 distance=0' 00151+2956  DEA  94 distance=22' 00159+3028  TDS1372 distance=29' 00147+3016  GRV  16 distance=30' 00172+2932  RAO 524 distance=30' 00153+3031  TDS1363 distance=36' 00178+3035  MLB 632 distance=38' 00165+2918  BU  487BC distance=44' 00165+2918  STF  17AB distance=44' 00183+3057  LAF  23 distance=61' 00122+2936  CBL 563 distance=65' 00115+2949  MLB 441BC distance=69' 00115+2949  MLB 441AB distance=69' 00115+2949  MLB 441AC distance=69' 00115+2949  MLB 441CD distance=69' 00113+2953  MLB 631AB distance=71' 00113+2953  MLB 631AC distance=71' 00113+2953  MLB 631AD distance=71' 00213+2923  RAO 182 distance=72' 00115+2936  HO    1 distance=73' 00114+3027  LAF  22 distance=74' 00224+2956  TDS1425 distance=75' 00115+3036  LDS3136 distance=76' 00194+3108  HJ  620 distance=77' 00183+3118  TDS  11 distance=80' 00194+2846  MLB 511 distance=83' 00231+3007  LDS3159 distance=85' 00099+3014  MLB 552 distance=89' 00140+2837  BRT 117AB distance=92' 00140+2837  MLB 554AC distance=92' 00110+2908  COU 346 distance=92' 00239+2930  STF  28AB distance=99' 00239+2930  FYM  12AC distance=99' 00136+2828  MLB 553 distance=102' 00100+3056  LDS3133 distance=104' 00191+2822  TDS1397 distance=104' 00140+2822  LDS3139 distance=105' 00110+2843  J   867 distance=108' 00089+2916  GRV   9 distance=111' 00097+3107  GIC   3 distance=114' 00118+2825  BU  255 distance=115' 00136+2803  SKF1599 distance=119' 00084+2905  MKT  11Aa,Ab (Alpheratz) distance=122' 00084+2905  H 5  32AB (Alpheratz) distance=122' 00084+2905  JNN   1AC (Alpheratz) distance=122' 00250+3015  SKF  21 distance=122' 00253+3054  LDS3165 distance=123' 00262+3009  COU 652 distance=124' 00266+3011  WSI  19 distance=129' 00207+3159  CCA   1 distance=130' 00156+2747  MLB 593 distance=135' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00167+3001 RAO 180 174 0.9 0
Show 00151+2956 DEA 94 348 236.9 22
Show 00159+3028 TDS1372 211 3.1 29
Show 00147+3016 GRV 16 5 19.2 30
Show 00172+2932 RAO 524 221 1.0 30
Show 00153+3031 TDS1363 168 0.5 36
Show 00178+3035 MLB 632 270 1.7 38
Show 00165+2918 BU 487 BC 265 2.4 44
Show 00165+2918 STF 17 AB 30 27.1 44
Show 00183+3057 LAF 23 254 4.0 61
Show 00122+2936 CBL 563 151 12.5 65
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 BC 348 36.1 69
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 AB 359 14.3 69
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 AC 351 50.5 69
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 CD 139 6.4 69
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AB 270 8.3 71
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AC 41 49.4 71
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AD 274 2.2 71
Show 00213+2923 RAO 182 358 0.3 72
Show 00115+2936 HO 1 158 1.3 73
Show 00114+3027 LAF 22 12 2.5 74
Show 00224+2956 TDS1425 87 0.6 75
Show 00115+3036 LDS3136 195 19.3 76
Show 00194+3108 HJ 620 192 14.2 77
Show 00183+3118 TDS 11 23 1.0 80
Show 00194+2846 MLB 511 49 4.5 83
Show 00231+3007 LDS3159 286 120.9 85
Show 00099+3014 MLB 552 189 8.2 89
Show 00140+2837 BRT 117 AB 68 5.5 92
Show 00140+2837 MLB 554 AC 49 29.3 92
Show 00110+2908 COU 346 305 0.3 92
Show 00239+2930 STF 28 AB 224 33.0 99
Show 00239+2930 FYM 12 AC 137 145.9 99
Show 00136+2828 MLB 553 44 7.9 102
Show 00100+3056 LDS3133 217 15.8 104
Show 00191+2822 TDS1397 108 0.7 104
Show 00140+2822 LDS3139 310 2.0 105
Show 00110+2843 J 867 190 1.3 108
Show 00089+2916 GRV 9 37 17.8 111
Show 00097+3107 GIC 3 262 50.0 114
Show 00118+2825 BU 255 66 0.5 115
Show 00136+2803 SKF1599 159 3.4 119
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 MKT 11 Aa,Ab 241 0.0 122
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 H 5 32 AB 286 93.1 122
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 JNN 1 AC 5 6.7 122
Show 00250+3015 SKF 21 131 4.6 122
Show 00253+3054 LDS3165 51 31.2 123
Show 00262+3009 COU 652 2 1.4 124
Show 00266+3011 WSI 19 114 8.1 129
Show 00207+3159 CCA 1 359 4.6 130
Show 00156+2747 MLB 593 161 7.8 135

WDS 00167+3001 : COMPONENTS
B pa=174.4°
00167+3001 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001640.44+300100.2 Mag 12.4 PmRA 224.00 PmDE 24.0
00167+3001 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001640.45+300059.3 Mag 14.9 Calc delta mag 2.5 Calc coord yes