23009-5254 NSN 459
23h 00m 56.38s -52° 53' 53.1" P.A. 156.00 sep 3.0 mag 17.32,19.69
Coord 2000 |
23009-5254 |
Discov num |
NSN 459 |
Comp |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
23 00 56.38 -52 53 53.1 |
Date first |
2015 |
Date last |
2016 |
Obs |
4 |
Pa first |
156 |
Pa last |
155.5 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
155.5° |
Sep first |
3.0 |
Sep last |
3.029 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
3.029" |
Mag pri |
17.32 |
Mag sec |
19.69 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
2.37 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
+150 |
Sec motion ra |
+148 |
Pri motion dec |
-078 |
Sec motion dec |
-073 |
Notes |
(Parallax indicates physical) |
rPM=0.032 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
WDS 23009-5254 NSN 459 : NOTES
No records found.
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D. |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
23009-5254 |
NSN 459 |
2015 |
2 |
156 |
3.0 |
17.32 |
19.69 |
T |
230056.38-525353.1 |
23009-5254 |
NSN 459 |
2016 |
4 |
156 |
3.0 |
17.32 |
19.69 |
T |
230056.38-525353.1 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 23009-5254 NSN 459 : MEASURES
No records found.

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 23009-5254 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 00m 56.38s -52° 53' 53.1"
WDS 23009-5254 NSN 459 : NEIGHBORHOODS

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
23009-5254 |
NSN 459 |
156 |
3.0 |
0 |
Show |
22586-5247 |
ALD 17 |
313 |
2.8 |
23 |
Show |
23034-5311 |
LIT 37 |
134 |
29.0 |
29 |
Show |
22593-5322 |
HJ 5372 |
297 |
17.9 |
32 |
Show |
22569-5237 |
RST1150 |
98 |
1.4 |
42 |
Show |
22546-5300 |
TDT3781 |
226 |
4.2 |
58 |
Show |
22555-5218 |
VSP 58 |
124 |
0.3 |
62 |
Show |
22596-5148 |
SKF1182 |
179 |
27.4 |
67 |
Show |
22567-5355 |
TDT3805 |
128 |
0.5 |
72 |
Show |
22551-5344 |
RST2208 |
229 |
1.1 |
73 |
Show |
23001-5142 |
HDS3275 |
191 |
0.8 |
73 |
Show |
22547-5352 |
TDT3783 |
186 |
0.5 |
81 |
Show |
23017-5128 |
B 2507 |
341 |
7.8 |
87 |
Show |
22598-5427 |
TDT3827 |
322 |
0.9 |
94 |
Show |
22595-5119 |
KPP2493 |
255 |
22.3 |
96 |
Show |
23050-5121 |
HJ 5382 |
51 |
7.6 |
100 |
Show |
22519-5153 |
HU 1642 |
162 |
6.6 |
103 |
Show |
22558-5120 |
TSN 40 |
359 |
17.3 |
106 |
Show |
23037-5438 |
TDT3866 |
71 |
0.5 |
108 |
Show |
23123-5225 |
RST1158 |
346 |
0.8 |
108 |
Show |
23128-5240 |
TOK 682 |
AB |
145 |
7.0 |
109 |
Show |
22576-5107 |
RST5489 |
76 |
1.7 |
112 |
Show |
22556-5110 |
UC 4848 |
51 |
10.1 |
116 |
Show |
22579-5453 |
RST1153 |
56 |
2.8 |
122 |
Show |
23144-5226 |
LDS 801 |
81 |
47.6 |
126 |
Show |
22471-5303 |
RST1145 |
130 |
2.4 |
126 |
Show |
22574-5456 |
HDS3264 |
299 |
0.8 |
127 |
Show |
23144-5337 |
UC 4908 |
103 |
35.3 |
129 |
Show |
22480-5159 |
LDS 794 |
116 |
87.7 |
130 |
Show |
23099-5437 |
NZO 105 |
274 |
3.8 |
131 |
Show |
23042-5501 |
I 259 |
98 |
0.4 |
131 |
Show |
23129-5141 |
BVD 158 |
166 |
37.7 |
132 |
Show |
23129-5411 |
HU 1549 |
151 |
1.5 |
132 |
Show |
22463-5252 |
RST1144 |
34 |
2.1 |
133 |
Show |
23081-5058 |
KPP2197 |
2 |
18.2 |
134 |
Show |
23116-5435 |
NSN 457 |
45 |
1.7 |
139 |
Show |
22456-5330 |
CRU 4 |
187 |
25.6 |
143 |
Show |
23020-5516 |
HU 1546 |
265 |
1.6 |
143 |
Show |
22451-5254 |
UC 4807 |
119 |
14.9 |
144 |
Show |
23072-5041 |
DUN 246 |
254 |
8.9 |
146 |
Show |
23040-5520 |
TDS1200 |
94 |
0.9 |
149 |
Show |
22477-5430 |
I 140 |
275 |
4.3 |
152 |
Show |
22443-5225 |
UC 4801 |
142 |
7.9 |
155 |
Show |
22510-5049 |
RST5488 |
117 |
0.1 |
155 |
Show |
22483-5447 |
TDT3715 |
88 |
0.6 |
159 |
Show |
23128-5049 |
JNN 327 |
71 |
0.4 |
166 |
Show |
22431-5337 |
TDT3674 |
358 |
0.6 |
167 |
Show |
22441-5413 |
CVN 32 |
AB |
246 |
6.6 |
170 |
Show |
22441-5413 |
CVN 32 |
Aa,Ab |
298 |
0.5 |
170 |
Show |
23165-5434 |
RST1160 |
331 |
1.6 |
170 |
Show |
22568-5006 |
RST1151 |
76 |
1.4 |
173 |
WDS 23009-5254 : COMPONENTS
23009-5254 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
230056.38-525353.1 |
Mag |
17.32 |
PmRA |
150.00 |
PmDE |
-78.0 |
23009-5254 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
230056.46-525355.9 |
Mag |
19.69 |
PmRA |
148.00 |
PmDE |
-73.0 |
Calc delta mag |
2.37 |
Calc coord |
yes |