20132+3611 NSN 731
20h 13m 14.50s +36° 11' 22.2" P.A. 324.00 sep 25.3 mag 15.87,15.87
Coord 2000 |
20132+3611 |
Discov num |
NSN 731 |
Comp |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
20 13 14.50 +36 11 22.2 |
Date first |
1978 |
Date last |
2016 |
Obs |
11 |
Pa first |
324 |
Pa last |
324.1 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
324.1° |
Sep first |
25.1 |
Sep last |
25.331 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
25.331" |
Mag pri |
15.87 |
Mag sec |
15.87 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
0 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
+063 |
Sec motion ra |
+062 |
Pri motion dec |
+160 |
Sec motion dec |
+161 |
Notes |
(Parallax indicates physical) |
rPM=0.008 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
WDS 20132+3611 NSN 731 : NOTES
No records found.
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D. |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
20132+3611 |
NSN 731 |
2015 |
7 |
324 |
25.3 |
15.87 |
15.87 |
T |
201314.50+361122.2 |
20132+3611 |
NSN 731 |
2016 |
11 |
324 |
25.3 |
15.87 |
15.87 |
T |
201314.50+361122.2 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 20132+3611 NSN 731 : MEASURES
No records found.

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 20132+3611 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 13m 14.50s +36° 11' 22.2"
WDS 20132+3611 NSN 731 : NEIGHBORHOODS

Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
20132+3611 |
NSN 731 |
324 |
25.3 |
0 |
Show |
20135+3607 |
SEI1019 |
115 |
23.9 |
6 |
Show |
20126+3614 |
SEI1003 |
282 |
23.4 |
10 |
Show |
20131+3602 |
SEI1014 |
351 |
27.7 |
10 |
Show |
20126+3618 |
SEI1004 |
AB |
108 |
25.8 |
12 |
Show |
20126+3618 |
TOB 178 |
AC |
288 |
27.8 |
12 |
Show |
20141+3617 |
SEI1031 |
61 |
18.6 |
12 |
Show |
20120+3614 |
TOB 176 |
197 |
18.8 |
16 |
Show |
20122+3621 |
SEI 996 |
AB |
0 |
29.5 |
16 |
Show |
20122+3621 |
STJ 71 |
AC |
105 |
1.1 |
16 |
Show |
20122+3603 |
SEI 994 |
250 |
27.1 |
16 |
Show |
20119+3612 |
BLL 46 |
AB |
109 |
53.2 |
17 |
Show |
20119+3612 |
BKO 101 |
AC |
242 |
41.1 |
17 |
Show |
20136+3631 |
SEI1024 |
99 |
17.4 |
17 |
Show |
20121+3603 |
SEI 990 |
296 |
26.7 |
17 |
Show |
20145+3621 |
TDT2114 |
66 |
0.6 |
18 |
Show |
20122+3600 |
SEI 991 |
296 |
20.1 |
19 |
Show |
20130+3629 |
ES 2188 |
74 |
1.7 |
19 |
Show |
20136+3553 |
SEI1021 |
AB |
248 |
13.4 |
19 |
Show |
20136+3553 |
SEI1021 |
AD |
121 |
6.9 |
19 |
Show |
20136+3553 |
SEI1021 |
AC |
253 |
10.3 |
19 |
Show |
20136+3553 |
SEI1021 |
BC |
52 |
3.3 |
19 |
Show |
20137+3551 |
TDT2105 |
168 |
0.6 |
22 |
Show |
20135+3551 |
SEI1018 |
170 |
22.3 |
22 |
Show |
20125+3552 |
SEI1001 |
188 |
29.2 |
22 |
Show |
20140+3630 |
SEI1030 |
163 |
15.7 |
22 |
Show |
20117+3600 |
SEI 978 |
151 |
7.6 |
22 |
Show |
20116+3621 |
SEI 976 |
3 |
8.2 |
22 |
Show |
20135+3634 |
SEI1020 |
AB |
276 |
13.9 |
23 |
Show |
20135+3634 |
SEI1022 |
AC |
217 |
21.9 |
23 |
Show |
20133+3634 |
SEI1016 |
343 |
12.2 |
23 |
Show |
20115+3604 |
SEI 972 |
147 |
23.9 |
23 |
Show |
20140+3633 |
SEI1028 |
177 |
13.3 |
24 |
Show |
20144+3630 |
SEI1036 |
230 |
26.2 |
24 |
Show |
20124+3549 |
TOB 177 |
221 |
20.1 |
25 |
Show |
20119+3550 |
SEI 985 |
AB |
17 |
16.6 |
27 |
Show |
20119+3550 |
BKO 103 |
AC |
92 |
8.1 |
27 |
Show |
20119+3551 |
SEI 983 |
AB |
89 |
3.5 |
27 |
Show |
20119+3551 |
SEI 983 |
AC |
243 |
8.1 |
27 |
Show |
20119+3551 |
BKO 102 |
AD |
277 |
14.7 |
27 |
Show |
20111+3619 |
RAO 428 |
292 |
1.0 |
28 |
Show |
20122+3548 |
SEI 992 |
77 |
26.4 |
28 |
Show |
20128+3638 |
SEI1010 |
205 |
31.4 |
28 |
Show |
20139+3545 |
COU2215 |
75 |
0.7 |
28 |
Show |
20126+3639 |
SLE 962 |
21 |
8.5 |
28 |
Show |
20124+3545 |
BKO 104 |
AB |
72 |
9.4 |
29 |
Show |
20124+3545 |
BKO 104 |
AC |
285 |
9.3 |
29 |
Show |
20115+3630 |
SEI 971 |
AB |
14 |
14.1 |
29 |
Show |
20115+3630 |
SLE 954 |
AC |
294 |
24.1 |
29 |
Show |
20115+3630 |
SLE 954 |
AD |
357 |
22.3 |
29 |
Show |
20146+3635 |
SEI1041 |
23 |
21.6 |
30 |
WDS 20132+3611 : COMPONENTS
20132+3611 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
201314.50+361122.2 |
Mag |
15.87 |
PmRA |
63.00 |
PmDE |
160.0 |
20132+3611 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
201313.51+361142.7 |
Mag |
15.87 |
PmRA |
62.00 |
PmDE |
161.0 |
Calc coord |
yes |