18596-6609 TVB 306

18h 59m 33.47s -66° 09' 09.0" P.A. 311.00 sep 16.8 mag 10.70,12.10
Coord 2000 18596-6609 Discov num TVB 306 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 59 33.47 -66 09 09.0
Date first 1895 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 313 Pa last 310.7 P.A. Now (θ) 310.7°
Sep first 16.1 Sep last 16.803 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.803"
Mag pri 10.70 Mag sec 12.10 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -024 Sec motion ra -023
Pri motion dec +006 Sec motion dec +005
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.057 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pavo Tycho2 9082-01630-1
WDS 18596-6609 TVB 306 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TVB Bryant, T.V.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18596-6609 TVB 306 2015 4 311 16.8 10.70 12.10 T 185933.47-660909.0
18596-6609 TVB 306 2016 5 311 16.8 10.70 12.10 T 185933.47-660909.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18596-6609 TVB 306 : MEASURES
No records found.


18596-6609 TVB 306A mag 10.7 18596-6609 TVB 306B sep 12.1 P.A. 334.80 mag 12.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 18596-6609 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 59m 33.47s -66° 09' 09.0"
WDS 18596-6609 TVB 306 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

18596-6609  TVB 306 distance=0' 18583-6554  GLI 248 distance=17' 19017-6623  TDT1189 distance=19' 19045-6643  DAM 802 distance=46' 18514-6548  TDS 950 distance=55' 19071-6650  RSS 510 distance=61' 18503-6542  KPP1663 distance=63' 19099-6556  DON 948 distance=64' 18551-6709  UC 3721 distance=66' 18591-6717  TDT1165 distance=68' 19103-6636  SKF 390 distance=70' 19069-6706  R   318 distance=72' 18474-6552  LDS 650 distance=76' 18490-6525  SKF1648 distance=79' 18593-6729  TDT1171 distance=80' 18463-6608  TDT1046 distance=81' 19106-6518  UC 3831 distance=85' 18451-6607  KPP1463 distance=88' 19140-6602  LDS 668 distance=89' 19127-6529  UC 3847 distance=90' 18442-6634  UC 3657 distance=96' 19144-6659  UC 3860 distance=102' 18431-6643  NZO  91 distance=105' 19172-6640  GLE   3 distance=111' 19177-6559  B   966AB distance=111' 19177-6559  BAU  55AC distance=111' 19162-6710  LDS 670 distance=116' 18454-6452  BIL   4Ba,Bb distance=117' 18454-6452  SKF 105AB distance=117' 18454-6452  CVN  59AC distance=117' 18421-6705  TDS 935 distance=118' 18558-6806  KPP1437 distance=120' 18442-6728  UC 3658 distance=121' 18572-6409  RST5455 distance=121' 18487-6427  I   639 distance=123' 19079-6410  DAM 140AB distance=131' 19079-6410  LDS 665BC distance=131' 19185-6717  TDT1365 distance=132' 19111-6417  FIN 270 distance=134' 18550-6356  NZO  93 distance=136' 18432-6746  DON 916 distance=137' 19185-6455  RST1030 distance=139' 19139-6803  NSN 444 distance=142' 19152-6758  LDS 669 distance=143' 19081-6822  LDS 664 distance=144' 19041-6347  HJ 5075 distance=145' 19100-6823  BRT2013 distance=146' 19129-6410  TDT1298AB distance=147' 19099-6825  SHY 314 distance=149' 19197-6741  MLO  84 distance=149' 18411-6752  TDT 992 distance=150' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18596-6609 TVB 306 311 16.8 0
Show 18583-6554 GLI 248 125 3.9 17
Show 19017-6623 TDT1189 109 2.1 19
Show 19045-6643 DAM 802 236 12.7 46
Show 18514-6548 TDS 950 299 1.2 55
Show 19071-6650 RSS 510 0 17.9 61
Show 18503-6542 KPP1663 97 12.8 63
Show 19099-6556 DON 948 332 5.3 64
Show 18551-6709 UC 3721 346 45.1 66
Show 18591-6717 TDT1165 123 0.5 68
Show 19103-6636 SKF 390 128 16.5 70
Show 19069-6706 R 318 110 17.3 72
Show 18474-6552 LDS 650 253 13.1 76
Show 18490-6525 SKF1648 74 23.1 79
Show 18593-6729 TDT1171 343 0.6 80
Show 18463-6608 TDT1046 88 1.0 81
Show 19106-6518 UC 3831 129 28.3 85
Show 18451-6607 KPP1463 11 11.0 88
Show 19140-6602 LDS 668 135 36.0 89
Show 19127-6529 UC 3847 225 19.1 90
Show 18442-6634 UC 3657 71 17.7 96
Show 19144-6659 UC 3860 64 66.6 102
Show 18431-6643 NZO 91 162 1.8 105
Show 19172-6640 GLE 3 355 0.5 111
Show 19177-6559 B 966 AB 169 4.2 111
Show 19177-6559 BAU 55 AC 26 22.5 111
Show 19162-6710 LDS 670 321 15.0 116
Show 18454-6452 BIL 4 Ba,Bb 92 0.1 117
Show 18454-6452 SKF 105 AB 65 71.3 117
Show 18454-6452 CVN 59 AC 319 7.4 117
Show 18421-6705 TDS 935 282 0.9 118
Show 18558-6806 KPP1437 122 10.8 120
Show 18442-6728 UC 3658 330 37.8 121
Show 18572-6409 RST5455 124 0.2 121
Show 18487-6427 I 639 71 2.1 123
Show 19079-6410 DAM 140 AB 56 9.5 131
Show 19079-6410 LDS 665 BC 74 5.3 131
Show 19185-6717 TDT1365 5 0.6 132
Show 19111-6417 FIN 270 81 0.5 134
Show 18550-6356 NZO 93 335 3.6 136
Show 18432-6746 DON 916 178 4.6 137
Show 19185-6455 RST1030 117 1.0 139
Show 19139-6803 NSN 444 265 1.9 142
Show 19152-6758 LDS 669 226 105.1 143
Show 19081-6822 LDS 664 49 91.2 144
Show 19041-6347 HJ 5075 113 1.7 145
Show 19100-6823 BRT2013 111 5.1 146
Show 19129-6410 TDT1298 AB 87 0.5 147
Show 19099-6825 SHY 314 1 449.2 149
Show 19197-6741 MLO 84 94 5.7 149
Show 18411-6752 TDT 992 117 0.9 150

WDS 18596-6609 : COMPONENTS
B pa=334.8°
18596-6609 A
Coord arcsec 2000 185933.47-660909.0 Mag 10.7 PmRA -24.00 PmDE 6.0
Tycho2 9082-01630-1
Tycho2 9082-01630-1 Pflag RAmdeg 284.88966581 DEmdeg -66.15248303
PmRA -23.5 PmDE 5.2 E RAmdeg 38 E DEmdeg 42
E pmRA 2.5 E pmDE 2.4 EpRAm 1989.28 EpDEm 1988.44
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.3 Q DEmdeg 0.1 Q pmRA 0.3
Q pmDE 0.1 BTmag 11.907 E BTmag 0.080 VTmag 10.919
E VTmag 0.056 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 284.88979833 DEdeg -66.15249472 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 1.81 E RAdeg 39.2 E DEdeg 43.0 Posflg
Corr -0.1
18596-6609 B
Coord arcsec 2000 185932.62-660858.0 Mag 12.1 PmRA -23.00 PmDE 5.0
Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes