17478-6105 NSN 372

17h 47m 49.37s -61° 04' 48.7" P.A. 137.00 sep 3.4 mag 16.00,16.58
Coord 2000 17478-6105 Discov num NSN 372 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 17 47 49.37 -61 04 48.7
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 136 Pa last 137 P.A. Now (θ) 137°
Sep first 3.4 Sep last 3.412 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.412"
Mag pri 16.00 Mag sec 16.58 delta mag (ΔM) 0.58 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -126 Sec motion ra -125
Pri motion dec -105 Sec motion dec -106
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.009 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pavo
WDS 17478-6105 NSN 372 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 NSN Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17478-6105 NSN 372 2015 3 137 3.4 16.00 16.58 T 174749.37-610448.7
17478-6105 NSN 372 2016 4 137 3.4 16.00 16.58 T 174749.37-610448.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 17478-6105 NSN 372 : MEASURES
No records found.


17478-6105 NSN 372A mag 16 17478-6105 NSN 372B sep 2.7 P.A. 155.70 mag 16.58 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 17478-6105 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 17h 47m 49.37s -61° 04' 48.7"
WDS 17478-6105 NSN 372 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

17478-6105  NSN 372 distance=0' 17482-6058  TDT 513 distance=8' 17473-6114  UC 3407 distance=10' 17499-6107  TDT 524 distance=16' 17476-6044  UC 3410 distance=21' 17509-6123  UC 3426 distance=29' 17483-6035  TDT 514 distance=31' 17526-6043  UC 3435 distance=42' 17449-6022  UC 3397 distance=48' 17435-6027  UC 3392 distance=50' 17521-6024  HJ 4979AB distance=52' 17484-6010  UC 3415 distance=55' 17542-6143  JSP 738 distance=60' 17516-6010  HDO 278AB distance=62' 17516-6010  DAM 685BC distance=63' 17417-6021  FIN 259 distance=63' 17433-6009  I   609 distance=66' 17488-6211  UC 3418 distance=67' 17562-6137  RST5095 distance=69' 17556-6156  UC 3448 distance=76' 17371-6049  KPP1781 distance=80' 17463-5942  UC 3401 distance=84' 17477-5941  UC 3412 distance=84' 17514-6226  JAW  44 distance=85' 17403-6001  UC 3381 distance=85' 17430-5947  UC 3389 distance=86' 17594-6028  TDT 616 distance=93' 17585-6012  UC 3461 distance=95' 17388-6214  UC 3380 distance=95' 17578-6210  B  2423 distance=97' 17403-5945  HDS2500 distance=98' 17384-5956  HJ 4961 distance=98' 18004-6142  RSS 466 distance=98' 17344-6130  SWR 224 distance=100' 17462-5920  HDS2512 distance=106' 17554-5934  JSP 740 distance=107' 17336-6138  RST5084 distance=108' 17469-6253  UC 3404 distance=108' 17547-6244  UC 3442 distance=111' 17351-6207  B  1861 distance=111' 17486-6256  B  1867 distance=112' 17553-5928  UC 3447 distance=112' 18007-6210  HJ 4996 distance=113' 18022-6010  I   619 distance=119' 18045-6124  SWR 235 distance=122' 17321-6157  I   601AB distance=125' 17311-6041  HJ 4951AE distance=125' 17311-6041  EHR  15AB distance=125' 17311-6041  EHR  15AC distance=125' 17311-6041  EHR  15AD distance=125' 17315-6026  I   600 distance=126' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 17478-6105 NSN 372 137 3.4 0
Show 17482-6058 TDT 513 141 0.5 8
Show 17473-6114 UC 3407 17 51.4 10
Show 17499-6107 TDT 524 211 0.6 16
Show 17476-6044 UC 3410 161 42.5 21
Show 17509-6123 UC 3426 101 103.4 29
Show 17483-6035 TDT 514 106 0.6 31
Show 17526-6043 UC 3435 199 72.8 42
Show 17449-6022 UC 3397 228 35.8 48
Show 17435-6027 UC 3392 255 66.0 50
Show 17521-6024 HJ 4979 AB 238 10.2 52
Show 17484-6010 UC 3415 170 16.4 55
Show 17542-6143 JSP 738 144 0.3 60
Show 17516-6010 HDO 278 AB 345 36.9 62
Show 17516-6010 DAM 685 BC 62 3.8 63
Show 17417-6021 FIN 259 263 2.4 63
Show 17433-6009 I 609 115 2.7 66
Show 17488-6211 UC 3418 104 50.3 67
Show 17562-6137 RST5095 255 3.1 69
Show 17556-6156 UC 3448 21 47.2 76
Show 17371-6049 KPP1781 217 13.8 80
Show 17463-5942 UC 3401 349 46.6 84
Show 17477-5941 UC 3412 56 168.6 84
Show 17514-6226 JAW 44 231 30.8 85
Show 17403-6001 UC 3381 228 37.8 85
Show 17430-5947 UC 3389 208 39.6 86
Show 17594-6028 TDT 616 356 2.0 93
Show 17585-6012 UC 3461 99 32.3 95
Show 17388-6214 UC 3380 240 54.6 95
Show 17578-6210 B 2423 31 0.3 97
Show 17403-5945 HDS2500 36 0.3 98
Show 17384-5956 HJ 4961 153 16.9 98
Show 18004-6142 RSS 466 90 6.1 98
Show 17344-6130 SWR 224 270 31.8 100
Show 17462-5920 HDS2512 294 0.1 106
Show 17554-5934 JSP 740 270 0.9 107
Show 17336-6138 RST5084 316 1.0 108
Show 17469-6253 UC 3404 113 53.4 108
Show 17547-6244 UC 3442 238 23.7 111
Show 17351-6207 B 1861 271 1.5 111
Show 17486-6256 B 1867 43 5.0 112
Show 17553-5928 UC 3447 228 34.8 112
Show 18007-6210 HJ 4996 249 5.9 113
Show 18022-6010 I 619 127 2.7 119
Show 18045-6124 SWR 235 82 15.2 122
Show 17321-6157 I 601 AB 78 6.4 125
Show 17311-6041 HJ 4951 AE 324 50.4 125
Show 17311-6041 EHR 15 AB 67 3.1 125
Show 17311-6041 EHR 15 AC 51 8.6 125
Show 17311-6041 EHR 15 AD 62 12.3 125
Show 17315-6026 I 600 151 0.5 126

WDS 17478-6105 : COMPONENTS
B pa=155.7°
17478-6105 A
Coord arcsec 2000 174749.37-610448.7 Mag 16 PmRA -126.00 PmDE -105.0
17478-6105 B
Coord arcsec 2000 174749.53-610451.2 Mag 16.58 PmRA -125.00 PmDE -106.0
Calc delta mag 0.58 Calc coord yes