17438-5807 NSN 373

17h 43m 46.21s -58° 06' 46.7" P.A. 170.00 sep 3.2 mag 11.30,15.82
Coord 2000 17438-5807 Discov num NSN 373 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 17 43 46.21 -58 06 46.7
Date first 2015 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 172 Pa last 170.2 P.A. Now (θ) 170.2°
Sep first 3.3 Sep last 3.188 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.188"
Mag pri 11.30 Mag sec 15.82 delta mag (ΔM) 4.52 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -349 Sec motion ra -351
Pri motion dec -110 Sec motion dec -110
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.005 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pavo Tycho2 8737-02124-1
WDS 17438-5807 NSN 373 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 NSN Nanson, J., McGaughey, S. & Armstrong, J.D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17438-5807 NSN 373 2015 2 170 3.2 11.30 15.82 T 174346.21-580646.7
17438-5807 NSN 373 2016 3 170 3.2 11.30 15.82 T 174346.21-580646.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 17438-5807 NSN 373 : MEASURES
No records found.


17438-5807 NSN 373A mag 11.3 17438-5807 NSN 373B sep 3.1 P.A. 174.80 mag 15.82 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 17438-5807 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 17h 43m 46.21s -58° 06' 46.7"
WDS 17438-5807 NSN 373 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

17438-5807  NSN 373 distance=0' 17442-5750  RST 944 distance=18' 17450-5821  RST5091 distance=18' 17461-5820  NZO  84 distance=23' 17433-5743  I   377 distance=24' 17472-5803  RST 948 distance=28' 17427-5740  RST5544 distance=28' 17479-5815  UC 3414 distance=34' 17449-5733  HLN  44Aa,Ab distance=36' 17449-5733  HDO 277AB distance=36' 17419-5849  I   607 distance=45' 17497-5827  TDT 521 distance=51' 17457-5859  RST5092 distance=55' 17388-5847  FIN 258 distance=56' 17436-5701  HDO 276 distance=66' 17416-5659  RST3118 distance=70' 17524-5830  FIN 301 distance=72' 17462-5920  HDS2512 distance=76' 17341-5824  RST5086 distance=79' 17369-5706  RST 942 distance=83' 17360-5903  RST5089 distance=84' 17527-5854  UC 3437 distance=85' 17527-5853  UC 3436 distance=85' 17436-5634  RST3121 distance=93' 17548-5849  UC 3443 distance=97' 17463-5942  UC 3401 distance=98' 17477-5941  UC 3412 distance=99' 17366-5928  KPP 998 distance=100' 17430-5947  UC 3389 distance=101' 17403-5945  HDS2500 distance=102' 17563-5833  YMG  89 distance=103' 17534-5656  TDS 890 distance=105' 17575-5740  HJ 4992AB distance=113' 17575-5740  UC 3454AC distance=113' 17575-5740  TOK  55Ba,Bb distance=113' 17575-5738  KPP4073 distance=114' 17556-5913  JSP 741AB distance=114' 17556-5913  JSP 741AC distance=114' 17563-5905  JSP 745 distance=114' 17301-5733  HJ 4950 distance=115' 17547-5652  BRT2824 distance=116' 17384-5956  HJ 4961 distance=117' 17403-6001  UC 3381 distance=118' 17427-5607  TDT 476 distance=121' 17553-5928  UC 3447 distance=121' 17433-6009  I   609 distance=123' 17335-5636  BRT3185 distance=123' 17395-5609  TDT 455 distance=124' 17308-5920  JSP 931 distance=125' 17554-5934  JSP 740 distance=127' 17469-5601  HJ 4971 distance=129' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 17438-5807 NSN 373 170 3.2 0
Show 17442-5750 RST 944 354 0.9 18
Show 17450-5821 RST5091 162 3.6 18
Show 17461-5820 NZO 84 159 3.0 23
Show 17433-5743 I 377 327 13.7 24
Show 17472-5803 RST 948 217 1.5 28
Show 17427-5740 RST5544 166 0.8 28
Show 17479-5815 UC 3414 73 58.3 34
Show 17449-5733 HLN 44 Aa,Ab 308 0.2 36
Show 17449-5733 HDO 277 AB 252 32.2 36
Show 17419-5849 I 607 293 1.1 45
Show 17497-5827 TDT 521 339 10.1 51
Show 17457-5859 RST5092 301 4.3 55
Show 17388-5847 FIN 258 203 3.5 56
Show 17436-5701 HDO 276 104 1.1 66
Show 17416-5659 RST3118 150 0.6 70
Show 17524-5830 FIN 301 33 0.4 72
Show 17462-5920 HDS2512 294 0.1 76
Show 17341-5824 RST5086 17 2.9 79
Show 17369-5706 RST 942 282 1.0 83
Show 17360-5903 RST5089 139 2.0 84
Show 17527-5854 UC 3437 33 58.3 85
Show 17527-5853 UC 3436 33 55.6 85
Show 17436-5634 RST3121 67 1.6 93
Show 17548-5849 UC 3443 217 104.2 97
Show 17463-5942 UC 3401 349 46.6 98
Show 17477-5941 UC 3412 56 168.6 99
Show 17366-5928 KPP 998 101 8.1 100
Show 17430-5947 UC 3389 208 39.6 101
Show 17403-5945 HDS2500 36 0.3 102
Show 17563-5833 YMG 89 31 1.9 103
Show 17534-5656 TDS 890 54 1.1 105
Show 17575-5740 HJ 4992 AB 45 2.4 113
Show 17575-5740 UC 3454 AC 351 111.9 113
Show 17575-5740 TOK 55 Ba,Bb 162 0.2 113
Show 17575-5738 KPP4073 289 2.7 114
Show 17556-5913 JSP 741 AB 274 3.0 114
Show 17556-5913 JSP 741 AC 149 7.1 114
Show 17563-5905 JSP 745 118 5.8 114
Show 17301-5733 HJ 4950 306 10.3 115
Show 17547-5652 BRT2824 70 4.5 116
Show 17384-5956 HJ 4961 153 16.9 117
Show 17403-6001 UC 3381 228 37.8 118
Show 17427-5607 TDT 476 324 1.0 121
Show 17553-5928 UC 3447 228 34.8 121
Show 17433-6009 I 609 115 2.7 123
Show 17335-5636 BRT3185 306 5.7 123
Show 17395-5609 TDT 455 214 2.0 124
Show 17308-5920 JSP 931 186 7.5 125
Show 17554-5934 JSP 740 270 0.9 127
Show 17469-5601 HJ 4971 195 5.9 129

WDS 17438-5807 : COMPONENTS
B pa=174.8°
17438-5807 A
Coord arcsec 2000 174346.21-580646.7 Mag 11.3 PmRA -349.00 PmDE -110.0
Tycho2 8737-02124-1
Tycho2 8737-02124-1 Pflag RAmdeg 265.94261025 DEmdeg -58.11295350
PmRA -347.9 PmDE -104.8 E RAmdeg 55 E DEmdeg 69
E pmRA 4.6 E pmDE 4.2 EpRAm 1990.39 EpDEm 1989.05
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 12.573 E BTmag 0.212 VTmag 11.256
E VTmag 0.086 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 265.94409750 DEdeg -58.11271667 EpRA 1990 1.87
EpDE 1990 1.87 E RAdeg 54.8 E DEdeg 70.0 Posflg
Corr -0.1
17438-5807 B
Coord arcsec 2000 174346.25-580649.8 Mag 15.82 PmRA -351.00 PmDE -110.0
Calc delta mag 4.52 Calc coord yes