10287+3214 KPP 3229

10h 28m 41.32s +32° 14' 18.9" P.A. 44.00 sep 2.0 mag 13.05,13.07
Coord 2000 10287+3214 Discov num KPP3229 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 28 41.32 +32 14 18.9
Date first 2004 Date last 2016 Obs 3
Pa first 52 Pa last 44.4 P.A. Now (θ) 44.4°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 2.019 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.019"
Mag pri 13.05 Mag sec 13.07 delta mag (ΔM) 0.02 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -468 Sec motion ra -469
Pri motion dec +175 Sec motion dec +204
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.057 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Leo Minor
WDS 10287+3214 KPP 3229 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10287+3214 KPP3229 2015 2 46 2.0 13.05 13.07 T 102841.32+321418.9
10287+3214 KPP3229 2016 3 44 2.0 13.05 13.07 T 102841.32+321418.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10287+3214 KPP 3229 : MEASURES
No records found.


10287+3214 KPP3229A mag 13.05 10287+3214 KPP3229B sep 1.9 P.A. 39.60 mag 13.07 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10287+3214 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 28m 41.32s +32° 14' 18.9"
WDS 10287+3214 KPP 3229 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10287+3214  KPP3229 distance=0' 10285+3158  TDS 591 distance=17' 10271+3143  A  2151 distance=38' 10319+3223  HJ  482AB distance=42' 10320+3211  HJ  483 distance=42' 10258+3237  ES  432 distance=43' 10323+3215  LDS1245 distance=45' 10321+3240  SKF 317 distance=51' 10305+3130  CVR 104 distance=51' 10303+3125  A  2153 distance=53' 10323+3251  HU  636 distance=58' 10238+3153  CBL 308 distance=66' 10245+3259  ES 2222 distance=68' 10293+3103  RAO 249 distance=72' 10250+3117  HJ  480 distance=74' 10273+3054  TDS7282AB distance=83' 10335+3312  CVR1298 distance=85' 10302+3050  DAM2392BD distance=87' 10302+3050  SEI 520AB distance=87' 10302+3050  CTT  24AC distance=87' 10253+3058  CBL 309 distance=88' 10350+3137  HJ 2536 distance=90' 10289+3348  CBL 310 distance=94' 10359+3147  A  2154 distance=96' 10268+3351  TDS7275 distance=100' 10280+3029  UC 1934AB distance=106' 10280+3029  RAO 650Aa,Ab distance=106' 10320+3355  LDS1244 distance=109' 10219+3107  MLB 844AB distance=110' 10219+3107  MLB 844AC distance=110' 10299+3025  TDS7300 distance=111' 10266+3401  LDS1242 distance=111' 10330+3033  LDS1246 distance=117' 10374+3133  LDS1251 distance=119' 10318+3021  SLW 483 distance=120' 10331+3027  DAM2420 distance=122' 10311+3014  LDS1243 distance=124' 10353+3041  TDS7356 distance=126' 10246+3410  ITF  23 distance=127' 10265+3418  TDS7272 distance=128' 10334+3410  LDS 916 distance=129' 10244+3411  STTA104 distance=129' 10207+3053  CVR1284 distance=131' 10198+3328  CVR 558 distance=135' 10200+3333  HJL1057 distance=135' 10380+3111  DAM2466 distance=135' 10186+3134  DAM2287 distance=136' 10355+3030  TDS7358 distance=136' 10240+3012  LDS1239AB distance=136' 10240+3012  LDS1239AC distance=136' 10229+3410  HJL1059 distance=137' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10287+3214 KPP3229 44 2.0 0
Show 10285+3158 TDS 591 309 0.8 17
Show 10271+3143 A 2151 75 1.2 38
Show 10319+3223 HJ 482 AB 246 58.4 42
Show 10320+3211 HJ 483 138 14.8 42
Show 10258+3237 ES 432 163 2.9 43
Show 10323+3215 LDS1245 274 31.2 45
Show 10321+3240 SKF 317 279 34.0 51
Show 10305+3130 CVR 104 255 17.3 51
Show 10303+3125 A 2153 193 3.1 53
Show 10323+3251 HU 636 207 1.8 58
Show 10238+3153 CBL 308 39 39.3 66
Show 10245+3259 ES 2222 291 7.7 68
Show 10293+3103 RAO 249 346 0.8 72
Show 10250+3117 HJ 480 71 14.8 74
Show 10273+3054 TDS7282 AB 158 1.6 83
Show 10335+3312 CVR1298 321 3.7 85
Show 10302+3050 DAM2392 BD 340 13.6 87
Show 10302+3050 SEI 520 AB 1 7.6 87
Show 10302+3050 CTT 24 AC 351 59.1 87
Show 10253+3058 CBL 309 113 35.1 88
Show 10350+3137 HJ 2536 257 15.3 90
Show 10289+3348 CBL 310 286 20.3 94
Show 10359+3147 A 2154 116 0.6 96
Show 10268+3351 TDS7275 119 0.7 100
Show 10280+3029 UC 1934 AB 160 14.7 106
Show 10280+3029 RAO 650 Aa,Ab 314 0.4 106
Show 10320+3355 LDS1244 222 91.6 109
Show 10219+3107 MLB 844 AB 195 2.8 110
Show 10219+3107 MLB 844 AC 259 18.7 110
Show 10299+3025 TDS7300 108 0.5 111
Show 10266+3401 LDS1242 171 2.5 111
Show 10330+3033 LDS1246 112 6.0 117
Show 10374+3133 LDS1251 48 32.1 119
Show 10318+3021 SLW 483 225 65.7 120
Show 10331+3027 DAM2420 16 3.4 122
Show 10311+3014 LDS1243 274 8.9 124
Show 10353+3041 TDS7356 246 0.5 126
Show 10246+3410 ITF 23 91 5.4 127
Show 10265+3418 TDS7272 307 0.9 128
Show 10334+3410 LDS 916 100 14.3 129
Show 10244+3411 STTA104 287 209.0 129
Show 10207+3053 CVR1284 187 4.0 131
Show 10198+3328 CVR 558 201 8.9 135
Show 10200+3333 HJL1057 167 205.6 135
Show 10380+3111 DAM2466 105 1.3 135
Show 10186+3134 DAM2287 219 5.6 136
Show 10355+3030 TDS7358 100 1.4 136
Show 10240+3012 LDS1239 AB 122 59.6 136
Show 10240+3012 LDS1239 AC 133 102.7 136
Show 10229+3410 HJL1059 123 127.5 137

WDS 10287+3214 : COMPONENTS
B pa=39.6°
10287+3214 A
Coord arcsec 2000 102841.32+321418.9 Mag 13.05 PmRA -468.00 PmDE 175.0
10287+3214 B
Coord arcsec 2000 102841.41+321420.3 Mag 13.07 PmRA -469.00 PmDE 204.0
Calc delta mag 0.02 Calc coord yes