10182+3131 DAM 2270

10h 18m 11.80s +31° 30' 57.6" P.A. 41.00 sep 10.0 mag 11.80,17.20
Coord 2000 10182+3131 Discov num DAM2270 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 18 11.80 +31 30 57.6
Date first 1998 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 42 Pa last 41.4 P.A. Now (θ) 41.4°
Sep first 10.0 Sep last 10.023 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.023"
Mag pri 11.80 Mag sec 17.20 delta mag (ΔM) 5.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -046 Sec motion ra -047
Pri motion dec -006 Sec motion dec -006
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.021 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Leo Minor Tycho2 2510-00512-1
WDS 10182+3131 DAM 2270 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 DAM Damm, F.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10182+3131 DAM2270 2015 2 42 10.0 11.80 17.20 V 101811.80+313057.6
10182+3131 DAM2270 2016 8 41 10.0 11.80 17.20 V 101811.80+313057.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10182+3131 DAM 2270 : MEASURES
No records found.


10182+3131 DAM2270A mag 11.8 10182+3131 DAM2270B sep 9.4 P.A. 36.90 mag 17.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10182+3131 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 18m 11.80s +31° 30' 57.6"
WDS 10182+3131 DAM 2270 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10182+3131  DAM2270 distance=0' 10183+3129  LDS1236 distance=2' 10186+3134  DAM2287 distance=6' 10151+3125  CRC  59 distance=40' 10207+3053  CVR1284 distance=50' 10142+3118  CBL 305 distance=53' 10219+3107  MLB 844AB distance=54' 10219+3107  MLB 844AC distance=54' 10160+3034  BEW   6 distance=64' 10150+3041  SKF2379 distance=65' 10174+3235  GRV 815 distance=66' 10238+3153  CBL 308 distance=76' 10139+3026  KPP 215 distance=85' 10250+3117  HJ  480 distance=89' 10253+3058  CBL 309 distance=98' 10163+3309  HU  634 distance=102' 10217+2955  LDS1238 distance=106' 10119+3019  UC 1893 distance=109' 10240+3012  LDS1239AB distance=109' 10240+3012  LDS1239AC distance=109' 10097+3145  COU1416 distance=110' 10114+3021  KPP3807 distance=113' 10271+3143  A  2151 distance=115' 10092+3147  DAM2060 distance=116' 10143+2944  LDS3968 distance=118' 10258+3237  ES  432 distance=118' 10245+3259  ES 2222 distance=119' 10198+3328  CVR 558 distance=120' 10273+3054  TDS7282AB distance=123' 10200+3333  HJL1057 distance=125' 10092+3222  STF1411 distance=125' 10089+3213  SLW 441 distance=126' 10083+3136  KUI  48AB distance=128' 10083+3136  HJ  475AB,C distance=128' 10195+3344  HJ 2526 distance=135' 10285+3158  TDS 591 distance=135' 10078+3155  UC 1880 distance=136' 10287+3214  KPP3229 distance=141' 10280+3029  UC 1934AB distance=141' 10280+3029  RAO 650Aa,Ab distance=141' 10257+2944  TDS7264 distance=145' 10293+3103  RAO 249 distance=146' 10199+3401  CVR 559 distance=153' 10303+3125  A  2153 distance=155' 10118+2920  NSN 600 distance=156' 10092+3320  GRV 812 distance=158' 10305+3130  CVR 104 distance=158' 10270+2941  STF1432 distance=159' 10302+3050  DAM2392BD distance=159' 10302+3050  SEI 520AB distance=159' 10302+3050  CTT  24AC distance=159' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10182+3131 DAM2270 41 10.0 0
Show 10183+3129 LDS1236 255 2.3 2
Show 10186+3134 DAM2287 219 5.6 6
Show 10151+3125 CRC 59 306 1.8 40
Show 10207+3053 CVR1284 187 4.0 50
Show 10142+3118 CBL 305 262 43.0 53
Show 10219+3107 MLB 844 AB 195 2.8 54
Show 10219+3107 MLB 844 AC 259 18.7 54
Show 10160+3034 BEW 6 20 11.0 64
Show 10150+3041 SKF2379 27 2.0 65
Show 10174+3235 GRV 815 119 25.4 66
Show 10238+3153 CBL 308 39 39.3 76
Show 10139+3026 KPP 215 64 3.9 85
Show 10250+3117 HJ 480 71 14.8 89
Show 10253+3058 CBL 309 113 35.1 98
Show 10163+3309 HU 634 169 2.0 102
Show 10217+2955 LDS1238 15 6.9 106
Show 10119+3019 UC 1893 169 43.0 109
Show 10240+3012 LDS1239 AB 122 59.6 109
Show 10240+3012 LDS1239 AC 133 102.7 109
Show 10097+3145 COU1416 271 0.5 110
Show 10114+3021 KPP3807 40 1.6 113
Show 10271+3143 A 2151 75 1.2 115
Show 10092+3147 DAM2060 265 3.8 116
Show 10143+2944 LDS3968 150 15.1 118
Show 10258+3237 ES 432 163 2.9 118
Show 10245+3259 ES 2222 291 7.7 119
Show 10198+3328 CVR 558 201 8.9 120
Show 10273+3054 TDS7282 AB 158 1.6 123
Show 10200+3333 HJL1057 167 205.6 125
Show 10092+3222 STF1411 310 31.1 125
Show 10089+3213 SLW 441 185 15.2 126
Show 10083+3136 KUI 48 AB 181 0.1 128
Show 10083+3136 HJ 475 AB,C 173 27.8 128
Show 10195+3344 HJ 2526 27 26.8 135
Show 10285+3158 TDS 591 309 0.8 135
Show 10078+3155 UC 1880 290 12.0 136
Show 10287+3214 KPP3229 44 2.0 141
Show 10280+3029 UC 1934 AB 160 14.7 141
Show 10280+3029 RAO 650 Aa,Ab 314 0.4 141
Show 10257+2944 TDS7264 134 0.7 145
Show 10293+3103 RAO 249 346 0.8 146
Show 10199+3401 CVR 559 201 13.7 153
Show 10303+3125 A 2153 193 3.1 155
Show 10118+2920 NSN 600 16 2.0 156
Show 10092+3320 GRV 812 214 28.4 158
Show 10305+3130 CVR 104 255 17.3 158
Show 10270+2941 STF1432 121 28.6 159
Show 10302+3050 DAM2392 BD 340 13.6 159
Show 10302+3050 SEI 520 AB 1 7.6 159
Show 10302+3050 CTT 24 AC 351 59.1 159

WDS 10182+3131 : COMPONENTS
B pa=36.9°
10182+3131 A
Coord arcsec 2000 101811.80+313057.6 Mag 11.8 PmRA -46.00 PmDE -6.0
Tycho2 2510-00512-1
Tycho2 2510-00512-1 Pflag RAmdeg 154.54918017 DEmdeg 31.51601740
PmRA -45.7 PmDE -5.7 E RAmdeg 75 E DEmdeg 82
E pmRA 2.4 E pmDE 2.3 EpRAm 1976.48 EpDEm 1970.50
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 2.3 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 2.3
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 12.824 E BTmag 0.258 VTmag 11.893
E VTmag 0.171 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 154.54929556 DEdeg 31.51602639 EpRA 1990 1.68
EpDE 1990 1.56 E RAdeg 83.9 E DEdeg 96.2 Posflg
Corr 0.2
10182+3131 B
Coord arcsec 2000 101812.24+313105.1 Mag 17.2 PmRA -47.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 5.4 Calc coord yes