08364+2628 KPP 3209

08h 36m 26.69s +26° 28' 19.5" P.A. 246.00 sep 2.4 mag 12.53,15.94
Coord 2000 08364+2628 Discov num KPP3209 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 08 36 26.69 +26 28 19.5
Date first 2012 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 246 Pa last 246.4 P.A. Now (θ) 246.4°
Sep first 1.9 Sep last 2.381 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.381"
Mag pri 12.53 Mag sec 15.94 delta mag (ΔM) 3.41 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -196 Sec motion ra -202
Pri motion dec -039 Sec motion dec -031
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.049 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cancer
WDS 08364+2628 KPP 3209 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08364+2628 KPP3209 2015 2 247 2.4 12.53 15.94 T 083626.69+262819.5
08364+2628 KPP3209 2016 3 246 2.4 12.53 15.94 T 083626.69+262819.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 08364+2628 KPP 3209 : MEASURES
No records found.


08364+2628 KPP3209A mag 12.53 08364+2628 KPP3209B sep 2.2 P.A. 244.00 mag 15.94 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 08364+2628 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 08h 36m 26.69s +26° 28' 19.5"
WDS 08364+2628 KPP 3209 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

08364+2628  KPP3209 distance=0' 08383+2624  TDS5999 distance=25' 08336+2654  SKF 675 distance=47' 08332+2646  CBL 259 distance=47' 08406+2623  SKF 707 distance=56' 08409+2650  COU1116 distance=64' 08324+2528  TDS5922 distance=81' 08417+2547  COU1117 distance=82' 08341+2511  SLW 263 distance=84' 08427+2603  HO  354 distance=88' 08300+2655  ALP  13 distance=92' 08297+2640  UC 1681 distance=92' 08321+2514  HO  649AB distance=96' 08321+2514  HO  649BC distance=96' 08312+2522  KPP1010 distance=98' 08352+2811  COU1115 distance=105' 08364+2441  SKF 690AB distance=108' 08364+2441  SKF 690AC distance=108' 08376+2442  CBL 263 distance=108' 08437+2725  AZC  56 distance=113' 08421+2501  J  1110 distance=117' 08292+2519  SHN 118 distance=121' 08454+2635  GRV 766 distance=121' 08454+2602  FMR 208 distance=124' 08339+2426  CBL 260 distance=128' 08285+2739  CVR  79 distance=128' 08461+2644  SLW 289 distance=131' 08284+2743  SKF 646 distance=132' 08268+2656  STF1223 distance=133' 08354+2416  UC  120 distance=134' 08358+2841  SKF 687 distance=134' 08309+2437  POU2978 distance=135' 08277+2734  STF1228 distance=135' 08446+2748  SLW 285 distance=135' 08305+2818  HJ  788AB distance=136' 08305+2818  HJ  788AC distance=136' 08305+2818  ABH  73AD distance=136' 08305+2818  ABH  73AE distance=136' 08307+2437  POU2976 distance=136' 08415+2431  POU3000 distance=137' 08300+2814  CBL 255 distance=137' 08309+2430  POU2977 distance=141' 08460+2725  BRT 152 distance=141' 08315+2424  POU2982 distance=141' 08299+2437  POU2971 distance=143' 08313+2425  OCC 136Aa,Ab distance=143' 08313+2425  CVR1741AB distance=143' 08471+2645  HJ  458 distance=144' 08461+2521  A  2130AB distance=147' 08461+2521  A  2130AC distance=147' 08472+2657  SKF 724 distance=147' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 08364+2628 KPP3209 246 2.4 0
Show 08383+2624 TDS5999 73 1.1 25
Show 08336+2654 SKF 675 165 1.0 47
Show 08332+2646 CBL 259 208 43.0 47
Show 08406+2623 SKF 707 291 1.2 56
Show 08409+2650 COU1116 125 0.9 64
Show 08324+2528 TDS5922 50 1.1 81
Show 08417+2547 COU1117 217 0.8 82
Show 08341+2511 SLW 263 211 174.2 84
Show 08427+2603 HO 354 186 0.9 88
Show 08300+2655 ALP 13 47 42.0 92
Show 08297+2640 UC 1681 32 24.1 92
Show 08321+2514 HO 649 AB 286 47.3 96
Show 08321+2514 HO 649 BC 301 3.3 96
Show 08312+2522 KPP1010 11 8.1 98
Show 08352+2811 COU1115 41 0.3 105
Show 08364+2441 SKF 690 AB 355 1.7 108
Show 08364+2441 SKF 690 AC 326 9.9 108
Show 08376+2442 CBL 263 133 97.9 108
Show 08437+2725 AZC 56 55 9.0 113
Show 08421+2501 J 1110 42 3.4 117
Show 08292+2519 SHN 118 -1 0.1 121
Show 08454+2635 GRV 766 16 48.3 121
Show 08454+2602 FMR 208 269 4.2 124
Show 08339+2426 CBL 260 69 42.7 128
Show 08285+2739 CVR 79 206 12.8 128
Show 08461+2644 SLW 289 200 166.1 131
Show 08284+2743 SKF 646 251 0.7 132
Show 08268+2656 STF1223 218 5.2 133
Show 08354+2416 UC 120 92 33.0 134
Show 08358+2841 SKF 687 70 3.3 134
Show 08309+2437 POU2978 57 6.9 135
Show 08277+2734 STF1228 352 8.8 135
Show 08446+2748 SLW 285 166 9.0 135
Show 08305+2818 HJ 788 AB 199 6.6 136
Show 08305+2818 HJ 788 AC 154 26.7 136
Show 08305+2818 ABH 73 AD 283 60.3 136
Show 08305+2818 ABH 73 AE 81 80.1 136
Show 08307+2437 POU2976 220 11.7 136
Show 08415+2431 POU3000 227 14.4 137
Show 08300+2814 CBL 255 307 37.2 137
Show 08309+2430 POU2977 234 5.3 141
Show 08460+2725 BRT 152 293 9.3 141
Show 08315+2424 POU2982 302 3.1 141
Show 08299+2437 POU2971 113 14.5 143
Show 08313+2425 OCC 136 Aa,Ab -1 0.1 143
Show 08313+2425 CVR1741 AB 317 139.2 143
Show 08471+2645 HJ 458 306 20.3 144
Show 08461+2521 A 2130 AB 45 0.8 147
Show 08461+2521 A 2130 AC 318 15.5 147
Show 08472+2657 SKF 724 5 1.0 147

WDS 08364+2628 : COMPONENTS
B pa=244.0°
08364+2628 A
Coord arcsec 2000 083626.69+262819.5 Mag 12.53 PmRA -196.00 PmDE -39.0
08364+2628 B
Coord arcsec 2000 083626.54+262818.5 Mag 15.94 PmRA -202.00 PmDE -31.0
Calc delta mag 3.41 Calc coord yes