01486+7736 LOC 70

01h 48m 35.70s +77° 35' 36.8" P.A. 347.00 sep 2.6 mag 12.50,13.40
Coord 2000 01486+7736 Discov num LOC  70 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 48 35.70 +77 35 36.8
Date first 2015 Date last 2015 Obs 1
Pa first 347 Pa last 346.8 P.A. Now (θ) 346.8°
Sep first 2.6 Sep last 2.58 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.58"
Mag pri 12.50 Mag sec 13.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +090 Sec motion ra +088
Pri motion dec -045 Sec motion dec -045
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.02 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cassiopeia
WDS 01486+7736 LOC 70 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LOC Locatelli, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01486+7736 LOC 70 2015 1 347 2.6 12.50 13.40 T 014835.70+773536.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01486+7736 LOC 70 : MEASURES
No records found.


01486+7736 LOC  70A mag 12.5 01486+7736 LOC  70B sep 2.5 P.A. 357.10 mag 13.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01486+7736 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 48m 35.70s +77° 35' 36.8"
Primaries only

01486+7736  LOC  70 distance=0' 01493+7737  LDS1541 distance=1' 01474+7745  LDS1536AB distance=11' 01474+7745  WIS  44AC distance=11' 01436+7741  HDS 231 distance=17' 01512+7751  MLR 374 distance=18' 01456+7721  HJ 2065 distance=18' 01538+7754  LOC  74 distance=26' 01497+7802  HJ 2077BC distance=27' 01497+7802  HJ 2077AB distance=27' 01497+7802  HJ 2077AC distance=27' 01542+7713  BVD 293 distance=30' 01409+7758  HJ 2056AB distance=34' 01409+7758  VBS   3AC distance=34' 01596+7737  LOC  73 distance=36' 01413+7707  LOC  72 distance=38' 01471+7654  LDS1537 distance=42' 01470+7653  LOC  68 distance=43' 02001+7806  LOC  56 distance=48' 01380+7701  LEP 124 distance=50' 01544+7824  TDS2050 distance=52' 01345+7804  HDS 211Aa,Ab distance=53' 01345+7804  TOK 227AB distance=53' 01346+7804  LDS1532 distance=56' 01349+7811  MFL  16 distance=56' 02051+7717  SHJ  22AB distance=58' 02051+7717  LSC  19Aa,Ab distance=58' 02030+7814  SKF2755 distance=60' 01389+7643  HU 1030 distance=62' 01545+7637  LDS1544 distance=63' 01543+7635  KPP3468 distance=64' 01555+7637  LDS1545 distance=65' 02025+7650  LOC  53 distance=65' 01545+7630  LOC  69 distance=69' 01374+7636  MFL  18 distance=71' 01308+7838  MFL  13 distance=84' 01410+7856  LOC  75 distance=85' 01554+7613  STF 170 distance=86' 01289+7847  MFL  12 distance=94' 01587+7909  LOC  76 distance=99' 01364+7909  STF 127 distance=101' 01451+7555  TDS1985 distance=101' 01357+7600  LDS1533 distance=106' 02080+7613  LOC  54 distance=106' 02055+7607  BU  785AB distance=106' 02055+7607  BU  785AC distance=106' 02074+7905  LOC  59 distance=107' 01296+7602  LDS1530 distance=116' 01316+7920  TDS1900 distance=116' 01487+7528  HJ 2075AB distance=128' 01487+7528  HJ 2075AC distance=128' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01486+7736 LOC 70 347 2.6 0
Show 01493+7737 LDS1541 347 2.6 1
Show 01474+7745 LDS1536 AB 152 1.9 11
Show 01474+7745 WIS 44 AC 65 999.9 11
Show 01436+7741 HDS 231 16 0.1 17
Show 01512+7751 MLR 374 150 2.4 18
Show 01456+7721 HJ 2065 156 21.3 18
Show 01538+7754 LOC 74 79 21.8 26
Show 01497+7802 HJ 2077 BC 202 11.1 27
Show 01497+7802 HJ 2077 AB 107 15.2 27
Show 01497+7802 HJ 2077 AC 145 18.1 27
Show 01542+7713 BVD 293 25 19.8 30
Show 01409+7758 HJ 2056 AB 214 33.2 34
Show 01409+7758 VBS 3 AC 8 33.4 34
Show 01596+7737 LOC 73 174 1.5 36
Show 01413+7707 LOC 72 321 2.1 38
Show 01471+7654 LDS1537 192 67.6 42
Show 01470+7653 LOC 68 241 1.5 43
Show 02001+7806 LOC 56 109 2.2 48
Show 01380+7701 LEP 124 191 33.0 50
Show 01544+7824 TDS2050 35 1.9 52
Show 01345+7804 HDS 211 Aa,Ab 211 0.2 53
Show 01345+7804 TOK 227 AB 350 61.9 53
Show 01346+7804 LDS1532 296 11.3 56
Show 01349+7811 MFL 16 16 14.3 56
Show 02051+7717 SHJ 22 AB 211 97.2 58
Show 02051+7717 LSC 19 Aa,Ab 296 0.1 58
Show 02030+7814 SKF2755 272 29.0 60
Show 01389+7643 HU 1030 319 0.8 62
Show 01545+7637 LDS1544 61 23.2 63
Show 01543+7635 KPP3468 69 24.9 64
Show 01555+7637 LDS1545 206 3.0 65
Show 02025+7650 LOC 53 6 11.7 65
Show 01545+7630 LOC 69 68 8.6 69
Show 01374+7636 MFL 18 160 12.8 71
Show 01308+7838 MFL 13 169 21.3 84
Show 01410+7856 LOC 75 234 6.2 85
Show 01554+7613 STF 170 243 3.2 86
Show 01289+7847 MFL 12 27 5.9 94
Show 01587+7909 LOC 76 154 26.2 99
Show 01364+7909 STF 127 190 23.4 101
Show 01451+7555 TDS1985 206 0.9 101
Show 01357+7600 LDS1533 12 186.8 106
Show 02080+7613 LOC 54 325 25.0 106
Show 02055+7607 BU 785 AB 247 5.7 106
Show 02055+7607 BU 785 AC 130 30.5 106
Show 02074+7905 LOC 59 69 3.6 107
Show 01296+7602 LDS1530 92 3.1 116
Show 01316+7920 TDS1900 143 0.6 116
Show 01487+7528 HJ 2075 AB 231 30.7 128
Show 01487+7528 HJ 2075 AC 241 38.5 128

WDS 01486+7736 : COMPONENTS
B pa=357.1°
01486+7736 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014835.70+773536.8 Mag 12.5 PmRA 90.00 PmDE -45.0
01486+7736 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014835.66+773539.3 Mag 13.4 PmRA 88.00 PmDE -45.0
Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes