01475-3400 KPP 2857

01h 47m 27.78s -34° 00' 21.1" P.A. 336.00 sep 3.6 mag 13.81,16.35
Coord 2000 01475-3400 Discov num KPP2857 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 47 27.78 -34 00 21.1
Date first 1998 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 337 Pa last 336.3 P.A. Now (θ) 336.3°
Sep first 3.5 Sep last 3.571 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.571"
Mag pri 13.81 Mag sec 16.35 delta mag (ΔM) 2.54 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +083 Sec motion ra +085
Pri motion dec -126 Sec motion dec -128
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
rPM=0.018 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Fornax
WDS 01475-3400 KPP 2857 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01475-3400 KPP2857 2015 4 336 3.6 13.81 16.35 T 014727.78-340021.1
01475-3400 KPP2857 2016 5 336 3.6 13.81 16.35 T 014727.78-340021.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01475-3400 KPP 2857 : MEASURES
No records found.


01475-3400 KPP2857A mag 13.81 01475-3400 KPP2857B sep 3.5 P.A. 340.00 mag 16.35 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01475-3400 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 47m 27.78s -34° 00' 21.1"
WDS 01475-3400 KPP 2857 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01475-3400  KPP2857 distance=0' 01495-3401  RST2268 distance=25' 01445-3351  TOK 459 distance=39' 01510-3317  B   657 distance=62' 01416-3348  KPP2356 distance=75' 01413-3404  UC  603 distance=77' 01486-3229  HDS 242 distance=93' 01510-3237  SKF1269 distance=94' 01448-3229  LDS3305 distance=97' 01480-3537  TVB  27 distance=97' 01474-3214  LDS5350 distance=106' 01438-3219  SKF 151 distance=112' 01480-3207  TDS2009 distance=114' 01452-3205  NSN 233 distance=119' 01540-3233  NSN 232 distance=121' 01377-3334  TDS1937 distance=125' 01489-3153  LDS3316 distance=129' 01525-3556  BRT1584 distance=132' 01381-3300  B   655 distance=132' 01372-3330  JSP  23 distance=132' 01579-3325  SKF1270 distance=135' 01548-3548  UC  644 distance=141' 01363-3338  KPP1340 distance=141' 01584-3304  B    24 distance=149' 01377-3236  TDS1936 distance=149' 01594-3326  UC  654 distance=154' 01444-3643  HJ 3458 distance=167' 01519-3120  HDS 254 distance=170' 01338-3355  UC  584 distance=171' 01588-3558  KPP2847 distance=183' 01484-3705  UC  632 distance=185' 01583-3156  UC  651 distance=186' 01355-3211  JKS   3 distance=186' 01550-3120  HDS 261 distance=187' 01412-3654  KPP1770 distance=190' 02026-3438  UC  672 distance=192' 01338-3532  KPP 929 distance=192' 01577-3625  LDS  62 distance=193' 01320-3430  I   712 distance=195' 01410-3658  TDS1955 distance=195' 01384-3119  UC  595 distance=198' 01343-3154  LDS2212 distance=209' 01546-3712  DAM1285 distance=211' 01547-3714  TDS2051 distance=213' 01560-3057  JSP 859 distance=214' 02043-3309  B   662 distance=217' 01302-3443  SKF1196 distance=218' 02053-3354  TDS2106 distance=222' 02047-3305  B   663 distance=223' 01589-3701  B   659 distance=229' 01397-3728  HJ 3452 distance=229' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01475-3400 KPP2857 336 3.6 0
Show 01495-3401 RST2268 161 3.1 25
Show 01445-3351 TOK 459 305 744.6 39
Show 01510-3317 B 657 115 0.6 62
Show 01416-3348 KPP2356 281 20.3 75
Show 01413-3404 UC 603 206 15.0 77
Show 01486-3229 HDS 242 356 0.5 93
Show 01510-3237 SKF1269 212 85.4 94
Show 01448-3229 LDS3305 46 51.3 97
Show 01480-3537 TVB 27 21 15.3 97
Show 01474-3214 LDS5350 189 175.3 106
Show 01438-3219 SKF 151 350 7.0 112
Show 01480-3207 TDS2009 173 0.9 114
Show 01452-3205 NSN 233 359 1.7 119
Show 01540-3233 NSN 232 101 7.1 121
Show 01377-3334 TDS1937 264 1.8 125
Show 01489-3153 LDS3316 56 6.2 129
Show 01525-3556 BRT1584 159 3.3 132
Show 01381-3300 B 655 4 1.8 132
Show 01372-3330 JSP 23 261 1.8 132
Show 01579-3325 SKF1270 330 2.9 135
Show 01548-3548 UC 644 133 15.7 141
Show 01363-3338 KPP1340 124 9.8 141
Show 01584-3304 B 24 122 6.1 149
Show 01377-3236 TDS1936 48 0.5 149
Show 01594-3326 UC 654 282 56.5 154
Show 01444-3643 HJ 3458 322 7.1 167
Show 01519-3120 HDS 254 333 0.2 170
Show 01338-3355 UC 584 248 14.1 171
Show 01588-3558 KPP2847 90 3.5 183
Show 01484-3705 UC 632 20 8.5 185
Show 01583-3156 UC 651 2 40.4 186
Show 01355-3211 JKS 3 238 93.8 186
Show 01550-3120 HDS 261 274 0.5 187
Show 01412-3654 KPP1770 257 13.7 190
Show 02026-3438 UC 672 269 9.5 192
Show 01338-3532 KPP 929 336 7.7 192
Show 01577-3625 LDS 62 204 45.7 193
Show 01320-3430 I 712 185 2.1 195
Show 01410-3658 TDS1955 6 0.6 195
Show 01384-3119 UC 595 97 35.1 198
Show 01343-3154 LDS2212 127 23.7 209
Show 01546-3712 DAM1285 232 2.0 211
Show 01547-3714 TDS2051 134 0.8 213
Show 01560-3057 JSP 859 145 6.4 214
Show 02043-3309 B 662 168 1.1 217
Show 01302-3443 SKF1196 111 4.9 218
Show 02053-3354 TDS2106 320 1.8 222
Show 02047-3305 B 663 329 5.2 223
Show 01589-3701 B 659 0 0.3 229
Show 01397-3728 HJ 3452 278 19.6 229

WDS 01475-3400 : COMPONENTS
B pa=340.0°
01475-3400 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014727.78-340021.1 Mag 13.81 PmRA 83.00 PmDE -126.0
01475-3400 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014727.68-340017.8 Mag 16.35 PmRA 85.00 PmDE -128.0
Calc delta mag 2.54 Calc coord yes