23172+2004 KPP 1024

23h 17m 12.26s +20° 04' 03.0" P.A. 54.00 sep 8.2 mag 12.80,13.70
Coord 2000 23172+2004 Discov num KPP1024 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 17 12.26 +20 04 03.0
Date first 1991 Date last 2015 Obs 12
Pa first 55 Pa last 53.6 P.A. Now (θ) 53.6°
Sep first 8.0 Sep last 8.214 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.214"
Mag pri 12.80 Mag sec 13.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +028 Sec motion ra +029
Pri motion dec +019 Sec motion dec +020
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.04 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Gaia DR2 2837313635494144512
WDS 23172+2004 KPP 1024 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23172+2004 KPP1024 2015 9 54 8.2 12.80 13.70 V 231712.26+200403.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23172+2004 KPP 1024 : MEASURES
No records found.


23172+2004 KPP1024A mag 12.8 23172+2004 KPP1024B sep 7.9 P.A. 51.90 mag 13.7 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23172+2004 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 17m 12.26s +20° 04' 03.0"
WDS 23172+2004 KPP 1024 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23172+2004  KPP1024 distance=0' 23175+1937  BEU  23 distance=28' 23167+1937  HDS3316 distance=28' 23171+2045  BRT2512 distance=42' 23145+2027  HJ  982AB distance=45' 23145+2027  HJ  982AC distance=45' 23132+1959  STF2989 distance=58' 23127+1923  J  3353 distance=78' 23170+2125  STF2997 distance=81' 23168+1843  KPP1044 distance=82' 23228+2034  STF3007AB distance=85' 23228+2034  STF3007AC distance=85' 23228+2034  TOK 704Ba,Bb distance=85' 23124+1902  SKF1186CE distance=92' 23235+2059  TDT4015 distance=105' 23176+1818  HU  400 distance=106' 23228+1843  J  3193 distance=114' 23211+2148  UC  286 distance=118' 23231+1839  TDS1206 distance=120' 23114+1837  GWP3248 distance=120' 23251+2052  UC 4946 distance=121' 23208+2158  STT 494 distance=125' 23122+1820  GWP3251 distance=126' 23232+2139  UC 4935 distance=127' 23161+2211  MET  98AB distance=128' 23161+2211  MET  98AC distance=128' 23263+1952  CLZ  90 distance=129' 23139+2204  GRV 653 distance=129' 23136+2207  BRT2511 distance=133' 23133+2205  STF2990AB distance=133' 23133+2205  ZUL   2AC distance=133' 23163+1751  UC  285 distance=135' 23094+1844  HO  487 distance=137' 23269+2016  TDT4038 distance=137' 23073+2010  J   212 distance=139' 23074+2035  STT 488 distance=141' 23077+1917  UC 4887 distance=143' 23268+2057  COU 241 distance=145' 23088+1840  GWP3241 distance=146' 23228+2208  GIC 191 distance=147' 23130+2218  AZC 127 distance=147' 23108+2201  SLW1304 distance=148' 23198+1741  RBR  54 distance=148' 23084+1843  GWP3238 distance=150' 23278+1948  TDT4048 distance=150' 23065+1955  NSN 765 distance=151' 23231+1758  CVR 988 distance=151' 23075+2108  LWR  19AB distance=151' 23075+2108  LWR  19AC distance=151' 23075+2108  CLO  11AD distance=151' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ab distance=151' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23172+2004 KPP1024 54 8.2 0
Show 23175+1937 BEU 23 25 0.4 28
Show 23167+1937 HDS3316 8 0.1 28
Show 23171+2045 BRT2512 351 3.7 42
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AB 172 39.6 45
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AC 217 46.5 45
Show 23132+1959 STF2989 143 1.8 58
Show 23127+1923 J 3353 183 6.4 78
Show 23170+2125 STF2997 222 24.8 81
Show 23168+1843 KPP1044 107 8.4 82
Show 23228+2034 STF3007 AB 92 5.9 85
Show 23228+2034 STF3007 AC 305 103.8 85
Show 23228+2034 TOK 704 Ba,Bb 187 0.8 85
Show 23124+1902 SKF1186 CE 8 6.3 92
Show 23235+2059 TDT4015 212 0.4 105
Show 23176+1818 HU 400 70 0.3 106
Show 23228+1843 J 3193 212 7.2 114
Show 23211+2148 UC 286 293 69.8 118
Show 23231+1839 TDS1206 106 1.5 120
Show 23114+1837 GWP3248 215 29.3 120
Show 23251+2052 UC 4946 132 28.1 121
Show 23208+2158 STT 494 82 3.3 125
Show 23122+1820 GWP3251 155 36.0 126
Show 23232+2139 UC 4935 263 4.8 127
Show 23161+2211 MET 98 AB 130 8.9 128
Show 23161+2211 MET 98 AC 306 9.8 128
Show 23263+1952 CLZ 90 181 31.2 129
Show 23139+2204 GRV 653 176 69.1 129
Show 23136+2207 BRT2511 163 4.2 133
Show 23133+2205 STF2990 AB 56 2.6 133
Show 23133+2205 ZUL 2 AC 301 32.1 133
Show 23163+1751 UC 285 95 59.5 135
Show 23094+1844 HO 487 120 16.2 137
Show 23269+2016 TDT4038 62 0.6 137
Show 23073+2010 J 212 341 4.3 139
Show 23074+2035 STT 488 335 14.9 141
Show 23077+1917 UC 4887 245 28.5 143
Show 23268+2057 COU 241 12 3.4 145
Show 23088+1840 GWP3241 245 8.7 146
Show 23228+2208 GIC 191 254 999.9 147
Show 23130+2218 AZC 127 358 24.0 147
Show 23108+2201 SLW1304 168 96.1 148
Show 23198+1741 RBR 54 74 0.5 148
Show 23084+1843 GWP3238 223 3.7 150
Show 23278+1948 TDT4048 235 0.9 150
Show 23065+1955 NSN 765 256 5.2 151
Show 23231+1758 CVR 988 186 20.5 151
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AB 13 14.2 151
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AC 116 14.9 151
Show 23075+2108 CLO 11 AD 224 240.0 151
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ab 67 1.7 151

WDS 23172+2004 : COMPONENTS
B pa=51.9°
23172+2004 A
Coord arcsec 2000 231712.26+200403.0 Mag 12.8 PmRA 28.00 PmDE 19.0
23172+2004 B
Coord arcsec 2000 231712.70+200407.9 Mag 13.7 PmRA 29.00 PmDE 20.0
Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes