23039-3921 KPP 2100

23h 03m 55.37s -39° 20' 57.3" P.A. 56.00 sep 16.9 mag 13.40,14.50
Coord 2000 23039-3921 Discov num KPP2100 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 03 55.37 -39 20 57.3
Date first 1985 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 56 Pa last 56.3 P.A. Now (θ) 56.3°
Sep first 17.0 Sep last 16.949 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.949"
Mag pri 13.40 Mag sec 14.50 delta mag (ΔM) 1.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +022 Sec motion ra +023
Pri motion dec -034 Sec motion dec -035
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.034 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Grus Gaia DR2 6543696040565302144
WDS 23039-3921 KPP 2100 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23039-3921 KPP2100 2015 8 56 16.9 13.40 14.50 V 230355.37-392057.3
23039-3921 KPP2100 2016 10 56 16.9 13.40 14.50 V 230355.37-392057.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23039-3921 KPP 2100 : MEASURES
No records found.


23039-3921 KPP2100A mag 13.4 23039-3921 KPP2100B sep 14.4 P.A. 49.20 mag 14.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23039-3921 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 03m 55.37s -39° 20' 57.3"
WDS 23039-3921 KPP 2100 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23039-3921  KPP2100 distance=0' 23027-3946  I  1463 distance=29' 23053-3855  SKF2107 distance=31' 23069-3854  BU  773 distance=45' 23012-3833  LDS5036 distance=58' 23048-4023  BVD 156 distance=63' 23003-4008  UC 4860 distance=64' 23102-3920  I  1465 distance=74' 23036-4039  KPP3088 distance=79' 22568-3856  WG  285 distance=86' 23023-3752  RST2210 distance=91' 23024-4050  CRU9052 distance=92' 22583-3816  HDS3269 distance=92' 23021-4050  CRU9051 distance=92' 23033-4057  RST2211 distance=96' 22572-4023  CRU   5 distance=101' 23129-3955  RST2212 distance=109' 23041-3732  UC 4872 distance=110' 23131-3848  RST2213 distance=112' 23127-4015  CPO 634 distance=116' 23141-3937  LDS6392 distance=120' 23040-4129  CRU9053 distance=128' 23078-3721  B   589 distance=129' 23105-4109  SKF 386 distance=133' 22585-3718  KPP1841 distance=139' 22550-4056  I  1460 distance=140' 23148-4027  TDT3950 distance=143' 22569-3725  DAM 658 distance=143' 22565-3726  RST2209 distance=145' 23149-3814  LDS5061 distance=146' 23135-4056  HJ 5387 distance=146' 22533-3759  B  2505 distance=150' 23103-4135  DON1043 distance=153' 23172-3915  UC 4917 distance=155' 23150-4049  TDT3952 distance=155' 22532-3750  HDS3250Aa,Ab distance=156' 22532-3750  B  2504AB distance=156' 22532-3750  PIN  12AC distance=156' 22591-4147  UC 4854 distance=157' 22564-3706  RST3312 distance=163' 22498-3916  ALD  79 distance=165' 23155-3742  RST2214 distance=168' 23177-3834  KPP2061 distance=168' 23167-4047  LDS5063 distance=171' 23164-4102  CPO 636 distance=175' 22539-3710  CBL 192 distance=177' 23026-3625  BU 1011 distance=177' 23105-3641  LDS5055 distance=178' 22489-4002  LDS4998 distance=178' 23193-3917  KPP3089 distance=179' 23194-3910  HDS3322 distance=181' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23039-3921 KPP2100 56 16.9 0
Show 23027-3946 I 1463 50 0.4 29
Show 23053-3855 SKF2107 324 122.0 31
Show 23069-3854 BU 773 205 0.9 45
Show 23012-3833 LDS5036 222 5.2 58
Show 23048-4023 BVD 156 277 18.2 63
Show 23003-4008 UC 4860 186 21.0 64
Show 23102-3920 I 1465 315 5.4 74
Show 23036-4039 KPP3088 293 1.5 79
Show 22568-3856 WG 285 343 14.7 86
Show 23023-3752 RST2210 45 1.6 91
Show 23024-4050 CRU9052 338 36.1 92
Show 22583-3816 HDS3269 19 0.2 92
Show 23021-4050 CRU9051 112 49.6 92
Show 23033-4057 RST2211 130 1.8 96
Show 22572-4023 CRU 5 250 7.6 101
Show 23129-3955 RST2212 329 2.9 109
Show 23041-3732 UC 4872 196 20.6 110
Show 23131-3848 RST2213 34 0.9 112
Show 23127-4015 CPO 634 262 4.3 116
Show 23141-3937 LDS6392 354 7.3 120
Show 23040-4129 CRU9053 34 253.3 128
Show 23078-3721 B 589 152 2.1 129
Show 23105-4109 SKF 386 88 7.1 133
Show 22585-3718 KPP1841 85 14.3 139
Show 22550-4056 I 1460 346 0.3 140
Show 23148-4027 TDT3950 111 1.2 143
Show 22569-3725 DAM 658 258 15.1 143
Show 22565-3726 RST2209 10 2.8 145
Show 23149-3814 LDS5061 260 22.9 146
Show 23135-4056 HJ 5387 276 7.9 146
Show 22533-3759 B 2505 175 2.9 150
Show 23103-4135 DON1043 340 1.0 153
Show 23172-3915 UC 4917 31 19.6 155
Show 23150-4049 TDT3952 244 1.1 155
Show 22532-3750 HDS3250 Aa,Ab 258 0.1 156
Show 22532-3750 B 2504 AB 278 2.7 156
Show 22532-3750 PIN 12 AC 227 104.6 156
Show 22591-4147 UC 4854 320 22.4 157
Show 22564-3706 RST3312 349 1.0 163
Show 22498-3916 ALD 79 16 2.2 165
Show 23155-3742 RST2214 28 1.5 168
Show 23177-3834 KPP2061 262 16.5 168
Show 23167-4047 LDS5063 152 16.1 171
Show 23164-4102 CPO 636 276 5.0 175
Show 22539-3710 CBL 192 313 54.5 177
Show 23026-3625 BU 1011 293 2.0 177
Show 23105-3641 LDS5055 185 21.1 178
Show 22489-4002 LDS4998 45 36.3 178
Show 23193-3917 KPP3089 313 2.4 179
Show 23194-3910 HDS3322 55 0.4 181

WDS 23039-3921 : COMPONENTS
B pa=49.2°
23039-3921 A
Coord arcsec 2000 230355.37-392057.3 Mag 13.4 PmRA 22.00 PmDE -34.0
23039-3921 B
Coord arcsec 2000 230356.31-392047.9 Mag 14.5 PmRA 23.00 PmDE -35.0
Calc delta mag 1.1 Calc coord yes