20001-0633 KPP 680

20h 00m 08.03s -06° 33' 10.5" P.A. 149.00 sep 6.1 mag 11.30,13.30
Coord 2000 20001-0633 Discov num KPP 680 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 00 08.03 -06 33 10.5
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 149 Pa last 148.5 P.A. Now (θ) 148.5°
Sep first 6.1 Sep last 6.064 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.064"
Mag pri 11.30 Mag sec 13.30 delta mag (ΔM) 2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +006 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -044 Sec motion dec -044
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.045 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquila Gaia DR2 4196139072030834176
WDS 20001-0633 KPP 680 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20001-0633 KPP 680 2015 5 149 6.1 11.30 13.30 V 200008.03-063310.5
20001-0633 KPP 680 2016 8 149 6.1 11.30 13.30 V 200008.03-063310.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20001-0633 KPP 680 : MEASURES
No records found.


20001-0633 KPP 680A mag 11.3 20001-0633 KPP 680B sep 6.0 P.A. 148.70 mag 13.3 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20001-0633 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 00m 08.03s -06° 33' 10.5"
WDS 20001-0633 KPP 680 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20001-0633  KPP 680 distance=0' 19593-0612  RST5149 distance=25' 19585-0619  UC 4060 distance=28' 19582-0621  HDS2843 distance=31' 20019-0614  J  1694 distance=33' 20012-0704  TDT1915 distance=35' 19582-0700  RST5146 distance=40' 19576-0608  BRT 496 distance=45' 20031-0617  SKF 443 distance=47' 19587-0548  RST5147 distance=51' 19573-0603  GWP2913 distance=53' 19557-0643  SCJ  23 distance=67' 19553-0644  STF2597AB distance=73' 19553-0644  BOW   8AC distance=73' 20008-0749  RST4647 distance=77' 19567-0737  RST4646 distance=82' 20046-0744  LDS4829 distance=98' 20054-0536  RST5151 distance=98' 19556-0747  TDT1855 distance=101' 19534-0600  STF2591 distance=107' 19532-0601  UC 4045 distance=108' 20073-0657  GWP2922 distance=109' 19595-0824  J  1691 distance=110' 19531-0558  GMC  25 distance=112' 19591-0443  LDS4826 distance=112' 20009-0826  RST4648 distance=114' 20000-0439  J  1692 distance=114' 20076-0606  LDS4832 distance=117' 19521-0625  J  2287 distance=119' 19594-0432  CVN 107 distance=122' 20081-0714  UC 4095 distance=126' 19546-0814  STF2594AB distance=130' 20006-0422  UC 4062 distance=132' 20006-0417  KPP2075 distance=137' 20037-0423  GWP2920 distance=142' 19521-0802  GWP2903 distance=149' 19541-0834  HJ  900 distance=151' 19514-0514  RST4645 distance=153' 20051-0418  BU   56 distance=154' 19579-0904  BU 1475AB distance=154' 19579-0904  HDO 155AC distance=154' 19579-0904  BU 1475CD distance=155' 19510-0749  UC 4039 distance=156' 19597-0358  J  2565 distance=156' 20006-0911  BRT 554 distance=159' 20109-0637  ARU  20 distance=160' 20018-0354  J   154 distance=161' 19516-0455  UC 4043 distance=162' 19498-0730  UC 4033 distance=164' 19508-0502  UC 4036 distance=167' 19577-0349  A  2690 distance=168' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20001-0633 KPP 680 149 6.1 0
Show 19593-0612 RST5149 323 1.5 25
Show 19585-0619 UC 4060 164 22.9 28
Show 19582-0621 HDS2843 172 0.3 31
Show 20019-0614 J 1694 275 6.4 33
Show 20012-0704 TDT1915 226 0.5 35
Show 19582-0700 RST5146 53 3.7 40
Show 19576-0608 BRT 496 340 3.7 45
Show 20031-0617 SKF 443 176 5.1 47
Show 19587-0548 RST5147 319 5.5 51
Show 19573-0603 GWP2913 178 8.8 53
Show 19557-0643 SCJ 23 25 36.5 67
Show 19553-0644 STF2597 AB 100 0.6 73
Show 19553-0644 BOW 8 AC -1 -1.0 73
Show 20008-0749 RST4647 81 0.5 77
Show 19567-0737 RST4646 195 4.6 82
Show 20046-0744 LDS4829 322 73.0 98
Show 20054-0536 RST5151 34 0.4 98
Show 19556-0747 TDT1855 41 1.5 101
Show 19534-0600 STF2591 106 29.4 107
Show 19532-0601 UC 4045 12 68.1 108
Show 20073-0657 GWP2922 244 31.4 109
Show 19595-0824 J 1691 222 6.3 110
Show 19531-0558 GMC 25 338 32.3 112
Show 19591-0443 LDS4826 161 6.2 112
Show 20009-0826 RST4648 111 3.1 114
Show 20000-0439 J 1692 24 7.2 114
Show 20076-0606 LDS4832 296 221.4 117
Show 19521-0625 J 2287 170 3.3 119
Show 19594-0432 CVN 107 25 4.5 122
Show 20081-0714 UC 4095 92 19.3 126
Show 19546-0814 STF2594 AB 171 36.3 130
Show 20006-0422 UC 4062 38 23.5 132
Show 20006-0417 KPP2075 246 16.7 137
Show 20037-0423 GWP2920 220 36.8 142
Show 19521-0802 GWP2903 49 119.6 149
Show 19541-0834 HJ 900 75 46.5 151
Show 19514-0514 RST4645 141 1.1 153
Show 20051-0418 BU 56 189 1.3 154
Show 19579-0904 BU 1475 AB 113 10.4 154
Show 19579-0904 HDO 155 AC 119 115.1 154
Show 19579-0904 BU 1475 CD 163 4.9 155
Show 19510-0749 UC 4039 169 10.3 156
Show 19597-0358 J 2565 298 4.4 156
Show 20006-0911 BRT 554 25 2.6 159
Show 20109-0637 ARU 20 138 0.5 160
Show 20018-0354 J 154 59 4.3 161
Show 19516-0455 UC 4043 135 63.0 162
Show 19498-0730 UC 4033 6 44.5 164
Show 19508-0502 UC 4036 55 3.8 167
Show 19577-0349 A 2690 214 1.4 168

WDS 20001-0633 : COMPONENTS
B pa=148.7°
20001-0633 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200008.03-063310.5 Mag 11.3 PmRA 6.00 PmDE -44.0
20001-0633 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200008.24-063315.7 Mag 13.3 PmRA 4.00 PmDE -44.0
Calc delta mag 2 Calc coord yes