14582-2709 KPP 329

14h 58m 12.06s -27° 08' 33.7" P.A. 188.00 sep 3.7 mag 14.50,14.70
Coord 2000 14582-2709 Discov num KPP 329 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 58 12.06 -27 08 33.7
Date first 1998 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 188 Pa last 187.5 P.A. Now (θ) 187.5°
Sep first 3.7 Sep last 3.736 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.736"
Mag pri 14.50 Mag sec 14.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -045 Sec motion ra -045
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec -003
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.044 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Hydra Gaia DR2 6225307778452855680
WDS 14582-2709 KPP 329 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14582-2709 KPP 329 2015 3 188 3.7 14.50 14.70 V 145812.06-270833.7
14582-2709 KPP 329 2016 5 188 3.7 14.50 14.70 V 145812.06-270833.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14582-2709 KPP 329 : MEASURES
No records found.


14582-2709 KPP 329A mag 14.5 14582-2709 KPP 329B sep 3.7 P.A. 186.70 mag 14.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14582-2709 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 58m 12.06s -27° 08' 33.7"
WDS 14582-2709 KPP 329 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14582-2709  KPP 329 distance=0' 14585-2724  CBL 155 distance=17' 14587-2739  BU  239 distance=32' 14564-2729  UC 2874 distance=32' 14536-2707  SWR 162 distance=61' 14592-2608  HDS2115 distance=62' 14529-2716  UC 2865 distance=72' 15032-2627  UC 2908 distance=79' 15036-2751  HJ 4727AB distance=84' 15036-2751  TOK 165AC distance=84' 14579-2834  B   283 distance=86' 14522-2637  B   281 distance=86' 15041-2623  CBL 156 distance=92' 14585-2843  TOK  30 distance=95' 15022-2551  B   286 distance=95' 14523-2602  TDS9332 distance=104' 14561-2527  DON 698 distance=105' 14597-2522  UC 2893 distance=109' 14505-2631  UC 2852 distance=111' 14512-2606  RST5390 distance=112' 15003-2514  DON 707 distance=118' 15005-2514  DON 709 distance=119' 14575-2914  UC 2880 distance=126' 14563-2504  DON 699 distance=127' 14541-2513  B   282 distance=129' 15080-2725  BRT3017 distance=132' 14497-2605  LDS 508 distance=132' 15041-2517  UC 2911 (Brachium) distance=137' 15019-2921  BRT3016 distance=141' 14486-2822  RST1804 distance=147' 14471-2729  B   280 distance=150' 14563-2440  HJ 4716 distance=151' 15012-2938  B   285 distance=155' 15083-2830  UC 2940 distance=157' 14500-2902  RST2927 distance=158' 14550-2435  I   955 distance=159' 14465-2753  HDS2083 distance=162' 14489-2523  B  2773A,BC distance=164' 14489-2523  B  2773BC distance=164' 14488-2857  BRT3014 distance=165' 14580-2420  BRT3015 distance=169' 14455-2657  B   278 distance=170' 15037-2433  NSN 416 distance=173' 14471-2535  KPP1665 distance=177' 14470-2846  B   279 distance=178' 15114-2728  RSS 366 distance=178' 15104-2827  HJ 4740AB distance=180' 15088-2519  LSC  58 distance=180' 14450-2803  HDS2077AB distance=184' 14443-2701  B   276 distance=186' 15072-2930  HNK   2AB distance=186' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14582-2709 KPP 329 188 3.7 0
Show 14585-2724 CBL 155 91 15.1 17
Show 14587-2739 BU 239 16 0.5 32
Show 14564-2729 UC 2874 249 20.9 32
Show 14536-2707 SWR 162 324 37.3 61
Show 14592-2608 HDS2115 28 0.4 62
Show 14529-2716 UC 2865 33 19.3 72
Show 15032-2627 UC 2908 0 8.0 79
Show 15036-2751 HJ 4727 AB 221 7.3 84
Show 15036-2751 TOK 165 AC 11 11.2 84
Show 14579-2834 B 283 247 0.5 86
Show 14522-2637 B 281 142 2.0 86
Show 15041-2623 CBL 156 323 26.2 92
Show 14585-2843 TOK 30 40 83.8 95
Show 15022-2551 B 286 319 1.4 95
Show 14523-2602 TDS9332 119 0.6 104
Show 14561-2527 DON 698 88 0.3 105
Show 14597-2522 UC 2893 174 34.8 109
Show 14505-2631 UC 2852 243 31.5 111
Show 14512-2606 RST5390 63 1.0 112
Show 15003-2514 DON 707 351 0.5 118
Show 15005-2514 DON 709 211 1.3 119
Show 14575-2914 UC 2880 338 110.4 126
Show 14563-2504 DON 699 127 0.9 127
Show 14541-2513 B 282 271 4.7 129
Show 15080-2725 BRT3017 222 4.5 132
Show 14497-2605 LDS 508 244 26.7 132
Show Brachium 15041-2517 UC 2911 51 69.7 137
Show 15019-2921 BRT3016 30 2.6 141
Show 14486-2822 RST1804 197 2.3 147
Show 14471-2729 B 280 250 0.6 150
Show 14563-2440 HJ 4716 1 3.0 151
Show 15012-2938 B 285 24 3.7 155
Show 15083-2830 UC 2940 21 62.5 157
Show 14500-2902 RST2927 332 1.8 158
Show 14550-2435 I 955 100 2.1 159
Show 14465-2753 HDS2083 8 0.2 162
Show 14489-2523 B 2773 A,BC 253 75.4 164
Show 14489-2523 B 2773 BC 223 3.5 164
Show 14488-2857 BRT3014 263 4.1 165
Show 14580-2420 BRT3015 118 5.3 169
Show 14455-2657 B 278 89 0.2 170
Show 15037-2433 NSN 416 133 3.8 173
Show 14471-2535 KPP1665 114 12.8 177
Show 14470-2846 B 279 37 4.9 178
Show 15114-2728 RSS 366 294 8.1 178
Show 15104-2827 HJ 4740 AB 12 3.8 180
Show 15088-2519 LSC 58 251 0.6 180
Show 14450-2803 HDS2077 AB 182 0.7 184
Show 14443-2701 B 276 224 0.5 186
Show 15072-2930 HNK 2 AB 281 0.2 186

WDS 14582-2709 : COMPONENTS
B pa=186.7°
14582-2709 A
Coord arcsec 2000 145812.06-270833.7 Mag 14.5 PmRA -45.00 PmDE -1.0
14582-2709 B
Coord arcsec 2000 145812.03-270837.4 Mag 14.7 PmRA -45.00 PmDE -3.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes