09021-3851 DAM 1524

09h 02m 10.07s -38° 51' 29.4" P.A. 293.00 sep 1.1 mag 12.70,12.70
Coord 2000 09021-3851 Discov num DAM1524 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 02 10.07 -38 51 29.4
Date first 2015 Date last 2016 Obs 2
Pa first 293 Pa last 292.8 P.A. Now (θ) 292.8°
Sep first 1.1 Sep last 1.102 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.102"
Mag pri 12.70 Mag sec 12.70 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +015 Sec motion ra +015
Pri motion dec -017 Sec motion dec -017
Notes T (Parallax indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Vela Gaia DR2 5621369027986344832
WDS 09021-3851 DAM 1524 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 DAM Damm, F.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09021-3851 DAM1524 2015 1 293 1.1 12.70 12.70 T 090210.07-385129.4
09021-3851 DAM1524 2016 2 293 1.1 12.70 12.70 T 090210.07-385129.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09021-3851 DAM 1524 : MEASURES
No records found.


09021-3851 DAM1524A mag 12.7 09021-3851 DAM1524B sep 0.9 P.A. 298.40 mag 12.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09021-3851 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 02m 10.07s -38° 51' 29.4"
WDS 09021-3851 DAM 1524 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09021-3851  DAM1524 distance=0' 09020-3850  B  1639AB distance=3' 09013-3855  I  1513 distance=12' 09006-3853  DAM 488 distance=15' 09010-3854  B  2198 distance=15' 09008-3856  DAM 487 distance=17' 09037-3851  TDS6278 distance=19' 09038-3848  B  2199 distance=20' 09026-3830  TDS 509 distance=23' 09042-3851  I  1515 distance=24' 09030-3922  TDS6269 distance=33' 09045-3910  TDS6293 distance=34' 09037-3811  HJ 4169 distance=45' 09061-3853  B  1643 distance=46' 09015-3805  SKF1465 distance=48' 09002-3933  B  1638 distance=48' 08581-3852  RSS  11 distance=48' 09026-3939  RSS 186 distance=49' 09063-3832  TDS6320 distance=53' 09047-3800  NSN 331 distance=60' 09011-3951  RST1412 distance=62' 09011-3955  KPP3774 distance=65' 09011-3746  SKF1464AB distance=67' 09011-3746  TOK 524AC distance=67' 08574-3938  TDS6220 distance=73' 09016-3739  TDS6254 distance=73' 09071-3806  RST2604 distance=74' 08571-3936  WG  123 distance=74' 09030-3736  LDS 245 distance=76' 09086-3843  RST1416 distance=76' 09044-3739  TDS6289 distance=77' 09043-3738  TDS6287 distance=78' 09036-4008  B  1641 distance=78' 09026-3732  TDS6265 distance=80' 08581-3748  TDS6229 distance=81' 09077-3804  RST2606 distance=81' 09067-3955  WG  124 distance=83' 09094-3847  TDS6360 distance=85' 09075-3950  B  1645 distance=86' 09076-3751  RST2605 distance=89' 09030-3720  TDS6268 distance=92' 09005-4021  RST1411 distance=93' 09090-3802  TOK 713 distance=95' 08547-3929  B  1636 distance=95' 08562-3746  JSP 313 distance=97' 08572-3732  JSP 899 distance=100' 09060-4021  TDS6316 distance=100' 09071-3726  JSP 320 distance=103' 08533-3922  RST1408 distance=108' 09108-3933  B  1647 distance=109' 09087-4012  TDS6349 distance=111' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09021-3851 DAM1524 293 1.1 0
Show 09020-3850 B 1639 AB 355 3.7 3
Show 09013-3855 I 1513 72 1.4 12
Show 09006-3853 DAM 488 125 7.9 15
Show 09010-3854 B 2198 157 1.4 15
Show 09008-3856 DAM 487 220 7.0 17
Show 09037-3851 TDS6278 12 2.1 19
Show 09038-3848 B 2199 176 9.3 20
Show 09026-3830 TDS 509 72 1.1 23
Show 09042-3851 I 1515 34 2.5 24
Show 09030-3922 TDS6269 142 3.1 33
Show 09045-3910 TDS6293 68 0.6 34
Show 09037-3811 HJ 4169 289 9.6 45
Show 09061-3853 B 1643 188 1.5 46
Show 09015-3805 SKF1465 279 22.5 48
Show 09002-3933 B 1638 27 3.9 48
Show 08581-3852 RSS 11 266 15.4 48
Show 09026-3939 RSS 186 335 7.7 49
Show 09063-3832 TDS6320 142 2.7 53
Show 09047-3800 NSN 331 243 9.1 60
Show 09011-3951 RST1412 50 0.5 62
Show 09011-3955 KPP3774 299 1.3 65
Show 09011-3746 SKF1464 AB 339 16.4 67
Show 09011-3746 TOK 524 AC 300 999.9 67
Show 08574-3938 TDS6220 188 0.5 73
Show 09016-3739 TDS6254 138 0.9 73
Show 09071-3806 RST2604 26 0.8 74
Show 08571-3936 WG 123 157 5.3 74
Show 09030-3736 LDS 245 326 13.6 76
Show 09086-3843 RST1416 314 1.7 76
Show 09044-3739 TDS6289 135 2.7 77
Show 09043-3738 TDS6287 299 0.4 78
Show 09036-4008 B 1641 181 1.5 78
Show 09026-3732 TDS6265 47 0.5 80
Show 08581-3748 TDS6229 211 3.3 81
Show 09077-3804 RST2606 110 3.8 81
Show 09067-3955 WG 124 255 9.6 83
Show 09094-3847 TDS6360 230 0.7 85
Show 09075-3950 B 1645 123 3.6 86
Show 09076-3751 RST2605 129 0.8 89
Show 09030-3720 TDS6268 122 0.6 92
Show 09005-4021 RST1411 131 0.5 93
Show 09090-3802 TOK 713 266 1.3 95
Show 08547-3929 B 1636 241 0.6 95
Show 08562-3746 JSP 313 102 0.9 97
Show 08572-3732 JSP 899 124 3.7 100
Show 09060-4021 TDS6316 67 0.7 100
Show 09071-3726 JSP 320 151 3.3 103
Show 08533-3922 RST1408 62 0.7 108
Show 09108-3933 B 1647 169 3.6 109
Show 09087-4012 TDS6349 218 0.9 111

WDS 09021-3851 : COMPONENTS
B pa=298.4°
09021-3851 A
Coord arcsec 2000 090210.07-385129.4 Mag 12.7 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -17.0
09021-3851 B
Coord arcsec 2000 090210.00-385129.0 Mag 12.7 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -17.0
Calc coord yes