01387+3057 KPP 2156

01h 38m 39.23s +30° 56' 31.3" P.A. 55.00 sep 17.6 mag 11.50,12.90
Coord 2000 01387+3057 Discov num KPP2156 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 38 39.23 +30 56 31.3
Date first 1951 Date last 2016 Obs 14
Pa first 55 Pa last 54.8 P.A. Now (θ) 54.8°
Sep first 17.3 Sep last 17.641 Sep. Now (ρ) 17.641"
Mag pri 11.50 Mag sec 12.90 delta mag (ΔM) 1.4 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +039 Sec motion ra +039
Pri motion dec -024 Sec motion dec -025
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.022 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Triangulum Tycho2 2293-00936-1 Gaia DR2 303718749775629440
WDS 01387+3057 KPP 2156 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01387+3057 KPP2156 2015 10 55 17.6 11.50 12.90 V 013839.23+305631.3
01387+3057 KPP2156 2016 14 55 17.6 11.50 12.90 V 013839.23+305631.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01387+3057 KPP 2156 : MEASURES
No records found.


01387+3057 KPP2156A mag 11.5 01387+3057 KPP2156B sep 16.0 P.A. 50.60 mag 12.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01387+3057 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 38m 39.23s +30° 56' 31.3"
WDS 01387+3057 KPP 2156 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01387+3057  KPP2156 distance=0' 01371+3111  TDS1932 distance=25' 01365+3048  SLN  54 distance=29' 01355+3118  STF 137 distance=46' 01349+3114  TDS1919 distance=52' 01377+3149  ES 2403 distance=53' 01419+3022  MLB 679 distance=54' 01343+3044  SKF2334 distance=59' 01426+3126  GRV  96 distance=60' 01350+3019  VAS   5 distance=60' 01342+3029  LDS1105 distance=61' 01339+3049  SHN  66 distance=62' 01366+3021  GMZ   5 distance=63' 01337+3054  SHN   3 distance=65' 01432+3130  COU 449 distance=67' 01333+3056  SKF2154 distance=70' 01441+3057  A   947 distance=70' 01336+3028  GMZ   3 distance=72' 01336+3023  HDS 207 distance=73' 01393+3211  CVR 394 distance=75' 01432+3006  MLB 680 distance=77' 01424+2955  GRV  95 distance=79' 01364+3209  SEI  18 distance=79' 01361+3210  LDS1108AB distance=81' 01361+3210  WIS  37AC distance=81' 01395+3216  SEI  19 distance=81' 01407+2941  LDS1110 distance=81' 01450+3059  KPP 863 distance=82' 01367+3215  GMZ   7 distance=83' 01366+3215  GMZ   6 distance=84' 01332+3012  SLN  53 distance=84' 01415+3215  LDS1111 distance=87' 01455+3103  GRV  97 distance=89' 01348+2935  BRT   5AB distance=96' 01348+2935  MLB1058AC distance=96' 01452+3011  WFC 249 distance=97' 01310+3059  GRV1266 distance=99' 01464+3101  KPP  79 distance=100' 01302+3109  LDS1100 distance=110' 01326+2939  GRV  90 distance=110' 01325+2939  GMZ   2 distance=111' 01299+3100  ENG   6 distance=114' 01339+2917  TDS1916 distance=117' 01332+3231  SEI  17 distance=118' 01295+3054  BUP  20AB distance=119' 01296+3025  ROE 105 distance=121' 01318+2933  GMZ   1 distance=122' 01397+2853  TDS1944 distance=125' 01382+3305  SHN  67 distance=130' 01465+2936  COU 451 distance=130' 01467+2937  HO  496 distance=132' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01387+3057 KPP2156 55 17.6 0
Show 01371+3111 TDS1932 222 1.9 25
Show 01365+3048 SLN 54 54 2.9 29
Show 01355+3118 STF 137 85 3.4 46
Show 01349+3114 TDS1919 75 0.5 52
Show 01377+3149 ES 2403 99 7.0 53
Show 01419+3022 MLB 679 238 6.5 54
Show 01343+3044 SKF2334 227 2.3 59
Show 01426+3126 GRV 96 5 45.6 60
Show 01350+3019 VAS 5 136 31.7 60
Show 01342+3029 LDS1105 106 8.0 61
Show 01339+3049 SHN 66 -1 0.4 62
Show 01366+3021 GMZ 5 109 6.3 63
Show 01337+3054 SHN 3 43 0.2 65
Show 01432+3130 COU 449 144 0.2 67
Show 01333+3056 SKF2154 318 11.1 70
Show 01441+3057 A 947 6 4.9 70
Show 01336+3028 GMZ 3 260 5.0 72
Show 01336+3023 HDS 207 311 0.1 73
Show 01393+3211 CVR 394 102 9.5 75
Show 01432+3006 MLB 680 117 2.6 77
Show 01424+2955 GRV 95 141 73.9 79
Show 01364+3209 SEI 18 158 8.2 79
Show 01361+3210 LDS1108 AB 46 70.7 81
Show 01361+3210 WIS 37 AC 289 512.5 81
Show 01395+3216 SEI 19 348 18.7 81
Show 01407+2941 LDS1110 204 25.9 81
Show 01450+3059 KPP 863 21 7.3 82
Show 01367+3215 GMZ 7 196 23.3 83
Show 01366+3215 GMZ 6 304 12.0 84
Show 01332+3012 SLN 53 99 7.6 84
Show 01415+3215 LDS1111 114 51.9 87
Show 01455+3103 GRV 97 229 64.8 89
Show 01348+2935 BRT 5 AB 213 5.8 96
Show 01348+2935 MLB1058 AC 36 79.8 96
Show 01452+3011 WFC 249 94 10.3 97
Show 01310+3059 GRV1266 2 1.4 99
Show 01464+3101 KPP 79 270 3.5 100
Show 01302+3109 LDS1100 240 4.7 110
Show 01326+2939 GRV 90 100 26.1 110
Show 01325+2939 GMZ 2 272 23.4 111
Show 01299+3100 ENG 6 341 190.7 114
Show 01339+2917 TDS1916 266 1.9 117
Show 01332+3231 SEI 17 192 25.5 118
Show 01295+3054 BUP 20 AB 258 87.1 119
Show 01296+3025 ROE 105 0 5.2 121
Show 01318+2933 GMZ 1 288 14.0 122
Show 01397+2853 TDS1944 259 0.5 125
Show 01382+3305 SHN 67 -1 0.5 130
Show 01465+2936 COU 451 80 0.2 130
Show 01467+2937 HO 496 178 14.4 132

WDS 01387+3057 : COMPONENTS
B pa=50.6°
01387+3057 A
Coord arcsec 2000 013839.23+305631.3 Mag 11.5 PmRA 39.00 PmDE -24.0
Tycho2 2293-00936-1
Tycho2 2293-00936-1 Pflag RAmdeg 24.66341623 DEmdeg 30.94199256
PmRA 30.9 PmDE -24.8 E RAmdeg 56 E DEmdeg 74
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.6 EpRAm 1986.17 EpDEm 1981.51
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 1.1 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 12.637 E BTmag 0.201 VTmag 11.540
E VTmag 0.103 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 24.66333361 DEdeg 30.94205194 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.39 E RAdeg 58.3 E DEdeg 78.3 Posflg
Corr -0.1
01387+3057 B
Coord arcsec 2000 013840.19+305641.5 Mag 12.9 PmRA 39.00 PmDE -25.0
Calc delta mag 1.4 Calc coord yes