21086-4245 SYU 12

21h 08m 38.26s -42° 44' 54.0" P.A. 224.00 sep 0.2 mag 10.30,10.40 Sp M4.4
Coord 2000 21086-4245 Discov num SYU  12 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 08 38.26 -42 44 54.0
Date first 2014 Date last 2020 Obs 5
Pa first 302 Pa last 223.5 P.A. Now (θ) 223.5°
Sep first 0.1 Sep last 0.167 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.167"
Mag pri 10.30 Mag sec 10.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class M4.4 (red)
Pri motion ra +033 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -100 Sec motion dec
Notes V K (Proper motion indicates physical, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
This double is physical.
Constellation Microscopium Gaia DR2 6580179279486143744
WDS 21086-4245 SYU 12 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SYU Shan, Y., Yee, J.C., Bowler, B.P., Cieza, L.A., Montet, B.T., Canovas, H.,
1 SYU Liu, M.C., Close, L.M., Hinz, P.M., Males, J.R., Morzinski, K.M., Vaz, A.,
1 SYU Bailey, V.P., & Follette, K.B.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21086-4245 SYU 12 2015 2 287 0.1 10.30 10.40 M4.4 VK 210838.26-424454.0
21086-4245 SYU 12 2019 3 236 0.1 10.30 10.40 M4.4 VK 210838.26-424454.0
21086-4245 SYU 12 2020 5 224 0.2 10.30 10.40 M4.4 VK 210838.26-424454.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21086-4245 SYU 12 : MEASURES
No records found.


21086-4245 SYU  12A mag 10.3 Sp M4.4 21086-4245 SYU  12B sep 0.1 P.A. 214.90 mag 10.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21086-4245 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 08m 38.26s -42° 44' 54.0"
Primaries only

21086-4245  SYU  12 distance=0' 21099-4304  UC 4395 distance=24' 21114-4215  TSN  97 distance=44' 21043-4233  DON 999 distance=49' 21050-4214  UC 4372 distance=51' 21050-4203  CPO 619 distance=58' 21125-4148  I  1436 distance=72' 21022-4300  DUN 236 distance=73' 21028-4206  TDT2712 distance=76' 21015-4246  NSN 455 distance=79' 21090-4126  UC 4390 distance=79' 21050-4357  UC 4373 distance=83' 21146-4337  CPO 621 distance=83' 21064-4123  SEE 437AB distance=86' 21064-4123  SEE 437AC distance=86' 21121-4128  BVD 153 distance=87' 21104-4114  ARU   3 distance=93' 21090-4058  CRU9016AB distance=108' 21090-4058  CRU9016AC distance=108' 21174-4157  NSN 466 distance=109' 21185-4225  RED  27 distance=111' 21136-4423  KPP 604 distance=112' 21009-4132  WIS 346 distance=113' 21175-4142  LIT  35 distance=118' 21091-4047  CPO 620AB distance=119' 21008-4123  B   513 distance=121' 21050-4441  KPP3080 distance=123' 21172-4410  TDT2884 distance=127' 21201-4233  KPP1331 distance=127' 20583-4345  I  1048 distance=128' 21172-4118  RST4079 distance=129' 21007-4111  I  1049 distance=130' 21011-4426  HJ 5238 distance=130' 21017-4431  TOK 800 distance=130' 21008-4429  TDT2693 distance=135' 21038-4041  RSS  37 distance=135' 21202-4336  DON1007 distance=137' 21212-4235  TDT2915 distance=140' 21081-4505  BVD 133 distance=140' 20578-4402  DON 995 distance=142' 21186-4116  UC 4437 distance=143' 20561-4213  UC 4335 distance=143' 20573-4136  UC 4343 distance=144' 20556-4204  BRT1116 distance=150' 21162-4041  CBL 182 distance=151' 21103-4014  CRU9017 distance=153' 21176-4445  TSN 197 distance=154' 21122-4016  CRU9018AB distance=155' 21122-4016  CRU9018AC distance=155' 21122-4016  CRU9018AD distance=155' 21122-4016  CRU9018AE distance=155' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21086-4245 SYU 12 224 0.2 0
Show 21099-4304 UC 4395 141 61.2 24
Show 21114-4215 TSN 97 227 56.4 44
Show 21043-4233 DON 999 263 4.6 49
Show 21050-4214 UC 4372 12 13.9 51
Show 21050-4203 CPO 619 252 5.6 58
Show 21125-4148 I 1436 276 0.5 72
Show 21022-4300 DUN 236 73 57.4 73
Show 21028-4206 TDT2712 309 0.7 76
Show 21015-4246 NSN 455 189 2.5 79
Show 21090-4126 UC 4390 217 35.3 79
Show 21050-4357 UC 4373 126 45.6 83
Show 21146-4337 CPO 621 23 3.6 83
Show 21064-4123 SEE 437 AB 54 43.8 86
Show 21064-4123 SEE 437 AC 88 127.8 86
Show 21121-4128 BVD 153 132 44.1 87
Show 21104-4114 ARU 3 142 0.2 93
Show 21090-4058 CRU9016 AB 82 117.7 108
Show 21090-4058 CRU9016 AC 24 137.2 108
Show 21174-4157 NSN 466 4 45.0 109
Show 21185-4225 RED 27 199 7.8 111
Show 21136-4423 KPP 604 86 5.6 112
Show 21009-4132 WIS 346 6 999.9 113
Show 21175-4142 LIT 35 248 10.5 118
Show 21091-4047 CPO 620 AB 347 20.1 119
Show 21008-4123 B 513 29 3.8 121
Show 21050-4441 KPP3080 169 8.6 123
Show 21172-4410 TDT2884 46 0.6 127
Show 21201-4233 KPP1331 324 10.1 127
Show 20583-4345 I 1048 137 1.6 128
Show 21172-4118 RST4079 21 0.2 129
Show 21007-4111 I 1049 346 1.3 130
Show 21011-4426 HJ 5238 192 36.9 130
Show 21017-4431 TOK 800 210 0.5 130
Show 21008-4429 TDT2693 106 1.8 135
Show 21038-4041 RSS 37 318 50.5 135
Show 21202-4336 DON1007 60 2.0 137
Show 21212-4235 TDT2915 61 0.4 140
Show 21081-4505 BVD 133 246 21.1 140
Show 20578-4402 DON 995 252 2.0 142
Show 21186-4116 UC 4437 295 32.3 143
Show 20561-4213 UC 4335 196 30.8 143
Show 20573-4136 UC 4343 265 17.3 144
Show 20556-4204 BRT1116 138 4.5 150
Show 21162-4041 CBL 182 152 31.3 151
Show 21103-4014 CRU9017 303 25.0 153
Show 21176-4445 TSN 197 358 0.8 154
Show 21122-4016 CRU9018 AB 212 122.8 155
Show 21122-4016 CRU9018 AC 237 146.0 155
Show 21122-4016 CRU9018 AD 250 180.1 155
Show 21122-4016 CRU9018 AE 268 219.6 155

WDS 21086-4245 : COMPONENTS
B pa=214.9°
21086-4245 A
Coord arcsec 2000 210838.26-424454.0 Mag 10.3 Spectral class M4.4 (red) PmRA 33.00
PmDE -100.0
21086-4245 B
Coord arcsec 2000 210838.25-424454.1 Mag 10.4 Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes