20100-1303 TOK 729

20h 10m 00.95s -13° 02' 46.9" P.A. 277.00 sep 1.2 mag 8.40,14.50 Sp F5V dist. 228.83 pc (746.44 l.y.)
Coord 2000 20100-1303 Discov num TOK 729 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 10 00.95 -13 02 46.9
Date first 2017 Date last 2018 Obs 2
Pa first 277 Pa last 277 P.A. Now (θ) 277°
Sep first 1.2 Sep last 1.236 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.236"
Mag pri 8.40 Mag sec 14.50 delta mag (ΔM) 6.1 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +013 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec
Notes R (Red magnitudes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Capricornus SAO 163305 HIP 99357 Tycho2 5747-00057-1
Gaia DR2 6880383504765465728 HD 191365 BD BD-13 5593 Distance 228.83
Distance ly 746.44
WDS 20100-1303 TOK 729 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TOK Tokovinin, A.A.
66 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
66 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
131 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
131 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20100-1303 TOK 729 2017 1 277 1.2 8.40 14.50 F5V R 201000.95-130246.9
20100-1303 TOK 729 2018 2 277 1.2 8.40 14.50 F5V R 201000.95-130246.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20100-1303 TOK 729 : MEASURES
No records found.


20100-1303 TOK 729A mag 8.4 Sp F5V 20100-1303 TOK 729B sep 1.2 P.A. 277.20 mag 14.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20100-1303 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 10m 00.95s -13° 02' 46.9"
WDS 20100-1303 TOK 729 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20100-1303  TOK 729 distance=1' 20105-1304  J  2298 distance=5' 20106-1308  DAM 195 distance=11' 20111-1252  HO  119 distance=20' 20083-1315  BRT2769 distance=28' 20124-1237  RAO  88CD distance=33' 20127-1312  TOK 336 distance=41' 20124-1237  BUP 206AB distance=44' 20124-1237  TDT2085AC distance=44' 20068-1256  STF2625 distance=49' 20114-1351  BRT2770 distance=53' 20064-1322  HLD 155AB distance=57' 20064-1322  HLD 155AC distance=57' 20118-1205  H 6  92 distance=64' 20120-1150  RST4053 distance=79' 20158-1301  OSW  70 distance=85' 20041-1243  UC 4074 distance=90' 20153-1217  DOO  82 distance=91' 20037-1243  TDT1943 distance=95' 20158-1222  DOO  83 distance=96' 20136-1140  DAM 634 distance=99' 20057-1420  HLD 154 distance=100' 20164-1220  BU  294AB distance=103' 20164-1220  BU  294BC distance=103' 20136-1133  RST4055 distance=104' 20170-1228  HJ 2943AB distance=110' 20170-1228  DOO  84AC distance=110' 20161-1159  KIR  22 distance=110' 20176-1250  RST4056 distance=112' 20051-1136  H 4   3 distance=113' 20156-1422  HJ 1493 distance=114' 20049-1430  KPP1718 distance=115' 20112-1109  RST4653 distance=115' 20176-1230  WZ   15CD distance=116' 20176-1230  WZ   15Aa,Ab distance=117' 20176-1230  BU  295AB (Prima Giedi) distance=117' 20176-1230  HJ  607AC (Prima Giedi) distance=117' 20075-1112  RST5152 distance=117' 20022-1237  HU   78 distance=118' 20131-1111  BRT2771AB distance=121' 20131-1111  DAM 203AC distance=121' 20181-1233  AGC  12BC distance=122' 20181-1233  HJ  608A,BC (Algedi) distance=122' 20181-1233  AGC  12AD (Algedi) distance=122' 20181-1233  STFA 51AE (Algedi) distance=122' 20181-1224  DAM 861 distance=125' 20140-1456  HJ 2937 distance=128' 20023-1157  HU   79AB distance=131' 20023-1157  B  2882AB,C distance=131' 20025-1150  RST4650 distance=133' 20177-1417  J  1701 distance=135' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20100-1303 TOK 729 277 1.2 1
Show 20105-1304 J 2298 51 5.7 5
Show 20106-1308 DAM 195 205 5.3 11
Show 20111-1252 HO 119 198 3.1 20
Show 20083-1315 BRT2769 304 4.5 28
Show 20124-1237 RAO 88 CD 273 18.0 33
Show 20127-1312 TOK 336 88 114.0 41
Show 20124-1237 BUP 206 AB 272 90.5 44
Show 20124-1237 TDT2085 AC 194 999.9 44
Show 20068-1256 STF2625 4 12.1 49
Show 20114-1351 BRT2770 10 5.5 53
Show 20064-1322 HLD 155 AB 276 1.9 57
Show 20064-1322 HLD 155 AC 239 29.9 57
Show 20118-1205 H 6 92 263 84.1 64
Show 20120-1150 RST4053 2 0.8 79
Show 20158-1301 OSW 70 93 53.6 85
Show 20041-1243 UC 4074 342 33.9 90
Show 20153-1217 DOO 82 242 15.6 91
Show 20037-1243 TDT1943 258 1.1 95
Show 20158-1222 DOO 83 63 11.3 96
Show 20136-1140 DAM 634 211 8.5 99
Show 20057-1420 HLD 154 39 1.5 100
Show 20164-1220 BU 294 AB 33 26.7 103
Show 20164-1220 BU 294 BC 177 6.6 103
Show 20136-1133 RST4055 83 3.9 104
Show 20170-1228 HJ 2943 AB 113 9.9 110
Show 20170-1228 DOO 84 AC 10 25.8 110
Show 20161-1159 KIR 22 175 38.3 110
Show 20176-1250 RST4056 82 2.7 112
Show 20051-1136 H 4 3 276 46.8 113
Show 20156-1422 HJ 1493 326 18.9 114
Show 20049-1430 KPP1718 60 13.3 115
Show 20112-1109 RST4653 155 3.5 115
Show 20176-1230 WZ 15 CD 108 31.7 116
Show 20176-1230 WZ 15 Aa,Ab 353 0.8 117
Show Prima Giedi 20176-1230 BU 295 AB 212 53.2 117
Show Prima Giedi 20176-1230 HJ 607 AC 228 47.4 117
Show 20075-1112 RST5152 147 2.6 117
Show 20022-1237 HU 78 354 2.3 118
Show 20131-1111 BRT2771 AB 130 5.9 121
Show 20131-1111 DAM 203 AC 53 5.4 121
Show 20181-1233 AGC 12 BC 241 1.2 122
Show Algedi 20181-1233 HJ 608 A,BC 196 6.6 122
Show Algedi 20181-1233 AGC 12 AD 159 153.4 122
Show Algedi 20181-1233 STFA 51 AE 290 381.2 122
Show 20181-1224 DAM 861 41 11.9 125
Show 20140-1456 HJ 2937 89 9.3 128
Show 20023-1157 HU 79 AB 235 0.5 131
Show 20023-1157 B 2882 AB,C 289 3.8 131
Show 20025-1150 RST4650 335 8.0 133
Show 20177-1417 J 1701 79 5.0 135

WDS 20100-1303 : COMPONENTS
B pa=277.2°
20100-1303 A
Coord arcsec 2000 201000.95-130246.9 Mag 8.4 Spectral class F5V (yellow-white) PmRA 13.00
PmDE -1.0 SAO 163305 HIP 99357 Tycho2 5747-00057-1
HD 191365 BD BD-13 5593
Tycho2 5747-00057-1 Pflag RAmdeg 302.50396592 DEmdeg -13.04636626
PmRA 15.3 PmDE -5.3 E RAmdeg 9 E DEmdeg 9
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.1 EpRAm 1989.79 EpDEm 1989.29
Num 13 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 9.049 E BTmag 0.021 VTmag 8.443
E VTmag 0.017 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 99357
CCDM RAdeg 302.50392917 DEdeg -13.04635250 EpRA 1990 1.66
EpDE 1990 1.63 E RAdeg 9.7 E DEdeg 10.3 Posflg
Corr -0.1
SAO 163305 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.0045
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.004 Vmag 8.3 SpType F8
Double code Source 20 CatNum 7093 DM BD-13 5593
DMcomp BDsup HD 191365 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 5.26754929 DE1950rad -0.23028643 PmRA2000 0.0047
PmDE2000 0.004
Catalog H HIP 99357 Proxy RAhms 20 10 00.94
DEdms -13 02 46.9 Vmag 8.36 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 302.504 DEdeg -13.0464 AstroRef Plx 5.33
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 191365 BD BD-13 5593
CD CP Dm number -13 5593 VIred 0.68
SpType F5V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 201000.94-130246.9
Hipparcos 2
HIP 99357 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 5.2796894739 DErad -0.2277018236 Plx 4.37 PmRA 12.73
PmDE -1.42 E RArad 0.9 E DErad 0.68 E Plx 1.01
E pmRA 1.14 E pmDE 1.05 Hpmag 8.4918 E Hpmag 0.0026
SHp 0.016 VA 0 BV 0.616 E BV 0.015
VI 0.68
20100-1303 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201000.87-130246.7 Mag 14.5 Calc delta mag 6.1 Calc coord yes