00067+2850 FYM 562

00h 06m 40.89s +28° 49' 42.4" P.A. 289.00 sep 16.0 mag 9.10,14.70 Sp G0
Coord 2000 00067+2850 Discov num FYM 562 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 06 40.89 +28 49 42.4
Date first 1992 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 288 Pa last 288.5 P.A. Now (θ) 288.5°
Sep first 15.8 Sep last 16 Sep. Now (ρ) 16"
Mag pri 9.10 Mag sec 14.70 delta mag (ΔM) 5.6 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra +059 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -067 Sec motion dec
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Tycho2 1735-01165-1 Gaia DR2 2860170150069901824
WDS 00067+2850 FYM 562 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 FYM Fay, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00067+2850 FYM 562 2016 7 289 16.0 9.10 14.70 G0 V 000640.89+284942.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00067+2850 FYM 562 : MEASURES
No records found.


00067+2850 FYM 562A mag 9.1 Sp G0 00067+2850 FYM 562B sep 14.2 P.A. 290.90 mag 14.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00067+2850 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 06m 40.89s +28° 49' 42.4"
WDS 00067+2850 FYM 562 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00067+2850  FYM 562 distance=0' 00071+2846  SKF1817 distance=7' 00066+2901  BU 1338CD distance=10' 00066+2901  STT 549AB distance=12' 00066+2901  ENG   1A,CD distance=12' 00066+2901  LAF  21AE distance=12' 00058+2855  HEI 831 distance=13' 00084+2905  MKT  11Aa,Ab (Alpheratz) distance=28' 00084+2905  H 5  32AB (Alpheratz) distance=28' 00084+2905  JNN   1AC (Alpheratz) distance=28' 00058+2917  SKF1816 distance=31' 00048+2912  SKF1656 distance=34' 00043+2829  LDS3117 distance=37' 00055+2926  SKF1815 distance=39' 00089+2916  GRV   9 distance=41' 00089+2822  RAO 178 distance=41' 00063+2803  SKF1598 distance=48' 00029+2844  MLB 509 distance=51' 00110+2843  J   867 distance=57' 00059+2754  SKF1067 distance=57' 00072+2752  SKF1818 distance=59' 00110+2908  COU 346 distance=59' 00031+2929  MLB 510 distance=62' 00039+2759  A   429AB distance=63' 00039+2759  HJ 1929AB,C distance=63' 00021+2929  SLW   1 distance=72' 00118+2825  BU  255 distance=73' 00060+2736  RAO 177 distance=75' 00055+2736  J   865AB distance=75' 00055+2736  J   865AC distance=75' 00090+2738  GIC   1AB distance=78' 00090+2738  PWS   1AC distance=78' 00115+2936  HO    1 distance=78' 00013+2925  LDS5155 distance=79' 00049+3005  A  1250AB distance=80' 00049+3005  STT 548AC distance=80' 00122+2936  CBL 563 distance=86' 00002+2855  TVB  17 distance=86' 00115+2949  MLB 441AB distance=87' 00115+2949  MLB 441AC distance=87' 00115+2949  MLB 441BC distance=87' 00005+2820  SLW9015 distance=87' 00115+2949  MLB 441CD distance=87' 00113+2953  MLB 631AB distance=88' 00113+2953  MLB 631AC distance=88' 00113+2953  MLB 631AD distance=88' 00059+2720  SLW   5 distance=91' 00042+3015  SKF1940 distance=91' 00052+3020  STF3058 distance=93' 00136+2828  MLB 553 distance=94' 00099+3014  MLB 552 distance=95' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00067+2850 FYM 562 289 16.0 0
Show 00071+2846 SKF1817 160 1.6 7
Show 00066+2901 BU 1338 CD 211 3.3 10
Show 00066+2901 STT 549 AB 260 193.6 12
Show 00066+2901 ENG 1 A,CD 200 139.7 12
Show 00066+2901 LAF 21 AE 83 10.2 12
Show 00058+2855 HEI 831 136 1.9 13
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 MKT 11 Aa,Ab 241 0.0 28
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 H 5 32 AB 286 93.1 28
Show Alpheratz 00084+2905 JNN 1 AC 5 6.7 28
Show 00058+2917 SKF1816 35 1.6 31
Show 00048+2912 SKF1656 189 2.1 34
Show 00043+2829 LDS3117 5 68.0 37
Show 00055+2926 SKF1815 53 1.9 39
Show 00089+2916 GRV 9 37 17.8 41
Show 00089+2822 RAO 178 117 1.0 41
Show 00063+2803 SKF1598 123 1.0 48
Show 00029+2844 MLB 509 329 3.3 51
Show 00110+2843 J 867 190 1.3 57
Show 00059+2754 SKF1067 19 1.3 57
Show 00072+2752 SKF1818 43 6.4 59
Show 00110+2908 COU 346 305 0.3 59
Show 00031+2929 MLB 510 139 5.5 62
Show 00039+2759 A 429 AB 319 0.6 63
Show 00039+2759 HJ 1929 AB,C 288 5.2 63
Show 00021+2929 SLW 1 192 16.8 72
Show 00118+2825 BU 255 66 0.5 73
Show 00060+2736 RAO 177 215 1.5 75
Show 00055+2736 J 865 AB 78 1.5 75
Show 00055+2736 J 865 AC 9 25.4 75
Show 00090+2738 GIC 1 AB 320 68.7 78
Show 00090+2738 PWS 1 AC 15 40.8 78
Show 00115+2936 HO 1 158 1.3 78
Show 00013+2925 LDS5155 268 256.7 79
Show 00049+3005 A 1250 AB 41 0.9 80
Show 00049+3005 STT 548 AC 64 28.6 80
Show 00122+2936 CBL 563 151 12.5 86
Show 00002+2855 TVB 17 322 11.9 86
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 AB 359 14.3 87
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 AC 351 50.5 87
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 BC 348 36.1 87
Show 00005+2820 SLW9015 120 1.9 87
Show 00115+2949 MLB 441 CD 139 6.4 87
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AB 270 8.3 88
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AC 41 49.4 88
Show 00113+2953 MLB 631 AD 274 2.2 88
Show 00059+2720 SLW 5 236 163.6 91
Show 00042+3015 SKF1940 200 1.2 91
Show 00052+3020 STF3058 51 12.6 93
Show 00136+2828 MLB 553 44 7.9 94
Show 00099+3014 MLB 552 189 8.2 95

WDS 00067+2850 : COMPONENTS
B pa=290.9°
00067+2850 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000640.89+284942.4 Mag 9.1 Spectral class G0 (yellow) PmRA 59.00
PmDE -67.0 Tycho2 1735-01165-1
Tycho2 1735-01165-1 Pflag RAmdeg 1.67036618 DEmdeg 28.82845373
PmRA 58.6 PmDE -66.6 E RAmdeg 11 E DEmdeg 13
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.3 EpRAm 1990.65 EpDEm 1989.11
Num 8 Q RAmdeg 0.5 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 9.877 E BTmag 0.025 VTmag 9.139
E VTmag 0.018 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 1.67021250 DEdeg 28.82860944 EpRA 1990 1.71
EpDE 1990 1.52 E RAdeg 10.6 E DEdeg 13.7 Posflg
Corr 0.0
00067+2850 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000639.88+284947.5 Mag 14.7 Calc delta mag 5.6 Calc coord yes