00220+2445 POU 22

00h 21m 59.24s +24° 45' 53.8" P.A. 229.00 sep 3.4 mag 11.85,13.20
Coord 2000 00220+2445 Discov num POU  22 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 21 59.24 +24 45 53.8
Date first 1899 Date last 2015 Obs 4
Pa first 296 Pa last 228.9 P.A. Now (θ) 228.9°
Sep first 4.6 Sep last 3.365 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.365"
Mag pri 11.85 Mag sec 13.20 delta mag (ΔM) 1.35 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 1730-00119-1 Gaia DR2 2855287695671028992
WDS 00220+2445 POU 22 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 POU Pourteau, M. A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00220+2445 POU 22 2007 2 235 3.3 11.85 13.20 002159.24+244553.8
00220+2445 POU 22 2015 4 229 3.4 11.85 13.20 002159.24+244553.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00220+2445 POU 22 : MEASURES
No records found.


00220+2445 POU  22A mag 11.85 00220+2445 POU  22B sep 3.2 P.A. 226.10 mag 13.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00220+2445 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 21m 59.24s +24° 45' 53.8"
Primaries only

00220+2445  POU  22 distance=1' 00227+2434  HJL1003 distance=16' 00216+2501  POU  20 distance=17' 00227+2508  POU  23 distance=25' 00200+2443  POU  19 distance=28' 00241+2430  TDS1442 distance=34' 00235+2418  CRC   1 distance=35' 00218+2411  POU  21 distance=35' 00245+2511  POU  24 distance=43' 00196+2512  POU  18 distance=43' 00185+2503  POU  17 distance=51' 00251+2414  POU  26AB distance=54' 00251+2414  POU  27AC distance=54' 00247+2407  POU  25 distance=54' 00260+2455  SLW  20 distance=56' 00260+2434  KPP 823 distance=56' 00213+2541  COU 348 distance=56' 00255+2402  SLW  19 distance=66' 00170+2444  POU  16 distance=69' 00261+2359  HU  407 distance=74' 00187+2545  HJ 1015AB distance=74' 00187+2545  HJ 1015AC distance=74' 00166+2434  HU  405 distance=75' 00275+2423  POU  28 distance=79' 00166+2414  POU  15 distance=80' 00269+2356  TDS1466 distance=84' 00282+2421  POU  29 distance=89' 00254+2603  LDS3166 distance=91' 00159+2526  POU  14 distance=92' 00152+2454  GIC   4 distance=93' 00204+2617  CHE   6 distance=94' 00185+2608  STF  24 distance=96' 00269+2555  CVR 321 distance=97' 00236+2621  CHE  19 distance=98' 00148+2432  TDS1356 distance=100' 00234+2624  CHE  17BC distance=100' 00234+2624  CHE  17AB distance=100' 00234+2624  CHE  17AC distance=100' 00146+2508  POU  13 distance=103' 00160+2551  BUP   4 distance=104' 00292+2527  POU  30 distance=108' 00279+2334  BU  779 distance=108' 00145+2409  POU  12 distance=109' 00199+2633  CHE   4 distance=112' 00140+2507  POU  10 distance=112' 00243+2634  CHE  22 distance=114' 00195+2634  CHE   3AB distance=114' 00195+2634  CHE   3AC distance=114' 00140+2527  POU  11 distance=117' 00294+2348  POU  32 distance=118' 00177+2630  BUP   5AB distance=118' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00220+2445 POU 22 229 3.4 1
Show 00227+2434 HJL1003 252 74.3 16
Show 00216+2501 POU 20 205 9.2 17
Show 00227+2508 POU 23 339 4.8 25
Show 00200+2443 POU 19 351 2.5 28
Show 00241+2430 TDS1442 313 0.5 34
Show 00235+2418 CRC 1 254 2.3 35
Show 00218+2411 POU 21 35 3.3 35
Show 00245+2511 POU 24 303 4.0 43
Show 00196+2512 POU 18 247 5.4 43
Show 00185+2503 POU 17 163 7.9 51
Show 00251+2414 POU 26 AB 109 15.3 54
Show 00251+2414 POU 27 AC 57 4.8 54
Show 00247+2407 POU 25 63 5.6 54
Show 00260+2455 SLW 20 20 159.8 56
Show 00260+2434 KPP 823 118 7.0 56
Show 00213+2541 COU 348 97 0.7 56
Show 00255+2402 SLW 19 109 10.9 66
Show 00170+2444 POU 16 99 14.1 69
Show 00261+2359 HU 407 332 1.1 74
Show 00187+2545 HJ 1015 AB 286 5.4 74
Show 00187+2545 HJ 1015 AC 252 28.0 74
Show 00166+2434 HU 405 295 1.2 75
Show 00275+2423 POU 28 216 15.0 79
Show 00166+2414 POU 15 25 2.9 80
Show 00269+2356 TDS1466 16 0.3 84
Show 00282+2421 POU 29 44 9.6 89
Show 00254+2603 LDS3166 72 42.2 91
Show 00159+2526 POU 14 117 15.2 92
Show 00152+2454 GIC 4 146 999.9 93
Show 00204+2617 CHE 6 184 12.1 94
Show 00185+2608 STF 24 247 5.0 96
Show 00269+2555 CVR 321 239 28.4 97
Show 00236+2621 CHE 19 355 7.8 98
Show 00148+2432 TDS1356 281 0.6 100
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 BC 218 8.0 100
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 AB 222 12.7 100
Show 00234+2624 CHE 17 AC 221 20.7 100
Show 00146+2508 POU 13 230 8.0 103
Show 00160+2551 BUP 4 306 129.1 104
Show 00292+2527 POU 30 48 2.6 108
Show 00279+2334 BU 779 246 0.6 108
Show 00145+2409 POU 12 245 13.1 109
Show 00199+2633 CHE 4 204 4.2 112
Show 00140+2507 POU 10 185 6.7 112
Show 00243+2634 CHE 22 261 22.6 114
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AB 62 16.5 114
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AC 22 29.0 114
Show 00140+2527 POU 11 305 6.1 117
Show 00294+2348 POU 32 292 3.3 118
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 AB 201 77.5 118

WDS 00220+2445 : COMPONENTS
B pa=226.1°
00220+2445 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002159.24+244553.8 Mag 11.85 PmRA -1.00 PmDE -5.0
Tycho2 1730-00119-1
Tycho2 1730-00119-1 Pflag RAmdeg 5.49684804 DEmdeg 24.76495324
PmRA -1.2 PmDE -4.3 E RAmdeg 80 E DEmdeg 96
E pmRA 2.0 E pmDE 2.2 EpRAm 1972.55 EpDEm 1963.09
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.1 Q DEmdeg 0.2 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 0.2 BTmag 12.950 E BTmag 0.287 VTmag 11.851
E VTmag 0.176 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 5.49685139 DEdeg 24.76496361 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 1.44 E RAdeg 89.4 E DEdeg 114.1 Posflg
Corr -0.1
00220+2445 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002159.07+244551.6 Mag 13.2 Calc delta mag 1.35 Calc coord yes