20196+6215 GUL 2 (71 Dra)

20h 19m 36.70s +62° 15' 26.7" P.A. 347.00 sep 0.3 mag 5.80,8.10 Sp B9V dist. 115.87 pc (377.97 l.y.)
Coord 2000 20196+6215 Discov num GUL   2 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 19 36.70 +62 15 26.7
Date first 2015 Date last 2015 Obs 1
Pa first 347 Pa last 346.8 P.A. Now (θ) 346.8°
Sep first 0.3 Sep last 0.25 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.25"
Mag pri 5.80 Mag sec 8.10 delta mag (ΔM) 2.3 Spectral class B9V (blue-white)
Pri motion ra +018 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +024 Sec motion dec
Notes N K (See Notes, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name 71 Dra Var name DE Dra Constellation Draco SAO 18807
HIP 100221 Tycho2 4237-02169-1 Gaia DR2 2243143328580355584 HD 193964
HR 7792 GC 28304 BD BD+61 2000 Flamsteed 71 Draconis
Flamsteed name 71 Dra Distance 115.87 Distance ly 377.97
WDS 20196+6215 GUL 2 (71 Dra) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GUL 2 Also an unresolved 5.298d spectroscopic binary. Mug2017b
refcode metd author reference
Mug2017b not - Bischoff, R., Mugrauer, M., Zehe, T., Wockel, D., Pannicke, A., Lux, O., 2017AN....338..671B
Mug2017b Wagner, D., Heyne, T., Adam, C. & Neuhauser, R.
Mug2017b AN 338, 671, 2017
idgroup discov author
1 GUL Gullikson, K., Kraus, A., & Dodson-Robinson, S.
2 MUG Mugrauer, M., Neuhauser, R., Guenther, E., Hatzes, A.P., Huelamo, N.,
2 MUG Fernandez, M., Ammler, M., Retzlaff, J., et al.
37 MUG Bischoff, R., Mugrauer, M., Zehe, T., Wockel, D., Pannicke, A., Lux, O.,
37 MUG Wagner, D., Heyne, T., Adam, C. & Neuhauser, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20196+6215 GUL 2 2015 1 347 0.3 5.80 8.10 B9V K 201936.70+621526.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20196+6215 GUL 2 (71 Dra) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 20196+6215 (71 Dra) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

20196+6215 GUL   2A mag 5.8 Sp B9V 20196+6215 GUL   2B sep 0.2 P.A. 353.80 mag 8.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20196+6215 (71 Dra) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 19m 36.70s +62° 15' 26.7"
WDS 20196+6215 GUL 2 (71 Dra) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20196+6215  GUL   2 distance=1' 20198+6235  LDS1470 distance=20' 20207+6157  STI 968 distance=21' 20202+6236  HU  958 distance=21' 20227+6224  STI 973 distance=24' 20193+6152  STI 965 distance=24' 20240+6222  ES 1854 distance=32' 20193+6142  TDT2165 distance=34' 20194+6135  STI 966 distance=41' 20145+6152  LDS2793 distance=43' 20254+6237  TDT2259 distance=46' 20263+6224  STI 981 distance=48' 20129+6236  STI 954 distance=51' 20269+6220  STI 982 distance=52' 20185+6122  LDS1469 distance=55' 20202+6118  LDS1471 distance=56' 20116+6205  LDS2791 distance=58' 20185+6313  HJ 2958 distance=59' 20109+6211  LDS2789 distance=62' 20251+6118  MLR 503 distance=70' 20097+6220  ES 1853 distance=70' 20234+6108  STI 974 distance=72' 20111+6133  KPP3355 distance=74' 20303+6226  STI 985 distance=75' 20089+6205  STF2652 distance=76' 20081+6227  STI 946 distance=81' 20258+6325  STI 979 distance=82' 20080+6225  BVD 335 distance=82' 20313+6156  TDT2335 distance=85' 20317+6228  BU  671 distance=85' 20213+6341  STI 971 distance=87' 20211+6048  FOX  92 distance=88' 20178+6343  STI 962 distance=89' 20198+6333  LDS2451 distance=89' 20067+6214  TOR  22 distance=91' 20073+6143  ES 1852AB distance=93' 20073+6143  WAL 128AC distance=93' 20212+6043  STI 970 distance=94' 20210+6041  MLB 140 distance=96' 20313+6121  STI 987 distance=100' 20085+6113  TDT2015 distance=101' 20212+6359  BU 1134 distance=104' 20086+6328  STI 948 distance=105' 20308+6107  HU  761 distance=106' 20137+6353  LDS2449 distance=106' 20082+6109  MLR 502 distance=107' 20043+6225  STI 943 distance=108' 20351+6233  TDT2397 distance=110' 20249+6027  TDT2250 distance=116' 20030+6215  STI 942 distance=116' 20171+6410  STI 961 distance=116' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20196+6215 GUL 2 347 0.3 1
Show 20198+6235 LDS1470 128 12.7 20
Show 20207+6157 STI 968 87 12.9 21
Show 20202+6236 HU 958 354 0.9 21
Show 20227+6224 STI 973 65 4.0 24
Show 20193+6152 STI 965 315 11.8 24
Show 20240+6222 ES 1854 298 2.4 32
Show 20193+6142 TDT2165 15 1.3 34
Show 20194+6135 STI 966 143 7.0 41
Show 20145+6152 LDS2793 294 1.4 43
Show 20254+6237 TDT2259 158 2.1 46
Show 20263+6224 STI 981 148 9.9 48
Show 20129+6236 STI 954 286 9.4 51
Show 20269+6220 STI 982 94 6.9 52
Show 20185+6122 LDS1469 345 9.7 55
Show 20202+6118 LDS1471 142 8.4 56
Show 20116+6205 LDS2791 252 93.0 58
Show 20185+6313 HJ 2958 316 9.5 59
Show 20109+6211 LDS2789 197 22.6 62
Show 20251+6118 MLR 503 3 0.2 70
Show 20097+6220 ES 1853 293 4.3 70
Show 20234+6108 STI 974 58 7.8 72
Show 20111+6133 KPP3355 150 19.0 74
Show 20303+6226 STI 985 167 7.6 75
Show 20089+6205 STF2652 211 0.3 76
Show 20081+6227 STI 946 302 5.3 81
Show 20258+6325 STI 979 52 6.7 82
Show 20080+6225 BVD 335 39 9.7 82
Show 20313+6156 TDT2335 250 1.7 85
Show 20317+6228 BU 671 316 0.4 85
Show 20213+6341 STI 971 141 7.1 87
Show 20211+6048 FOX 92 84 5.2 88
Show 20178+6343 STI 962 182 14.9 89
Show 20198+6333 LDS2451 85 25.4 89
Show 20067+6214 TOR 22 316 14.9 91
Show 20073+6143 ES 1852 AB 156 6.4 93
Show 20073+6143 WAL 128 AC 22 19.0 93
Show 20212+6043 STI 970 152 12.8 94
Show 20210+6041 MLB 140 123 5.1 96
Show 20313+6121 STI 987 36 5.4 100
Show 20085+6113 TDT2015 258 1.1 101
Show 20212+6359 BU 1134 81 4.3 104
Show 20086+6328 STI 948 321 17.9 105
Show 20308+6107 HU 761 128 0.5 106
Show 20137+6353 LDS2449 165 24.9 106
Show 20082+6109 MLR 502 39 0.2 107
Show 20043+6225 STI 943 78 13.5 108
Show 20351+6233 TDT2397 87 1.9 110
Show 20249+6027 TDT2250 349 1.4 116
Show 20030+6215 STI 942 93 9.4 116
Show 20171+6410 STI 961 179 6.7 116

WDS 20196+6215 : COMPONENTS
B pa=353.8°
20196+6215 A
Name 71 Dra Coord arcsec 2000 201936.70+621526.7 Mag 5.8 Spectral class B9V (blue-white)
PmRA 18.00 PmDE 24.0 SAO 18807 HIP 100221
Tycho2 4237-02169-1 HD 193964 HR 7792 GC 28304
BD BD+61 2000 Flamsteed 71 Draconis Flamsteed name 71 Dra
Tycho2 4237-02169-1 Pflag RAmdeg 304.90299254 DEmdeg 62.25747566
PmRA 16.4 PmDE 25.7 E RAmdeg 3 E DEmdeg 3
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.4 EpRAm 1991.70 EpDEm 1991.74
Num 9 Q RAmdeg 1.7 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 5.650 E BTmag 0.014 VTmag 5.701
E VTmag 0.009 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 100221
CCDM RAdeg 304.90291194 DEdeg 62.25741722 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.81 E RAdeg 3.4 E DEdeg 3.4 Posflg
Corr 0.0
SAO 18807 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 0.001
DE1950 PmDE1950 0.029 Vmag 5.6 SpType B9
Double code Source 70 CatNum 28304 DM BD+61 2000
DMcomp BDsup HD 193964 M HD 0
GC 28304 RA1950rad 5.31792657 DE1950rad 1.08381876 PmRA2000 0.0015
PmDE2000 0.026
Catalog H HIP 100221 Proxy RAhms 20 19 36.70
DEdms +62 15 26.7 Vmag 5.71 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 304.903 DEdeg 62.2574 AstroRef Plx 8.62
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 193964 BD BD+61 2000
CD CP Dm number +61 2000 VIred -0.02
SpType B9V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 201936.70+621526.7
Hipparcos 2
HIP 100221 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 5.3215596157 DErad 1.0865968462 Plx 8.63 PmRA 18.13
PmDE 23.89 E RArad 0.26 E DErad 0.22 E Plx 0.26
E pmRA 0.34 E pmDE 0.23 Hpmag 5.7055 E Hpmag 0.0005
SHp 0.006 VA 0 BV -0.043 E BV 0.007
VI -0.02
20196+6215 B
Coord arcsec 2000 201936.70+621526.9 Mag 8.1 Calc delta mag 2.3 Calc coord yes